Working with the Endpoint Details Page

You can perform a number of tasks related to endpoints from the Endpoint Details page. You perform most of these tasks regardless of the tab selected. However, certain tasks are specific to certain tabs.

To perform most tasks associated with endpoints, click a toolbar button. To perform some tasks, selecting one or multiple endpoints from the page list may be necessary.

The following list displays the tasks you can perform from the Endpoint Details page.

For additional information about features included in the default installation, refer to Working with the Endpoint Details Page in the Ivanti Endpoint Security Help.

Viewing the Agent Uninstall Password

If you need to uninstall the agent from an endpoint, you will be prompted to enter a password during the uninstall. You can view this uninstall password from the Endpoint Details page for the endpoint.

View the agent uninstall password from the endpoint's Endpoint Details page Information tab.

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Manage > Endpoints.
  2. Click the Name link for the relevant endpoint.
    The Endpoints Details page opens to the Information tab.
  3. From the toolbar, click View.
    The Agent Uninstall Password dialog opens, displaying the password. Record the password if necessary. Close the dialog when you are done.
The Agent Uninstall Password Dialog

The Agent Uninstall Password dialog contains the endpoint's name and the password that is required to uninstall the agent locally from an endpoint.

The following table describes the fields that appear on the Agent Uninstall Password dialog.



Endpoint name

The endpoint's name.

Agent uninstall password

The password required to uninstall the agent from the endpoint locally.

Upgrading the Agent on a Single Endpoint

From the Endpoint Details page, you can upgrade the Ivanti Endpoint Security Agent installed on the endpoint to a newer version.

Define the agent version for the endpoint from the Information tab.

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Manage > Endpoints.
  2. Click the link associated with endpoint you want to define agent version(s) for.
    The Endpoint Details page for the endpoint opens to the Information tab.
  3. Click Agent Versions.
    The Manage Agent Versions dialog opens.
  4. Select an agent version from the Agent Version list.

    The agent versions available for selections are defined from the Options page. For additional information, refer to Configuring the Agents Tab.

  5. Click OK.
    The Manage Agent Versions dialog closes. If an agent version other than the defined version is installed on the endpoints, the defined version is installed over the previous version.

Enabling Content

After disabling a content item, you can re-enable it from the Vulnerabilities/Patch Content tab. You can only deploy enabled content.

You can re-enable content from the Endpoint Details page Vulnerabilities/Patch Content tab.

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Manage > Endpoints.
  2. Click the link in the Name column that corresponds to the endpoint for which you want to enable content for.
    The Endpoints Details page opens with the Information tab selected by default.
  3. Select the Vulnerabilities/Patch Content tab.
  4. [Optional] Use the page filters to sort content.
  5. Select one or multiple disabled content items from the list.
  6. Click Enable.
    The content item displays with the Enabled icon in the status column.

Disabling Content

Disabling a content item will prevent that content item from being deployed.

You can disable content from the Endpoint Details page Vulnerabilities/Patch Content tab.

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Manage > Endpoints.
  2. Click the link in the Name column that corresponds to the endpoint for which you want to disable content for.
    The Endpoints Details page opens with the Information tab selected by default.
  3. Select the Vulnerabilities/Patch Content tab.
  4. [Optional] Use the page filters to sort content.
  5. Select one or multiple content items from the list.
  6. Click Disable.

    If you disable a content item that's already been cached, the package will not be updated if a new version of the content item is released.

  7. The content item displays with the disabled icon in the status column.

Updating the Cache

Updating the cache initiates a process that gathers the packages associated with the selected vulnerability and copies those packages to your Ivanti Patch and Remediation Server.

You can update the cache for content from the Endpoint Detail page Vulnerabilities/Patch Content tab.

For optimum installation order, Ivanti recommends caching content prior to deployment. Failure to cache content prior to deployment may result in repeated endpoint reboots that interrupt work flow on those endpoints.

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Manage > Endpoints.
  2. Click the link in the Name column that corresponds to the endpoint for which you want to cache content for.
    The Endpoints Details page opens with the Information tab selected by default.
  3. Select the Vulnerabilities/Patch Content tab.
  4. [Optional] Use the page filters to sort content.
  5. Select the check boxes associated with the content to cache.
  6. Click Update Cache.
    The Warning dialog box opens, informing you that the update request and this action may take an extended period of time.

