Service Manager


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Working with Currencies

About Currencies

Creating a Currency

Deleting a Currency

About Currencies

You can define monetary denominations throughout Service Manager. For example, you can designate the costs of your service requests in a specific currency, such as USD or Euros. The Service Request workspace does not show a specific currency symbol, but only the number value. However, the pricing is calculated based on the currency that you specify.

Many functions support currency expressions, enabling you to customize saved searches, quick actions, and workflows.

How currency works:

Empty currency fields appears as zeros, such as 0.00.

You can not mixed currency types. For example, if you have an initial price in USD, you cannot designate the recurring price as a different currency.

Values are rounded up (>=5) or down (<5).

Creating a Currency

1.From the Configuration Console, click Configure > Organizational Profile > Currencies to open the Currencies, workspace. The system displays the list of currencies.

2.Click New Currency. The system displays a blank currency page.

3.Enter information into the fields.

Field Description
Code The currency code. See for a list of ISO 4217 currency codes.
Country The country issuing the currency. Select from the drop-down list.
Name The long name of the currency, such as United States Dollar or Turkey Lira.
Description Optional. How the currency is used.
Currency The currency. Select a symbol from the drop-down list.
Decimal Optional. The type of decimal symbol to use, such as dot (.) or comma (,).
Grouping Optional. The grouping name.
Active Specifies if this currency is active.
Smallest Denomination

The smallest denomination to use, such as 0.00. This means that the value will always have at least one digit before the decimal separator and only two digits after, when displayed in a price or cost field (such as service request).

You can specify up to 18 digits and 4 decimal places.

Values are rounded up (>=5) or down (<5).

Currency Symbol Position

Specifies where the currency symbol appears related to the currency value:

Prefix (before)

Suffix (after)

Use Locale Convention Uses the locale convention.

4.Click Save.

Deleting a Currency

1.From the Configuration Console, click Configure > Organizational Profile > Currencies to open the Currencies, workspace. The system displays the list of currencies.

2.Select the currency to remove.

3.Click Delete.

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