The Users Page

This page lists users discovered during active directory synchronization jobs (directory syncs). Use this page to view or create individual users, which you can manage using Ivanti Endpoint Security features.

This page features a directory tree, which lists users and user groups discovered during directory syncs. You can select items in this tree. After selecting an item, information about that item displays on the page.

The Users page contains a breadcrumb that indicates your position in the user browser directory tree. Click links in the breadcrumb to move closer to the directory tree root level.

The User Browser Directory Tree

Use the User Browser, a Users page pane, to select users found during directory syncs. The number of users in the tree depends on the number of users detected during syncs.

Click an Expand icon (+) to view active directory sync sources, built-in users and groups, or individual user policies. By expanding the tree, information for selected items becomes more detailed.

To display detailed user information, select a user or group name. After selecting a user or group name from Built-in Users and Groups or Individual User Policies, use the View list to access different views. After selecting a Built-in Users and Groups or Individual User Policies item, you can select from the following view:

  • Information
  • Application Control Policies
  • Device Control Policies

Tip: Click the Groups tab to open the Groups page.

The Users Page Toolbar

This toolbar contains buttons related to assignment of policies to individual users. The buttons that display change based on the item selected from the User Browser directory tree.
The following topics describe the toolbar buttons that display based on the User Browser directory tree item selected:

The Users Page List

On the main portion of the Users page, information about the item selected from the User Browser directory tree is displayed. This main portion is called the Users page list.

Information displayed in the list changes depending on the item selected from the User Browser.
The following topics describe the information that displays when you select a User Browser directory tree item: