Service Manager


This is the latest version of the help for Ivanti Service Manager 2018. If you cannot find some of the features described in the help, you may be using an older version of the application. To upgrade the application, click here.
To view the help for the latest version of Service Manager, click here

Working with Organization Charts

Viewing the Organization Chart

Viewing Organizational Units

Creating an Organizational Unit

Adding Child Organizational Units

Deleting an Organizational Unit

Viewing the Organization Chart

1.From the Configuration Console, click Configure > Organizational Profile > Org Chart to open the Org Chart workspace. An organization tree comes up.

2.Expand units within the tree to view the organization hierarchy.

Viewing Organizational Units

1.Do one of the following:

From the Configuration Console, click Configure > Organizational Profile > Organizational Units to open the Organizational Units workspace. An organization tree comes up.

Log in to the application and open the Org Unit workspace.

2.Double-click an item from the list to view details.

Creating an Organizational Unit

1.From the Configuration Console, click Configure > Organizational Profile > Org Chart to open the Org Chart workspace. An organization tree comes up.

2.Click Edit Org Units. The Organizational Unit page appears, listing the existing organizational units.

3.Click New Organizational Unit. The Organization Unit page appears. The following default tabs appear (results may vary depending on your system setup):

Details: Continue to the next step.

Child OUs: See Adding Child Organizational Units.

Service Agreements: One subscription can be linked to one organizational unit. See Working with Service Level Management.

Charging Account:

Fulfillment Item Package: See Home  .

Audit History: See About Accessing the Audit History.

4.Enter information into the fields.

Field Description
Name A unique name for this unit.
Parent OU The parent organizational unit from the tree.
Owner The owner of the organizational unit. By default, the system populates this field with the administrator. To allow another role owner to modify this unit (perhaps to restructure parent-child relationships), use the drop-down list.
IT Overhead Allocation A number representing the percentage of IT overhead.
Deleted Removes this organizational unit from the hierarchy. It remains stored in the database.

5.Click Save.

Adding Child Organizational Units

1.From the Configuration Console, click Configure > Organizational Profile > Org Chart to open the Org Chart workspace. An organization tree comes up.

2.Click Edit Org Units. The Organizational Unit page appears, listing the existing organizational units.

3.Click New Organizational Unit. The Organization Unit page appears.

4.Click Child OU.

5.Click the link icon . The list of organizational units appears.

6.Select an organizational unit from the list.

7.Click Add. The system adds the organizational unit to the list of linked organizational units.

8.To create a new organizational unit, click New Organization Unit.

9.Click Save.

Deleting an Organizational Unit

1.From the Configuration Console, click Configure > Organizational Profile > Organizational Units to open the Organizational Unit workspace.

2.Select the organizational unit to remove.

3.Click the delete icon .

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