Working with Subscription Updates

You can configure how the Ivanti Endpoint Security server receives subscription updates from the Global Subscription Service by using the Subscription Updates page.

Updating Ivanti Endpoint Security System Files and Content

You can update the latest Ivanti Endpoint Security system components and content by completing a process call Replication. Replication downloads any system components, content definitions, or

licensing information posted to the Global Subscription Service since the previous replication. Although the system automatically replicates once daily, you may occasionally need to replicate manually from time to time. Additionally, in network environments with the Ivanti AntiVirus module installed, you can use this function to manually download new virus definitions.


Mobile Device Management licensing has been purchased. Initiate replications from the Subscriptions Updates page.

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Tools > Subscription Updates.
  2. Click Update Now.
    A notification dialog opens.

    In network environments with the Ivanti AntiVirus module installed, the notification dialog contains selectable options (System and License Replication and Virus Engine and Definition Update). In this scenario, select the desired options before proceeding to the next step.

  3. Acknowledge the replication by clicking OK.
    Replication begins immediately. All license and content changes since the last replication are downloaded. This process may take several minutes, and no Discover Applicable Update tasks run during completion.

After Completing This Task:
Install the server module. For more information, see Installing the Mobile Device Management Server Component.

Resetting the Replication Status

Resetting the replication status forces the Ivanti Endpoint Security server to re-download (or update) the licenses, packages, and content.

Reset the replication status from the Subscription Updates page.

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Tools > Subscription Updates.
  2. Click Reset.
    The Reset Replication dialog opens.
  3. Select a replication option.


    • The options available in the Reset Replication dialog change based on whether the Auto- download new critical packages option is selected. For additional information, refer to Package Caching.
    • If you have cached packages for content that is disabled, those packages are not updated during replication if a new version is available.



    If the Auto-download new critical packages option is selected

    Select from the following options:

    • Cache metadata and critical packages for only new and changed content.
    • Cache metadata and critical packages for all historical content.

    If the Auto-download new critical packages option is cleared

    Select from the following options:

    • Cache both metadata and critical packages.
    • Only cache metadata.
  4. Define when you want to begin replication. Click the applicable button.
    • To begin replication immediately, click Update Now.
    • To being replication at the next scheduled interval, click Update Later.
      Your replication status is reset when the next replication begins.

Editing the Communication Interval

Edit the communication interval to control the daily time when you server downloads content and license data from the Global Subscription Service.

Edit the communication interval from the Subscription Updates page.

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Tools > Subscription Updates.
  2. Select a time from the Communication Interval list. This list includes a value for every half-hour.
  3. Click Save.
    A dialog opens, notifying that the new setting was saved.
  4. Click OK.
    The selected communication interval is saved. Your server will replicate daily at the selected time.

Configuring the Service Tab

Configuring the Service tab defines communication, proxy, and log settings for replication.


If you are configuring Mobile Device Management to use a proxy server, the proxy server must using http 1.1 or later with chunked encoding.

  • Ensure you are logged in to the Ivanti Endpoint Security Web console.
  • Ensure your proxy meets requirements. For more information, see Proxy Requirements.

Configure the Service tab from the Subscription Service Configuration dialog. Patch and Remediation introduces the Auto-Download new critical packages option. For additional information about the remaining options, refer to Configuring the Service Tab in the Ivanti Endpoint Security Help.

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Tools > Subscription Updates.
  2. Click Configure.
    The Subscription Service Configuration dialog opens.
  3. Ensure the Service tab is selected.
  1. To automatically download packages associated with content items with a status of critical, select the Auto-download new critical packages check box.
  2. Define Proxy options.
    These options define the proxy information used for communication between the server and the Global Subscription Service (GSS).

    For additional information about each option, refer to Proxy.

    1. Complete the Address and Port fields.
    2. If your proxy server requires authentication, select the Authenticated check box and complete the User Name, Password, and Confirm Password fields.
  3. Define Communication options.
    These options define actions related to your server communication with the GSS.


    • For additional information about each option, refer to Communication.
    • Under most conditions, the Retry Limit, Retry Wait, Connect Timeout, and Command Timeout options require no editing.
    1. Select a Logging Level from the list.
    2. To limit communication speeds during replication, select the Enable Bandwidth Throttling check box and type a number in the X Kbytes per second field.
    3. Type a number in the Retry Limit field.
    4. Type a number in the Retry Wait field.
    5. Type a number in the Connect Timeout field.
    6. Type a number in the Command Timeout field.
  4. Click Save to apply your changes.

    If you want to continue using the Configuration Settings dialog, click Apply instead of Save.

  5. Your edits are saved. These edits will take effect the next time Ivanti Endpoint Security communicates with the GSS.

After Completing This Task:
If you edited the Logging Level, you must restart the replication service before the changes take place. For additional information, refer to Restarting the Replication Service.

Restarting the Replication Service

You can restart the replication service on your server using the Web console.

You can restart the subscription service from the Subscription Service Configuration dialog Service tab.

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Tools > Subscription Updates.
  1. Click Configure.
    The Subscription Service Configuration dialog opens.
  2. Ensure the Service tab is selected.
  3. Click Restart.
  4. Acknowledge the notification by clicking OK.
    The replication service is restarted on your server.

Configuring the Languages Tab

Selecting language options downloads new localized content definitions to your server. You can deploy their content later. Select additional languages when you administrate an environment that uses multiple localizations.

Select language options from the Subscription Server Configuration dialog Languages tab.

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Tools > Subscription Updates.
  2. Click Configure.
    The Subscription Service Configuration dialog opens.
  3. Select the Languages tab.
  4. Select the check boxes for each language you want content item definitions. Clear any unused languages.


    • Selecting multiple languages increases the number of content definitions downloaded, slowing replication times.
    • The English check box cannot be cleared.
  5. Click Save.

    If you want to continue working withing the Subscription Server Configuration , click Apply instead.

  6. Your edits are saved. Content definitions for the selected languages are downloaded during the next replication.

Exporting Enhanced Content Data

While viewing the Content tab, you can export the listed content URLs to a comma separated value (.csv) file.

To export the listed URLs, select Tools > Subscription Updates and click Configure. Then select the Content tab and click Export. For additional information refer to Exporting Data.

Exporting Subscription Update Data

You can export data displayed on the Subscription Updates page to a comma separated value (.csv) file for reporting and analytical purposes.

Both Subscription Service Information and Subscription Service History are exported. To export this data, select Tools > Subscription Updates and click the Export button. For additional information refer to Exporting Data.