Service Manager


This is the latest version of the help for Ivanti Service Manager 2018. If you cannot find some of the features described in the help, you may be using an older version of the application. To upgrade the application, click here.
To view the help for the latest version of Service Manager, click here

Incident Quick Actions (Uncategorized)

Action Menu Option Action Taken
Post Social Message Associated with Incident Shares the incident on the Social Board.
Approve my vote

Updates the status of a change to approved (if you have permission to do so).

Deny my vote

Updates the status of a change to denied (if you have permission to do so).

Post Social Message Associated with Change

Shares the change on the Social Board.

Update End Date value from Release

Updates the end date from the associated release.

Update Start Date value from Release

Updates the start date from the associated release.

Update Variance Flag

Shows the variance if you made any changes to the current baseline.

Run Baseline

Runs a baseline quick action to show all configuration items under change control.

Incident Quick Actions (Forms)

Action Menu Option

Action Taken

Assign Incident to Me

Updates the value of the Owner field to the logged-in user.

Auto Close

Changes the incident status to closed and updates the resolution detail field to automatically closed.

Auto Close "Waiting for Customer"

Updates the incident status to closed and updates the resolution detail field to automatically closed after a certain number of days, due to lack of response from the customer.

Calculate Cost

Updates the cost field of the incident by rolling up the cost of all completed tasks that are associated with the incident. Also updates the time field of the incident with the sum of the total time spent on the associated tasks.

Called Customer

Adds a note in the activity history to indicate that the customer was called. Prompts you to enter a note.

Change Status to Cancelled

Cancels the selected change by changing the status to canceled. In the Enter Notes for Cancellation field, enter the reason for canceling the change and click OK. Creates a journal note in the activity history.

Change Status to Deferred

Updates the status of the selected change to deferred. In the Enter Notes field, enter the reason for deferring the change and click OK. Creates a journal note in the activity history.

Change Status to Denied

Updates the status of the selected change to denied. In the Enter Notes for Denial field, enter the reason for denying the change and click OK. Creates a journal note in the activity history.

Change Status to Requested

Updates the status of the selected change to requested.

Close from Self Service

Allows the requester to close the incident from the Self-Service Portal.

Close Incident

Closes the selected incident record by changing the status to closed.

Close Related Problems

Updates the status of any related problems to closed.


Exports the data from the defined fields of the selected incidents to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. This does not export any expressions contained within the fields.

Incident Resolved

Resolves the selected incident by linking to a problem, changing the incident status to resolved.

Reassign Owner Team

Reassigns the ownership team of the selected incident. Creates a journal note in the activity history. Updates the incident status to logged. If the Owner field was previously filled in, it is now blank.

Resolve Incident

Resolves the selected incident, changing the incident status to resolved.

Resolve Incident Related to Problem

Updates the incident status to resolved if there is a linked problem. Updates the incident cause code. Fills in the resolution detail.

Stop Clock

Stops the escalation clock for the selected incident. Creates a journal note in the activity history. Sends an email to the manager of the team.

Update Status to Active

Updates the status of the incident to active and prompts you to fill in the owner.

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