Agent Management Job Checklist

This checklist itemizes the information and tasks an administrator needs to perform prior to an Agent Management Job.

Prior to configuring your network to successfully use Agent Management Jobs, confirm the following information:

Tasks Performed on the Endpoint

Verify your target endpoints meets or exceeds the requirements defined in the Windows Endpoint Requirements.

Verify that your target endpoints are all supported Windows endpoints. You cannot complete an Agent Management Job on Linux, UNIX, or Mac endpoints. Refer to the list of Windows operating systems in the Supported Endpoint Operating Systems.

Ensure any antivirus software installed on target endpoints is disabled.

Verify that your target endpoints have applicable ports open. Refer to Port and ICMP Requirements for an Agent Management Job

Configure your target endpoints to accept an Agent Management Job. Target endpoints must be configured to allow the Agent Management Job access to the endpoint. This includes verifying that the C$ and ADMIN$ network shares are enabled, Refer to Configuring Windows Endpoints.

Tasks Performed on the Server

Verify that your Ivanti Endpoint Security server can utilize the Discovery Scanning process needed in by the Agent Management Job. Refer to Configuring the Ivanti Endpoint Security Server for Discovery Scanning.

Gather credentials for the endpoints. A user name and password that authenticates with Windows- based endpoints is required during configuration of the Agent Management Job. Type the user name in a local format (UserName) or a domain format (DOMAIN\UserName).

Gather proxy information if your agents will be required to use a proxy to access your Ivanti Endpoint Security server. The proxy information is required during configuration of the Agent Management Job that is using a proxy server.

A Squid proxy server will only properly resolve using a fully qualified domain name.
Refer to Ivanti Community article An Endpoint Shows Offline When Using a Squid Proxy Server for additional information on a Squid proxy server configuration.

Once you have completed the tasks in the list you may begin installing or uninstalling the Ivanti Endpoint Security Agent using an Agent Management Job. For information on this install method, refer to Installing Agents by Agent Management Job.