Command Line Workflow for Linux, UNIX, or Mac

Review this topic to understand the Ivanti Endpoint Security Agent workflow for command line installation on a Linux, UNIX, or Mac endpoint.

An advantage in using a command line is silent installation. When using silent installation, you can enter all the information necessary prior to the silent installation and then the installation itself runs unattended (without user interaction).

  1. Determine agent requirements.
    Refer to Agent Requirements for a complete list of hardware and software requirements for the agent.
  2. Install Java Runtime Environment.
    Ensure that Java Runtime Environment 7 or higher is installed on the Linux or UNIX endpoint. Refer to Installing Java Runtime Environment.
  3. Download Agent Installer.
    Download the agent installer on a Linux, UNIX, or Mac endpoint. Refer to Downloading the Installer.
  4. Install the agent.
    You may install agents on any Linux, UNIX, or Mac endpoints that you want to manage. Agent installation may be done using either:
  5. Agent Communication.
    Following initial installation, the agent and server components begin communicating. Additionally, if you are licensed for additional modules, you can install these modules on any endpoint that has the Ivanti Endpoint Security Agent.

For more information on modules and module installation, refer to the Ivanti Endpoint Security Help.