Service Manager


This is the latest version of the help for Ivanti Service Manager 2018. If you cannot find some of the features described in the help, you may be using an older version of the application. To upgrade the application, click here.
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Working with Logs

About Logging

Viewing Logs

Viewing the Logging Configuration

Viewing the Logging Configuration

Viewing the CMDB Baseline Log

Viewing the Integration Log

Viewing the LDAP Import Log

About the Transaction Audit Log

Viewing the Patch Log

Working with the Outage Log

Deleting a Log

About Logging

About Logs

Using Logs

Logging Services

Logging Levels

About Logs

Logs contain valuable information about Service Manager and are invaluable aids to Ivanti for diagnosing customer issues. We recommend that you keep all logs from the current release and the most recent past major release.

Service Manager can automatically archive and delete the application logs on a regular basis. By default, this feature is deactivated.

When automatic archiving is activated, by default any records over 180 days old are eligible for archiving and the archive function runs once a week. To activate automatic archiving, see Archiving and Deleting Log Data from the Ivanti Service Manager Databases.

Using Logs

You can create logs for various events.

Each service on each tenant can have a different logging level.

Logging Services

Service Manager includes a set of default logging services, but you can create additional logging services if needed. You must create your logging service before you can configure it for logging.

The following are the default logging services:

Logging Service Description
Workflow Service Logs information from the workflow engine.
Web Client Logs information from the web client.
Unknown Service Logs information about services that do not fit into any other category.
Script Logs information about the script engine.
Performance Logs performance information. See Measuring the Performance of Web Service Calls for complete information about using this service.
Message Queue Service Logs information about the Service Manager message queue.
Integration Service Logs information about the integration services.
IM Logs information about Discovery.
Escalation Service Logs information about the escalation service.
Email Service Logs information about the email service.
DSM Integration Service Logs information about HEAT DSM.
CMDB Import Service Logs information about the CMDB import service.
Central Config Logs information about the central configuration.
App Server_Rule Trace Logs information about how the system executes rules. For example, if there is an execution error with a rule, the system creates a log record with this service name.
App Server Logs information about the Service Manager Application Server.

Logging Levels

Set each logging service to a level, depending on the amount of information that you need to collect. We recommend that you use the error or warning levels. If you include info and debug messages, this could impact system performance by logging too many messages. If you use these levels, only do so for a short time.

Following is a list of the logging levels:

Logging Level Description

Logs nothing.

Fatal Very severe error events, usually unrecoverable, that may destroy the system.
Error Events that can harm the system, but usually allow the system to continue running. This level also includes fatal messages.
Warning Potentially harmful situations. This level also includes fatal and error messages.
Info Informational messages that highlight the progress of the application at coarse-grained level. This level also includes fatal, error, and warning messages.
Debug Fine-grained informational events that are most useful for debugging an application. This level also includes fatal, error, warning, and info messages.
All Includes all messages.

Viewing Logs

1.Log into the Service Manager Application.

2.Click Logs to open the Logs workspace. The system displays a list of logs.

Logs Workspace

3.Open a log to view the log details.

Log Details

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