Agent Management Job for Windows

The Ivanti Endpoint Security Web console utilizes the Agent Management Job method to install agents on Windows endpoints. This method uses an easy-to-use wizard to discover endpoints within your network and then install the agent.

This method supports only endpoints that use the Windows operating system.

Each Agent Management Job consists of two parts; endpoint detection and agent management itself.

Detection: The initial portion of an Agent Management Job detects endpoints and their operating systems in a network. This is done by scanning the network. Access to the endpoints is based on credentials used during job configuration.

Management: During agent management, the agent is installed (or uninstalled) based on information found during scanning. The Agent Management Job determines which type of agent to install on applicable endpoints. Agent installation occurs silently on the endpoint; endpoint users are unaware of the installation.

After installing Ivanti Endpoint Security on a server, you must perform additional configuration on the endpoint and server prior to an Ivanti Endpoint Security Agent Management Job.

Refer to Agent Management Job Checklist for a description of the configuration needs on the endpoint and server prior to an Agent Management Job.