The Roles Tab

This tab lets you create new roles and manage existing roles. It also lists information about each existing role.

Additionally, you can use this tab to edit roles or remove roles.

About Roles

Roles define the functions and pages that are available to a user and include general access rights, group access rights, and endpoint access rights within the Ivanti Endpoint Security. Roles can be customized and assigned to users.

The Ivanti Endpoint Security contains two types of roles:

System Roles: These roles are included with the default Ivanti Endpoint Security installation. These roles are predefined with access rights appropriate for various user types. System roles cannot be edited or disabled, and by default can access all system groups and endpoints.

Custom Roles These roles are created after Ivanti Endpoint Security installation by users with the Manage Users access right. Custom roles let you grant users unique sets of access rights. Additionally, these roles let you define specific endpoints and groups that can be accessed and managed.

The following table describes role attributes.

Role Attribute


Access Rights

Define the pages and functions available to the user.

Accessible Groups

Define the specific endpoint groups accessible to the user.

Accessible Endpoints

Define the specific endpoints accessible to the user.

Predefined System Roles

Predefined system roles are the default roles offered by Ivanti Endpoint Security. The commonly used access rights selected for these roles are usually adequate for most networks and their users. Additionally, these roles can access and manage all groups and endpoints.

Predefined system roles have the following benefits:

  • These roles types and their commonly used access rights are usually adequate for most networks and their users.
  • A user assigned a predefined system role has access to all endpoints and groups.
  • Users with the Manage Users access rights can assign predefined system roles to users.
  • A predefined system role can be used as a template for creating a custom role. The following table describes each predefined system role.





Users with this role have full access to all Ivanti Endpoint Security pages and functions. The Administrators role allows you to assign endpoints to other roles.

Important: At least one user must be assigned the administrator role at all times.


Users can access pages, but cannot use their functions; this role allows read-only access.


Users can access pages and functions.


Users can perform all routine functions (detect, export, and so on). Operators usually perform typical daily functions.

A user assigned a system role has access to all endpoints and groups.

Custom Roles

Custom roles are created after Ivanti Endpoint Security installation. Custom roles let you grant users unique sets of access rights. Additionally, this role lets you define specific endpoints and groups that can be accessed and managed.

Custom roles have the following benefits:

  • You can configure a custom role to restrict access to endpoints and groups.
  • You can configure a custom role to restrict access to Ivanti Endpoint Security pages and functions.
  • Unlike system roles (which cannot be disabled or deleted), you can disable or delete a custom role at any time.
  • When creating new custom roles you may use preexisting roles as templates to aid you.
  • Custom roles are denoted by the Wool Hat icon.

Custom roles are created by users with the Manage Users access right.

Defining Access Rights

Access rights are individual privileges that define whether a user can access a system feature. These rights control availability for every Ivanti Endpoint Security page, feature, function, and action. The pages and features available to users are based on the access rights associated with the role assigned to them. The system roles are assigned a default set of access rights. Users inherit the access rights of the role they are assigned.

Access rights begin with read-only access to system pages and permission to export data. At the administrative level, users can be assigned rights to fully manage the various system pages and functions.

New access rights are added when you install new modules.

Access Right






View Dashboard

Access to view the home page dashboard.

View Current Status

Access to view the status of the server.


View Discovery Scan Jobs

Access to view discovery scan jobs.

Create Discovery Scan Jobs

Access to create and copy discovery scan jobs

View Agent Management Jobs

Access to view agent management jobs.

Create Agent Management Jobs

Access to create and copy agent management jobs.

Manage Modules via Jobs

Access to install or uninstall agent modules using agent management jobs.

Manage Jobs

Cancel, pause, resume, delete or merge all jobs the user has access to.

Export Jobs

Export the jobs list.

View AV Centralized Quarantine

Access to view AntiVirus Centralized Quarantine page

Manage AV Centralized Quarantine

Access to delete and restore files from Centralized Quarantine


View Endpoints

Access the manage endpoints all tab.

Manage All Tab

Enable and disable agents, delete endpoints, manage agent modules, and wake endpoints.

Export All Tab

Export the all tab endpoints list.

Manage Remotely

Access the remote management options available.

Download Agent Installers

Access to the Download Agent Installers page.

Manage Agent Version

Access to the Manage Agent Version dialog.


View Groups

Access the groups.

Manage Groups

Add, edit, enable, disable, and delete groups.

Export Groups

Export the groups list.


View Users

Access the user groups.

Manage Users

Add or remove users from individual user policies.

Export Users

Export the user groups list.

Deployments and Tasks

Create Deployments

Ability to create new deployments.

View My Deployments and Tasks

Access the deployments and tasks that this user has created.

View All Deployments

Access the deployments that all users have created.

Manage Deployments and Tasks

Deploy, enable, disable, abort, and delete deployments and tasks that this user has access to.

