The Ivanti Device Control Workflow

Learn the sequence of specific tasks you need to perform to implement your first device control policy.

Important: While Ivanti Device Control has been designed to minimize the administrative burden of device control, it is important to invest adequate time during its deployment to ensure a successful implementation. Work with your end users and their representatives, together with any IT security personnel, to formulate a business policy regarding the usage of peripheral devices.

Install Module Server Component

Install the Device Control module server component. This component is installed after the initial Ivanti Endpoint Security installation.

If you purchased an Device Control license during your initial Ivanti Endpoint Security purchase, Device Control is installed during the initial Ivanti Endpoint Security installation by default.

For more information, see Step 1: Install the Device Control Module Server Component.

Add the Module Endpoint Component to Agents

Add the Device Control module endpoint component to agents you want to support Device Control functions. Each agent you add the endpoint component to consumes an Device Control license. For more information, see Step 2: Add the Device Control Module to Endpoints.

Observe Ongoing Data Flow and Device Usage

Observe ongoing data flow and device usage. By default, the module runs in an "Audit Mode" which enables endpoint users to operate devices but records device connections and other events related to those devices. Discuss valid device uses with key end user representatives. For more information, see Step 3: Create a Device Event Log Query.

Organize Devices and Media in Collections

Organize the various devices and media in your network into collections to make them more manageable. For more information, see Step 4: Create Device and Media Collections and Step 5: Add Devices and Media to Collections.

Define Device Usage and Data Flow Policies

Define device usage and data flow policies. Assign permissions to users, endpoints, and groups to use only the types you allow. For more information, see Step 6: Create Device Control Policies.

Implement and Manage Device Control Policies

Maintain your Device Control policies by actively monitoring device events in your network and updating policies for device classes and collections accordingly. For more information, see Step 7: Edit a Policy.

Use In-depth Reports to Identify Gaps and Track Compliance

Use in-depth Device Control reports module to identify gaps and track compliance in the areas of Device and Media Collections, Device Control Options, Device Permissions, Endpoint Permissions, and User Permissions. For more information, see Step 8: Generate Ivanti Device Control Reports.

Step 1: Install the Device Control Module Server Component

After logging in to Ivanti Endpoint Security, the first step in implementing Device Control features and functions is to install the server module


You must be licensed for Ivanti Device Control.

Install the Device Control module server component using the Ivanti Installation Manager.

For additional information refer to Using Ivanti Installation Manager in the Endpoint Security User Guide.

  1. Select Tools > Launch Installation Manager.
    Installation Manager opens to the New/Update Components tab.
  2. Select the Device Control check box for your version number of Ivanti Endpoint Security.
  3. Click Install.
    The Install/Update Components dialog opens.
  4. Click Install.
    A dialog opens, notifying you that installing the module may cause logged-in users to lose their work.
  5. Click OK.
    The installation begins.
  6. Click Finish.

    Select the Launch Ivanti Endpoint Security check box to relaunch Ivanti Endpoint Security after clicking Finish.

  7. The Device Control module server component is installed. To begin using the module, reopen the Ivanti Endpoint Security.

After Completing This Task:

Continue to Step 2: Add the Device Control Module to Endpoints.

Step 2: Add the Device Control Module to Endpoints

After installing the Device Control server module, add the Device Control module to your managed network endpoints.

  1. Select Manage > Endpoints.
    The Endpoints page opens to the All tab.
  2. From the list, select the endpoints to which you want to add the Device Control module endpoint component to.
  3. Click Manage Modules.
    The Add/Remove Modules dialog opens.
  4. Select the Device Control check box for all endpoints you want to install the component on.
  5. Click OK.
    The Device Control module endpoint component begins installing, as denoted by the DCInstalled column pending status. The process is completed when the status changes to Yes.

After Completing This Task:

Step 3: Create a Device Event Log Query

Schedule a query that records specific device-related actions in your network. This includes queries for granted and blocked actions.


Complete Step 2: Add the Device Control Module to Endpoints.

  1. Select Review > Device Event Log Queries.
  2. The Device Event Log Queries page opens.
  3. Click Create.
    The Device Event Log Query wizard opens.
  4. Type the Query name.
  5. Select the Type.
  6. Select the desired scheduling option. You can choose from the following options:




    The query will run immediately after creation.


    The query will run once at a specified time.


    The query will run every day at the selected time.


    The query will run every week at the selected time.

  7. Depending on the option you choose, additional settings are available in the right-side box.

    The start and end dates are the date range for which you want the query results. If you choose Immediate or Once , specify the start and end dates in the Date range fields.

  8. [Optional] Select the Notify me via email when query is complete check box.
    Ensure that you provide a valid email address in the associated field.
  9. Click Next.
    The Select endpoints/users/groups page opens.
  10. Select the groups, endpoints, or users the policy will apply to. Use any of the following methods:

    The built-in user groups Administrators, Everyone, Power Users, and Users and Active Directory groups are not supported in log queries and will be removed from the query.

  11. Option


    To add groups of endpoints

    1. Select a group or groups from the Groups list.
    2. Click Add.

    Active Directory groups are not supported in log queries.

    To add individual endpoints

    1. Select an endpoint or endpoints from the Endpoints list.
    2. Click Add.

    To add individual users or user groups

    1. Select users or usergroups from the Users list.
    2. Click Add.

    The Built-in Users and Groups Administrators, Everyone, Power Users, and Users are not supported in log queries.

