Service Manager


This is the latest version of the help for Ivanti Service Manager 2018. If you cannot find some of the features described in the help, you may be using an older version of the application. To upgrade the application, click here.
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Configuring Workspace Options

About Workspace Options

Viewing the Tabs Available to a Role

Configuring the Top Level Tabs for the Self-Service Portal

About Workspace Options

When setting up workspaces and assigning them to roles, you can configure which options the role can view by editing them under the Top Level Tabs tab. The configuration options are accessed by selecting a role. For information on how to access the layouts, see Making Layouts Available to Users.

Viewing the Tabs Available to a Role

1.From the Configuration Console, click Configure > Users and Permissions > Roles and Permissions to open the Roles and Permissions workspace. A list of roles appears.

2.Double-click a role name from the list. The Role Details page appears.

3.Click the Top Level Tabs tab. The Top Level Tabs page appears, showing a list of the tabs that are currently available to that role.

To change the visibility settings for a workspace, see Making Layouts Available to Users.

Configuring the Top Level Tabs for the Self-Service Portal

You can restrict certain fields from displaying and configure the view options in the My Items workspace for service owners. This allows you to hide certain information from users in the Self-Service Portal so that some default options are no longer displayed. You must have My Items > Service Request configured for service owners before you can edit the options.

Restricting Views for the My Items Workspace

Enabling and Disabling Predefined Categories for the Service Catalog

Adding Customized Business Objects

Restricting Views for the My Items Workspace

1.From the Configuration Console, click Configure > Users and Permissions > Roles and Permissions to open the Roles and Permissions workspace. A list of roles appears.

2.Click SelfService. The Role Details page appears.

3.Click the Top Level Tabs tab. The Top Level Tabs page appears, showing a list of the tabs that are currently available in the Self-Service Portal.

4.Click My Items.

5.Under My Items' Configuration, click Configure next to the Service Request entry.

6.At the Service Request View Options dialog box:

Request Information: Uncheck an item to hide it on the Self-Service Portal, and click Save.

Request Offerings Parameters lists the following choices:

Custom Forms: Check or uncheck the available options to display or hide them from the Self-Service Portal.

Business Objects: Design then select a new form to implement it. The business object displays as a tab for item details.

7.To configure dialog boxes, check Do not show the dialog to hide the dialog box.

8.Click Configure confirmation dialog box to edit the confirmation dialog box.

9.Click Save.

Enabling and Disabling Predefined Categories for the Service Catalog

1.From the Configuration Console, click Configure > Users and Permissions > Roles and Permissions to open the Roles and Permissions workspace. A list of roles appears.

2.Click SelfService. The Role Details page appears.

3.Click the Top Level Tabs tab. The Top Level Tabs page appears, showing a list of the tabs that are currently available in the Self-Service portal.

4.Click Service Catalog.

5.Click Edit to edit the workspace actions and add and configure buttons.

6.Click Select Category to select another category to display as the default.

7.Check Enable predefined category 'All Categories' or Enable predefined category 'Most Popular' to enable the categories.

8.Click Save.

Adding Customized Business Objects

You can add customized business objects to the Self-Service Portal and make these available by editing My Items for service owners. You can only use business objects that apply specifically to a role. In the following example, the Problem business object is added to the service owner role. For more information, see Adding Parent Business Objects to My Items and Working with Request Offerings.

1.From the Configuration Console, click Configure > Users and Permissions > Roles and Permissions to open the Roles and Permissions workspace. A list of roles appears.

2.Click ServiceOwner. The Role Details page appears.

3.Click the Top Level Tabs tab. The Top Level Tabs page appears, showing a list of the tabs that are currently available to service owners.

4.Click My Items.

5.Under the My Items' Configuration area, click the add new icon to add a new business object.

6.From the drop-down list, select Problem.

7.Click Configure.

8.Select Single Layout and then select Problem from the drop-down list.

9.Click Save.

10.Click Save.

Do the following to create and publish the form:

1.Log out of the Configuration Console and then Log in to the application as a service owner.

2.Open the Request Offering workspace.

3.Click New > Form Offering from the top right.

4.Create a form offering by doing the following:

a. Select a service from the drop-down list.
b. Enter a name and description for the service.
c. Select the service category.

For example, you could select Data for service, enter Mobile Phone as the name, and select the Mobile Phone Service category.

5.Click Next to move to the Select Form Layout tab.

6.In the Business Object field, select the Problem business object that you configured and added.

7.In the Object Layout field, select Problem.

8.Click Next to move to the Publish Action tab.

9.Change the status from In Design to Published to make it available for the organizational units listed.

10.Add or delete organizational units as needed.

11.Click Save & Exit to complete the action and publish the form.

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