Export Deployments and Tasks

Export the deployments and tasks in the list that this user has access to.

Agent Policy Sets

View All Agent Policy Sets

Access the agent policy sets.

Manage All Agent Policy Sets

Create, edit and delete agent policy sets.

Export All Agent Policy Sets

Export the agent policy sets list.


Reports Administer

Generate reports regardless of access rights for groups and endpoints.

View My Core Reports

Generate core reports only for those items this user has access to.

Export Reports

Export the generated reports.

Configure Enterprise Reporting (ER)

Configure settings to manage Configure Enterprise Reporting (ER)


View Users

Access the users and roles list view.

Manage Users

Create, delete, enable, and disable users and roles.

Export Users

Export the users and roles list.

Change Password

Ability to change the password for users other than themselves.

Manage Server Modules

Installation Manager

Access the Installation Manager to install, update and uninstall server modules.


View Subscription

Access the subscription service information.

Manage Subscription

Edit or update subscription service updates.

Export Subscription

Export the subscription service information.

Directory/Computer Synchronization

View Directory Sync Schedule

Access to view the active directory sync schedule page.

Manage Directory Sync Schedule

Create, edit, delete, enable, disable directory syncs.

Export Directory Sync Schedule

Export the directory sync schedule lists.

Email notifications

View Email Notifications

Access the email notifications page.

Manage Email Notifications

Create and edit email notifications and settings for core feature. Note: All types of notifications may be deleted with this right.

Export Email Notifications

Export the emails notifications list.


View Options

Access to general, agent and deployment default server options.

Manage Options

Set and edit general, agent and deployment default server options.

Export Options

Export the options list.

Technical Support

View Technical Support

Access the technical product support information.

Export Technical Support

Export the technical product support information.


View Licenses

Access the product licenses.

Manage Licenses

Update product licenses.

Export Licenses

Export the product license information.

Defining Accessible Groups

Accessible groups are specific groups of endpoints that a particular role can access and manage. Use this feature for granularity when assigning roles to users.

Accessible groups are only applicable to custom user roles.

The Accessible Groups feature is disabled when working with a predefined system role. System roles can access all groups and endpoints within the system.

This feature allows you to restrict a user to specified groups. For example, a user assigned the access right to manage deployments can be limited to managing deployments for select groups.

The Accessible Groups feature is defined on the Groups tab in both the Create Role dialog and the Edit Role dialog.

The Groups tab contains the following lists, which are used to control what groups are associated with a particular role:



Selected Groups

Lists the groups assigned to the role.

Available Groups

Lists the available groups that can be assigned to the role.

Defining Accessible Endpoints

Accessible Endpoints are specific endpoints that a particular role can access and manage. This feature is similar to the Accessible Groups feature; it allows for granularity when assigning roles to system users.

Accessible endpoints are only applicable to custom user roles.

The Accessible Endpoints feature is disabled when working with predefined system roles. System roles can access all groups and endpoints within the system.

As mentioned, this feature lets you define specific endpoints that users associated with the role can access and manage. For example, you can limit a user assigned the Manage Endpoints access right to management of a single endpoint.

This feature is are defined on the Endpoints tab in both the Create Role dialog and the Edit Role dialog.

The Endpoints tab contains the following lists, which are used to control which endpoints are associated with a role:



Selected Endpoints

Lists the endpoints assigned to the role.

Available Endpoints

Lists the available endpoints that can be assigned to the role.

The Roles Tab Toolbar

This toolbar contains buttons that let you create and manage user roles. The following table describes the function of each Roles tab toolbar button.

Button Name



Enables the selected disabled custom role. For additional information, refer to Enabling User Roles.


Disables the selected custom role. For additional information, refer to Disabling User RolesDisabling User Roles.


Deletes the selected custom role. For additional information, refer to Deleting User RolesDeleting User Roles.


Creates a new user role. For additional information, refer to Creating User Roles.


Exports the page data to a comma-separated value (.csv) file. For additional information, refer to Exporting Data.

Important: The Enhanced Security Configuration feature for Internet Explorer suppresses export functionality and must be disabled to export data successfully. Pop-up blockers in Internet Explorer or other supported browsers may also suppress export functionality and should be disabled.

Options (menu)

Opens the Options menu. For additional information, refer to The Options Menu.

The Roles Tab List

This list displays all user roles that exist within Ivanti Endpoint Security. Use the action icons to manage roles. Additionally, this list can be filtered to display only specified roles.

The following table describes each Roles tab list column.




Contains Edit and Delete icons. Use these icons to edit or delete the associated role. For addition information, refer to one of the following topics:


Contains an icon that indicates the type of role. For additional information, refer to one of the following topics:


The name of the user role.


The type of user role (System or Custom).

Access Rights

The number of access rights assigned to the role.


The number of users assigned to the role.


The number of accessible groups assigned to the role.


The number of accessible endpoints assigned to the role.