Service Manager


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Working With Templates and Blocks in the Responsive User Interface

About the Responsive User Interface Templates and Blocks

Working with Templates

Working with Blocks

Customizing Block and Template Parts

About the Responsive User Interface Templates and Blocks

The term block refers to specific items on the home page of the responsive user interface that provide users with information. A template contains preset values to speed up the process of making new blocks.

The home page of the responsive user interface displays these blocks by default:

Alert banner

My Items block

Need Help? block

Popular requests (from the Service Catalog)

Announcements block

Meet your staff

Featured Knowledge Articles block

Contact information

Working with Templates

Viewing Block Templates

Creating a New Block Template

Creating a New Block Template from an Existing Block

Editing a Block Template

Deleting a Block Template

Managing Block Templates with Category Folders

Viewing Block Templates

1.Access the Self Service Mobile user interface. See Accessing the Responsive User Interface.

2.Click the Settings icon .

3.Click Home.

4.To view a list of block templates, click Parts. The system displays the following list of block templates:

Alert Banner

My Items List

Need Help?

Contact Information

Meet your staff

Announcements (Mobile)

Knowledge Base

Service Catalog

Featured Knowledge Articles

Contact Information (Mobile)

Popular Request (Block)

Search for Solution

My Items


Popular Request

Contact Information (Small)

There is a corresponding collection of blocks already present on the home page of the responsive user interface.

Creating a New Block Template

1.Access the responsive user interface. See Accessing the Responsive User Interface.

2.Click the Settings icon .

3.Click Home.

4.To view a list of block templates, click Parts.

5.Click the Add icon . The system displays a blank Template Settings form with General settings.

6.Enter the requested information into the fields provided.

a. Enter a title for the template. The title becomes the name of the new template. You can have a maximum of 50 characters.
b. Enter an optional description.
c. Select a template.
d. Choose a widget from the drop-down menu. The widget determines the function of the blocks that you create from this template.
e. Choose the requested items from the drop-down lists.
f. Check the boxes to enable the features you want.

7.Click Save.

Creating a New Block Template from an Existing Block

1.Access the Self Service Mobile user interface. See Accessing the Responsive User Interface.

2.Click the Settings icon .

3.Click Home.

4.In the header of the block to create the template from, click the Settings icon . The system displays the Settings dialog box.

5.On the left, click General.

6.In the Title field, enter a title for this template. The title becomes the name of the new template. You can have a maximum of 50 characters.

7.Click Save As Custom Template and then click Yes to confirm. The system displays the new template in the list.

Editing a Block Template

1.Access the Self Service Mobile user interface. See Accessing the Responsive User Interface.

2.Click the Settings icon .

3.Click Home.

4.To view a list of block templates, click Parts.

5.Highlight the template to edit and click the edit icon .

6.Make changes.

7.Click Save.

Deleting a Block Template

1.Access the responsive user interface. See Accessing the Responsive User Interface.

2.Click the Settings icon .

3.Click Home.

4.To view a list of block templates, click Parts.

5.Highlight the template to delete.

6.Click the delete icon .

7.Click Yes to confirm.

Managing Block Templates with Category Folders

You can organize your block templates into categories. First, you create a category folder. Then you move the template into the folder. This feature is helpful if you create a large number of templates and need a way to keep them organized.

Creating a Category Folder for Block Templates

Placing a Block Template into a Category Folder

Removing a Block Template from a Category Folder

Changing the Name of a Category Folder for a Block Template

Deleting a Category Folder for a Block Template

Creating a Category Folder for Block Templates

1.Access the responsive user interface. See Accessing the Responsive User Interface.

2.Click the Settings icon .

3.Click Home.

4.To view a list of block templates, click Parts.

5.Click the Manage Categories icon.

6.Click Add.

7.Enter a title for the category folder. You can have a maximum of 50 characters. Each folder must have a unique name.

8.Click Save. The system displays the new category folder.