    To remove groups of endpoints

    1. Select a group or groups from the Groups list.
    2. Click Remove.

    To remove individual endpoints

    1. Select an endpoint or endpoints from the Endpoints list.
    2. Click Remove.

    To remove individual users or user groups

    1. Select users or usergroups from the Users list.
    2. Click Remove.

    The selected groups, users, or endpoints are displayed in the Assigned List.

  12. Click Finish.
    The Device Event Log Query wizard closes.

A new query is created and runs. When the query completes, its summary is displayed in the Completed tab.

After Completing This Task:

Continue to Step 4: Create Device and Media Collections.

Step 4: Create Device and Media Collections

Create collections of devices and media through the Device Library page.


Complete Step 3: Create a Device Event Log Query.

Creating a Device Collection

The Device Library page allows you to create a collection of devices. Use the right-click menu or Add Collection Icon in the Device Browser to create the collection for the desired device class.

  1. Select Manage > Device Library.
    The Device Library page opens.
  2. Select a device class in the Device Browser.
    The Add Collection Icon becomes active.
  3. Click the Add Collection icon.
    A New Device Collection entry is added to the device class.
  4. Type a name for the device collection.
    A device collection is created for the selected device class.

Creating a Media Collection

The Device Library page allows you to create a collection of media such as CDs and DVDs. Use the right-click menu or Add Collection Icon in the Device Browser to create the collection for the desired media type.


To add CDs and DVDs to collections, you first need to install the MediaHasher control. This will allow Ivanti Device Control to calculate the unique hash ID of each CD and DVD you are adding.

  1. Select Manage > Device Library.
    The Device Library page opens.
  2. Select a device class in the Device Browser.
    The Add Collection Icon becomes active.
  3. Click the Add Collection icon.
    A New Collection entry is added to the media type.
  4. Type a name for the media collection.
    A media collection is created for the selected media type.

After Completing This Task:

Continue to Step 5: Add Devices and Media to Collections.

Step 5: Add Devices and Media to Collections

Add specific devices and media to collections so they are in manageable groups.


Complete Step 4: Create Device and Media Collections.

Adding a Device to a Collection

Device collections in the Device Browser allow you to organize your devices into manageable groups. Once a collection is created, you can add specific devices to it.

  1. Select Manage > Device Library.
    The Device Library page opens.
  2. Select the collection to which you want to add the device.
    1. Expand the device class.
    2. Click the desired collection.
      A list of devices already in the collection are displayed in the Device Control section.
  3. Click Add.
    The Add Devices dialog opens.
  4. Search for the device you want to add to the collection.
    1. Select a search criteria from the Search For drop-down list.
      You can select from User, Endpoint IP Address, Endpoint Name, Device Model, and Device Unique Id.
    2. [Optional] Type a search term in the Value field.
    3. [Optional] Select a beginning and end date from the calendar icons in the Date Range fields.
    4. Click Search.
      A list of devices corresponding to the search criteria appear in the Search Results field.
  5. Select the device you want to add to the collection.
  6. Click Add Device.
    A pop-up message appears stating all selected items are now in the device collection.
  7. Click OK.
    The pop-up message closes.
  8. Click Close.
    The Add Devices dialog closes.

The selected device appears in the list of devices of the collection. The Type column entry for that device is Instance.

Adding Media to a Collection

Media collections in the Device Browser allow you to organize your media for better control over access rights. Once a collection is created, you can add specific media to it.

  1. Select Manage > Device Library.
    The Device Library page opens.
  2. Select the collection to which you want to add the medium.
    1. Expand the media type.
    2. Click the desired collection.
      A list of media already in the collection are displayed in the Device Control section.
  3. Click Add.
    The Add CD/DVD dialog opens.
  4. Select the medium you want to add to the collection.
    1. Select a drive from the Drive drop-down list.
    2. Type a unique name in the Display name field.
    3. [Optional] Type any comments in the Comment field.
  5. Click OK.
    The Add CD/DVD dialog closes.

After Completing This Task:

Continue to Step 6: Create Device Control Policies.

Step 6: Create Device Control Policies

Use policies to administer control over device classes, device collections, and media collections in your network.


Complete Step 5: Add Devices and Media to Collections.

Step 7: Edit a Policy

Edit a policy as desired. While editing a policy, you can define permissions, specify shadowing and logging options, change assigned users and endpoints.


Complete Step 6: Create Device Control Policies.

  1. Select Manage > Device Control Policies.
    The Device Control Policies page opens.
  2. Select the policy you want to edit.

    Filter the Policy Name and Device Class or Device Collection columns to locate the policies.

  3. Click Edit.
    The Policy Wizard dialog opens.

    The policy wizard that opens will depend on the type of policy you are editing.

  4. Edit the policy details as desired.
  5. Click Finish.
    The Policy Wizard dialog closes.

The selected policy is edited.

After Completing This Task:

Continue to Step 8: Generate Ivanti Device Control Reports.

Step 8: Generate Ivanti Device Control Reports

All Ivanti Device Control reports are accessible from the Reports menu. Select from the available report templates to view the details of that report.



  1. Select Reports > Device Control.
    The Reports page opens.
  2. From the display list, select the report you want to generate.
  3. Filter the report by selecting user or endpoint groups.

    Not all reports will provide you with filtering options. Some reports do not have selection parameters.

  4. Click Generate Report.
    The selected report opens in a new window.