    The cache will not be updated for disabled content items that have had a new version released.

  7. Click OK.
    The selected content begins caching.

Deploying Content (Endpoint Details Page)

Within Ivanti Endpoint Security, content can be deployed from a number of pages, including the tabs of the Endpoints Details page. When deploying from this page, the Deployment Wizard is pre-configured according to the tab you deploy from.

For additional information, refer to About Deployments.

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Manage > Endpoints.
  2. Select the Patch and Remediation tab.
  3. Click the link in the Name column that corresponds to the endpoint for which you want to deploy content for.
    The Endpoints Details page opens.
  4. Deploy content.
    To deploy content, select a tab and complete the applicable sub-steps. Tab selection controls how the Deployment Wizard is pre-configured for deployment.



    To deploy content from the Information tab:

    1. Ensure the Information tab is selected.
    2. Click Deploy.
      The Deployment Wizard opens, pre-configured to deploy content to the selected endpoint.

    To deploy content from the Vulnerabilities/Patch Content tab:

    1. Select the Vulnerabilities/Patch Content tab.
    2. Select the content you want to deploy.
    3. Click Deploy.
      The Deployment Wizard opens, pre-configured to deploy the selected content to the selected endpoint.

    To deploy content from the Deployments and Tasks page:

    1. Select the Deployments and Tasks tab.
    2. Click Deploy.

After Completing This Task:
Review Using the Deployment Wizard and complete subsequent tasks.

Enabling an Endpoint

Enabling an endpoint includes the endpoint in the content management activities of the Ivanti Endpoint Security.

You can enable an endpoint from the Endpoint Details page.

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Manage > Endpoints.
  2. Click the link in the Name column that corresponds to the endpoint that you want to enable.
    The Endpoints Details page opens with the Information tab selected by default.
  3. Click Enable.
    The endpoint is enabled.

Disabling an Endpoint

Disabling an endpoint stops agent functions on an endpoint. Disabled endpoints are not included in security management activity.

You can disable an endpoint from the Endpoint Details page.

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Manage > Endpoints.

  2. Click the link in the Name column that corresponds with the endpoint you want to disable.
    The Endpoints Details page opens with the Information tab selected by default.
  3. Click Disable.
    A disable confirmation dialog displays.
  4. In the confirmation dialog box, click OK.
    The endpoint is disabled. After disabling an agent, the endpoint can be deleted from Ivanti Endpoint Security.

    Once disabled, the endpoint may not appear in the Endpoints page list based on the Status filter settings. To include disabled devices in the list, ensure you select Disabled or All in the Status filter.

Enabling Deployments

Enabling deployments resumes disabled (or paused) deployments to continue.

You can enable deployments from the Endpoint Details page Deployments and Tasks tab.

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Manage > Endpoints.
  2. Click the link in the Name column that corresponds to the endpoint for which you want to enable deployments for.
    The Endpoints Details page opens with the Information tab selected by default.
  3. Select the Deployments and Tasks tab.
  4. [Optional] Use the page filters to sort deployments.
  5. Select the disabled deployments you want to enable.
  6. Click Enable.
    The selected deployments are enabled.

Disabling Deployments

Disabling deployments pauses deployments and stops the distribution of package(s) to an endpoint that has not already received the deployment.

You can disable deployments for a specific endpoint from the Endpoint Details page Deployments and Tasks tab.

You cannot disable deployments of system task packages.

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Manage > Endpoints.
  2. Click the link in the Name column that corresponds to the endpoint for which you want to disable deployments for.
    The Endpoints Details page opens with the Information tab selected by default.
  3. Select the Deployments and Tasks tab.
  4. [Optional] Use the page filters to sort deployments.
  5. Select the deployments you want to disable.
  6. Click Disable.
    The selected deployments are disabled.

Aborting Deployments

Aborting deployments cancels deployments for the endpoint that has not already received the deployment.

The endpoints that have already received the deployment will not be affected. The deployment will be aborted for endpoints that have not yet received the deployment.

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Manage > Endpoints.
  2. Click the link in the Name column that corresponds to the endpoint for which you want to abort deployments for.
    The Endpoints Details page opens with the Information tab selected by default.
  3. Select the Deployments and Tasks tab.
  4. [Optional] Use the page filters to sort deployments.
  5. Select the deployments you wish to abort.
  6. Click Abort.
    A confirmation message displays, asking you to confirm that you want to abort the deployment.
  7. Click OK to confirm that you want to abort the deployment.
    The selected deployment is canceled.