9. Click Close. The system displays the new category folder at the top of the Parts list.

Placing a Block Template into a Category Folder

1.Access the Self Service Mobile user interface. See Accessing the Responsive User Interface.

2.Click the Settings icon .

3.Click Home.

4.To view a list of block templates, click Parts.

5.In the Parts list, choose a template and click the edit icon .

6.In the Category field, click the search icon .

7.Choose a category folder from the list and then click Select.

8.Click Save. The system displays an arrow icon next to the category folder in the Parts list.

9.Click the arrow icon or double-click the category folder to see the relocated template.

Removing a Block Template from a Category Folder

1.Click the arrow icon or double-click the category folder to open it.

2.Choose a template and click the edit icon .

3.In the Category field, click the clear icon .

4.Click Save. The system displays the template in the Parts list.

Changing the Name of a Category Folder for a Block Template

1.Access the Self Service Mobile user interface. See Accessing the Responsive User Interface.

2.Click the Settings icon .

3.Click Home.

4.To view a list of block templates, click Parts.

5.Click the Manage Categories icon.

6.Choose a category folder and click the edit icon .

7.Enter a new title for the category folder.  You can have a maximum of 50 characters. Each folder must have a unique name.

8.Click Save and then click Close.

Deleting a Category Folder for a Block Template

1.Access the Self Service Mobile user interface. See Accessing the Responsive User Interface.

2.Click the Settings icon .

3.Click Home.

4.To view a list of block templates, click Parts.

5.Click the Manage Categories icon.

6.Choose a category folder and click the delete icon .

7.Click Yes to confirm.

8.Click Close.

Working with Blocks

Adding a Block

Resizing a Block

Editing Blocks

Adding a Block

1.Access the Self Service Mobile user interface. See Accessing the Responsive User Interface.

2.Click the Settings icon .

3.Click Home.

4.To view a list of block templates, click Parts.

5.Drag a block template from the list to the home page.

6.Position the template relative to an existing block using the placement tool.

Placing a Block on the Self Service Mobile User Interface Home Page

Resizing a Block

Adjusting the Height of a Block

Adjusting the Width of a Block

You can resize any block in the home page of the responsive user interface. When you change the size of a block, the system adjusts the sizes of other blocks, in an attempt to keep all blocks visible in the home page.

Adjusting the Height of a Block

1.Access the responsive user interface. See Accessing the Responsive User Interface.

2.Click the Settings icon .

3.Click Home.

4.Click Preview.

5.Position your cursor at the bottom of the block to resize. The cursor changes to a double-arrow .

6.Click the mouse. The cursor changes to a pointer.

7.Drag the bottom of the banner up or down.

Adjusting the Width of a Block

1.Access the responsive user interface. See Accessing the Responsive User Interface.

2.Click the Settings icon .

3.Click Home.

4.Click Preview.

5.Position your cursor at the right edge of the block to resize. The cursor changes to a double-arrow .

6.Click the mouse. The cursor changes to a pointer.

7.Drag the right edge of the banner left or right.

Editing Blocks

1.Access the responsive user interface. See Accessing the Responsive User Interface.

2.Click the Settings icon .

3.Click Home.

4.Click Preview.

5.Click the Settings icon of the block to edit.

6.Make changes.

7.Click Save.

Customizing Block and Template Parts

About Customizing Block and Template Parts

Determining the Block Type

Customizing Lists

Customizing Text

Customizing Shortcuts

Customizing Charts

Customizing Banners

Adding a Placeholder

About Customizing Block and Template Parts

You can use default blocks as they are or you can customize them to meet your needs. You can also create new, customized blocks using the default blocks as templates. See Creating a New Block Template from an Existing Block.

The customizing options available depend on the block type that you selected in the Settings dialog box. These are the available types:







Determining the Block Type

To determine the types of blocks in your workspace:

1.Access the responsive user interface. See Accessing the Responsive User Interface.

2.Click the Settings icon .

3.Click Home.

4.Click Preview.

