Service Manager


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Setting Up Hours of Operation

About Hours of Operation (HOP)

Viewing Business Hours

Creating an Hours of Operation Schedule

Adding Recurring Exceptions

Adding Manual Exceptions

Modifying the Hours of Operation

Example: Creating an Hours of Operation Field

Example: Setting Up Hours of Operation for Off Hours

About Hours of Operation (HOP)

Use the Business Hours workspace to define the operational calendar for your company, including daily hours and schedules. For example, you can determine the incident response time for a technician or execute a business rule that escalates a call that has been open for a number of hours.

Business hours define how response times (such as those in escalations) are calculated. These response times are typically based on a specific hours of operation definition.

Add exemptions, such as holidays or days when the office is closed, to the calendar. You can have multiple lists, each with a unique name.

Viewing Business Hours

The Business Hours workspace lists the default hours of operation schedules.

1.From the Configuration Console, click Configure > Organization Profile > Business Hours to open the Business Hours workspace.

2.Select a schedule to see its details.

Creating an Hours of Operation Schedule

1.From the Configuration Console, click Configure > Organization Profile > Business Hours to open the Business Hours workspace.

2.Click Add New.... The system displays the Add Hours of Operation page.

Add Hours of Operation Page

3.Enter information into the fields.

Field Description
Name A unique name for the hours of operation schedule.
Whole day Applies the schedule to a 24-hour day.
Overnight Adds this service as an overnight (after business hours) service.



The start and end times (if you did not select Whole day) of your operation.
Time Zone Your time zone. Choose from the drop-down list.
Recurrence pattern

The number of occurrences. Select the pattern options according to the chosen interval. Select the interval (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly).

Range of recurrence

The start and end date ranges for this schedule.

No end date

End after (enter number) occurrences

End by (enter date)

Hours of operation cannot span over multiple days.

4.Click Save. The system displays the yearly calendar with active days highlighted in blue.

Adding Recurring Exceptions

You can add exemptions to the hours of operation as a recurring pattern, or by entering individual dates.

There are two types of exceptions: working time and non-working time. Use these exceptions to include or exclude the period for business hours.

For example, say that your organization has defined weekly hours of operation for Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm.

Hours of Operation Example 1

However, you have one hour for non-working time, from 12pm to 1pm. So you have the following non-working time exception:

Hours of Operation Example 2

In this example, the first Saturday of every month is also a working day, so there is a working time exception.

Hours of Operation Example 3

For the exception of working on a Saturday, there is an exception for the Saturday lunch period:

Hours of Operation Example 4

Follow these steps to create an exception:

1.From the Configuration Console, click Configure > Organization Profile > Business Hours to open the Business Hours workspace.

2.Click the name of a schedule. The system displays the schedule page.

3.Click Recurrent to add a recurrence pattern. The system displays the Add Exception page.

4.Enter information into the fields.

Fields Description
Name A unique name for the exception.
Exception type

The exception type. You can select one of these:

Working time

Non-working time

Whole day Applies the recurrence to a 24-hour day.
Overnight Adds this recurrence as an overnight (after business hours) service.



The start and end times (if you did not select Whole day) of your operation.
Recurrence pattern

The number of occurrences. Select the pattern options according to the chosen interval. Select the interval (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly).

Range of recurrence

The start and end date ranges for this schedule.

No end date

End after (enter number) occurrences

End by (enter date)

Add Exception to Hours of Operation

5.Click Save. The system no longer highlights the day and the exception appears at the bottom of the page.

Results of Exception to Hours of Operation

Adding Manual Exceptions

1.From the Configuration Console, click Configure > Organization Profile > Business Hours to open the Business Hours workspace.

2.Click the name of a schedule. The system displays the schedule page.

3.Click Manual dates to add a manual exception, such as a half-day.

4.Enter information into the fields.

Field Description
Name A unique name for the exception.
Exception type

The exception type. You can select one of these:

Working time

Non-working time

5.Click the add icon to add a row, then enter the date information.

Field Description
Date The date of the exception.
Whole day Applies the exception to a 24-hour day.

Start Time

End Time

The start and end times (if you did not select Whole day) of your operation.
Overnight Adds this exception as an overnight (after business hours) service.
Name Optional. Name each row of the exception for future reference.

6.Click the delete icon to remove a row.

Delete an Exception from Hours of Operation

7.Click Save.

On the calendar, the system displays the hours of operation settings with an orange background. The system displays exemption settings with a pink background and lists the exemption at the bottom of the window.

Modifying the Hours of Operation

1.From the Configuration Console, click Configure > Organization Profile > Business Hours to open the Business Hours workspace.

2.Click the name of the schedule to modify. The system displays the schedule page.

3.Click the edit icon. The system displays the Edit Hours of Operation window.

4.Enter information into the fields as described in Creating an Hours of Operation Schedule.

5.Click Save.

Example: Creating an Hours of Operation Field

This example shows how to create a field to hold the hours of operation. You can create a field to contain a value for the hours of operation to add to a form for any business object.

Adding this field enables users to designate hours of operation from a drop-down list for each record.

1.From the Configuration Console, click Build > Business Objects to open the Business Objects workspace.

2.Open the Change business object.

3.Click the Fields tab.

4.Click Add new.... The system displays a list of field types.

5.Click Text. The system displays the Setting Field Details page.

6.Enter information into the fields.

Setting Field Details for the Change Business Object

Field Description
Field Name A unique name for your field, such as CompanyHours (with no spaces).
Display Name The name that users see, such as Company Hours (spaces allowed).
Description Optional. A description of how this field is used.
Field Type The field type. From the drop-down list, select Unicode Text.
Text Length The text length. Select Variable, max 100. This is based on the FRS_def_hours_of_operation default business object.

Enables users to choose the value from a drop-down list. If you do not select this option, users can manually enter an incorrect value which can cause related actions (such as workflows) to not operate as expected.


We recommend that you always select this option.

Field Annotations Do not set this value.
Field Attributes

Field attributes. Select the following:



7.Click Add This Field. The new field now appears in the field list.

Sample Change Business Object Field List

Example: Setting Up Hours of Operation for Off Hours

You might want to determine the amount of time spent resolving an incident when an incident gets entered into the system after the hours of operation ends for the day and is resolved before the next hours of operation interval begins. The gap between the hours of operation intervals could be anywhere from minutes to months, and cannot be calculated.

In this case, use an if-then expression to calculate the duration. For example:

'$(if((HOPCalcDuration("Midnight", CreatedDateTime, ResolvedDateTime) / 60) > 0) then (HOPCalcDuration("Midnight", CreatedDateTime, ResolvedDateTime) / 60) else <Whatever appropriate>)'


Midnight is the name of the hours of operation schedule.

Whatever appropriate is what to use as an alternative expression.

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