    You cannot abort system tasks or Mandatory Baseline deployments.

Deleting Deployments

Deleting deployments removes them from Ivanti Endpoint Security. Delete a deployment if you to prevent its content from reaching endpoints.

You can delete deployments for individual endpoints from their Endpoint Details page Deployments and Tasks tab.

Deleting deployments has no effect on endpoints that have already received the deployments. You cannot delete system task deployments.

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Manage > Endpoints.
  2. Click the link in the Name column that corresponds to the endpoint for which you want to delete deployments for.
    The Endpoints Details page opens with the Information tab selected by default.
  3. Select the Deployments and Tasks tab.
  4. [Optional] Use the page filters to sort deployments.
  5. Select the deployments you want to delete.
  6. Click Delete.

    Before you can delete a deployment in progress, you must abort the deployments

  7. A confirmation message displays, asking you to confirm that you want to delete the selected deployments.

  8. Click OK to delete the deployments.

Managing Endpoint Modules

You may select which module license an endpoint's agent uses. Using this feature allows you control which modules apply to a particular endpoint.

Manage modules for individual endpoints from the Add/Remove Modules dialog.

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Manage > Endpoints.
  2. Click the link for the endpoint you want to work with.
    The Endpoints Details page opens.
  3. Click Manage Modules.
    The Add/Remove Modules dialog opens.
  4. Manage modules for each endpoint.
    • Select an empty check box to add a module.
    • Clear selected check boxes to remove a module.
  5. Click OK.
    The Add/Remove Modules dialog closes and modules are either installed or uninstalled according to your changes.

Viewing Individual Assessment Results

After you have collected security assessment data from your managed endpoints, you can view assessment results for the individual assessments performed on an endpoint. Assessment details include a narrative description of the assessment and the criteria applied to determine passed/failed status.

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Manage > Endpoints.
  2. Click the link in the Name column that corresponds to the endpoint that you want to export security configuration assessment data for.
    The Endpoints Details page opens with the Information tab selected by default.
  3. Select the Security Configuration tab.
  4. Click the Expand button to view a security configuration benchmark. Continue expanding the assessment groups until the individual assessments are displayed.
  5. Click the hyperlink for the individual assessment that you want to view.
    The Assessment Details window for the assessment displays.
  6. Click the Expand button to view the registry location evaluated by the assessment.
  7. To change the way the data is displayed in the window, perform one of the following.
    • Click Table to display the data in a formatted table. This is the default view.
    • Click XML to display the data in its native XML format.

Using Scan Now (Endpoint Details Page)

You can initiate a Discover Applicable Updates task at any time. When you initiate this task, the agent scans its host endpoint for vulnerabilities and inventory. Scan results are then uploaded to the Ivanti Endpoint Security server, which you can view.

You can schedule a Discover Applicable Updates task for the selected endpoint the Endpoint Details page.

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Manage > Endpoints.
  2. Select the Patch and Remediation tab.
  3. Click the Endpoint Name link of the endpoint you want to schedule a Discover Applicable Updates task for.
    The Endpoint Details page for the endpoint opens.
  4. Select one of the following tabs:
    • Information
    • Vulnerabilities
    • Inventory
  5. From the toolbar, click Scan Now.

    If scheduling from the Information tab, select Scan Now > Discover Applicable Updates.

  6. Select the Yes, scan the selected endpoint check box.
  7. Click Schedule.
  8. Acknowledge the scheduling by clicking Close.
    The scan is scheduled. As with all deployments, although the Discovery Applicable Updates task is scheduled for immediate execution. It will not actually occur until the next time the agent checks in.

Rebooting the Endpoint

You may reboot an endpoint at any time. Rebooting an endpoint may be necessary following some deployments.

You can reboot an individual endpoint from its Endpoint Details page Information tab.

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Manage > Endpoints.
  2. Click the link in the Name column that corresponds with the endpoint you want to reboot.
  3. Select one of the following tabs:
    • The Information tab
    • The Vulnerabilities/Patch Content tab
  4. Click Reboot Now.
    The Reboot Now dialog opens.
  5. Select the Yes, Reboot the selected device check box.
  6. Click Reboot.
    The system schedules the reboot.
  7. Click Close.
    The window closes.

Updating AntiVirus Definitions

Update an endpoint's anti-virus definitions to help maintain its security.

You can update an endpoint's antivirus definitions from the Endpoint Details page Information tab.

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Manage > Endpoints.
  2. Click the link in the Name column that corresponds to the endpoint for which you want to update antivirus definitions for.
    The Endpoints Details page opens with the Information tab selected by default.
  3. Click Update AV Definitions.
    The endpoints anti-virus definitions begin updating.

Waking Endpoints from the Information Tab

After installing, a Wake Now button is added to the Endpoint Details page Information tab. From this tab, you can wake an individual selected endpoint.

You can wake endpoints from the Endpoint Details page Information tab.

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Manage > Endpoints.
  2. Click the Endpoint Name link for the endpoint you want to wake.
    The Endpoint Details page opens to the Information tab.
  3. Click Wake Now.
  4. Click OK to dismiss the notification.
    A wake request is sent to the endpoint. The endpoint will wake within ten minutes.

Exporting Endpoint Information

You can export the endpoint information generated in the Ivanti Endpoint Security so that it can be used in other applications.

The export utility lets you export endpoint information to a comma-separated value (.csv) file format. For additional information, refer to Exporting Data.

Adding a Display Name to an Endpoint

You can associate an alternate name (50 characters maximum) with an endpoint to help you identify and distinguish it.

Use the Display Name to provide endpoint decision-making information like what system it belongs to, where it is located, and what it is used for.

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Manage > Endpoints.
  2. Click the link in the Name column that corresponds to the endpoint that you want to add a Display Name to.
    The Endpoints Details page opens with the Information tab selected by default.
  3. Beside the Display Name, click the Edit icon.
    An editable field appears.
  4. Enter a word or phrase up to 50 characters in length. If you leave the field blank the Endpoint Name will be used.
  5. Click the Save icon ().

    The Cancel icon () cancels your changes and anything you enter is not saved.

  6. A Display Name is added to the Endpoint information. It will appear on the Manage > Endpoints page and Manage > Groups page (Endpoint Membership view):

    • Tool-tip when you hover over the Endpoint Name.
    • Display Name column of Endpoint lists (the tool-tip when you hover over a Display Name is the Endpoint Name).
    • Display Name column of the comma separated list (CSV) file you export.

    You can filter endpoints by Display Name using the Display Name filter.

Editing the Display Name of an Endpoint

You can edit the alternate name associated with an endpoint on the Manage > Endpoints Information tab.

The Display Name is used to provide endpoint decision-making information like what system it belongs to, where it is located, and what it is used for.

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Manage > Endpoints.
  2. Click the link in the Name column that corresponds to the endpoint that you want to add a Display Name to.
    The Endpoints Details page opens with the Information tab selected by default.
  3. Beside the Display Name, click the Edit icon.
    An editable field appears.
  4. Enter a word or phrase up to 50 characters in length. If you leave the field blank the Endpoint Name will be used.
  5. Click the Save icon ().

    The Cancel icon () cancels your changes and anything you enter is not saved.

  6. The Display Name is changed. It will appear on the Manage > Endpoints page and Manage > Groups page (Endpoint Membership view):

    • Tool-tip when you hover over the Endpoint Name.
    • Display Name column of Endpoint lists (the tool-tip when you hover over a Display Name is the Endpoint Name).
    • Display Name column of the comma separated list (CSV) file you export.

      You can filter endpoints by Display Name using the Display Name filter.

Removing the Display Name of an Endpoint

You can remove the alternate name associated with an endpoint on the Manage > Endpoints Information tab.

The Display Name is used to provide endpoint decision-making information like what system it belongs to, where it is located, and what it is used for.

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Manage > Endpoints.
  2. Click the link in the Name column that corresponds to the endpoint that you want to add a Display Name to.
    The Endpoints Details page opens with the Information tab selected by default.
  3. Beside the Display Name, click the Edit icon.
    An editable field appears.
  4. Remove the name from the field.
  5. Click the Save icon ().

    The Cancel icon () cancels your changes and anything you enter is not saved.

  6. The custom Display Name is removed and the Endpoint Name is used instead. It will appear on the Manage > Endpoints page and Manage > Groups page (Endpoint Membership view):

    • Tool-tip when you hover over the Endpoint Name.
    • Display Name column of Endpoint lists.
    • Display Name column of the comma separated list (CSV) file you export.