5.Click the Settings icon of the block.

6.Click the Widget drop-down list to see the block type.

Customizing Lists

General Settings

Data Source Settings

Options Settings

Visual Settings

General Settings
Setting Description
Title The name of this block. This name should correspond to the value in the Get Data From field. The title can have a maximum of 50 characters.
Description Optional. A description of this list.
Widget Determines the type of block. Choose List from the drop-down menu.
Data Source Settings
Setting Description
Get Data From Specifies the source of the data.
Business Object

(Appears when you choose Saved Search or Validation List from the Get Data From field.)

The business object that is being reported in the list. Choose from drop-down list.

Saved Search

(Appears when you choose Saved Search or Service Catalog from the Get Data From field.)

Specifies the name of the saved search used to identify incidents of the business object to be reported.

Validation List

(Appears when you choose Validation List from the Get Data From field.)

Specifies the name of the validation list used to identify incidents of the business object to be reported.

From Search

(Appears when you choose My Items from the Get Data From field.)

Specifies the My Items search to use.

Sort By

(Appears when you choose Saved Searchor My Items from the Get Data From field.)

Specifies the business object to sort the list items by. Choose ascending or descending.


(Appears when you choose Saved Search or Validation List from the Get Data From field.)

Specifies the maximum number of items to be displayed in the list.

Options Settings

Options for List Items

Setting Description
Empty Text

Specifies the message to display when a list is empty. The default message is "There are currently no items to display." and you can also enter your own message to replace the default message.

Actions Displays additional options.
Header Click Check the box to enable the header click feature.

Specifies where to go when the user click the header. Choose either Self Service Workspace or URL.

Workspace (Appears when you choose Self Service Workspace from the Target field.) Specifies the workspace to display.
Command (Appears when you choose Self Service Workspace from the Target field.) Specifies the action that happens when you click the header.

(Appears when you choose URL from the Target field.) Specifies the target URL.

Open in New Window

(Appears when you choose URL from the Target field.) Opens the target URL in a new browser window.

Item Click Check the box to enable the item click feature.
Target Specifies where to go when the user click the item. Choose either Self Service Workspace or URL.
Workspace (Appears when you choose Self Service Workspace from the Target field.) Specifies the workspace to display.
Command (Appears when you choose Self Service Workspace from the Target field.) Specifies the action that happens when you click the item.

(Appears when you choose Self Service Workspace from the Target field.)

If you choose Field, choose the field name from the drop-down list.

If you choose Value, enter the value in the box at the right.

Visual Settings
Setting Description
Border Check the box to enable a border around the list.

Sets the border width. The value can be from 0 to 100 pixels.

Line Specifies the line type, such as solid, dotted, and so on.
Color Specifies the color of the border. Enter a hexadecimal value or click the eyedropper icon to access the color picker. See Working with the Color Picker.
Shadow Check the box to enable a shadow around the boarder.
Header Displays a header.

Check the box to display an icon to the left of each list item.

Click the to display a selection of icons. Click the icon you want and then click Select. Or click X to delete the icon.
Size Adjusts the display height of the icon. The value can be from 8 to 128 pixels.
Color Icon color. Enter hex value or click the eyedropper icon to access the Color Picker. See Working with the Color Picker.
Accent Check the box to enable a accent.
Width Specifies the display width of the accent. Values can be from 0 to 100 pixels.
Placement Specifies the position of the accent on the list.
Color Specifies the accent color. Enter a hexadecimal value or click the eyedropper icon to access the color picker. See Working with the Color Picker.
Text Style Character height of the header title. The value can be from 1 to 99 points.
BIU Applies bold, italic, or underline effects to the text.
Color The color of the text of the header. Enter a hexadecimal value or click the eyedropper icon to access the color picker. See Working with the Color Picker.
Background Background color. Enter a hexadecimal value or click the eyedropper icon to access the color picker. See Working with the Color Picker.
Size Height of the background. The value can be from 0 to 100 points.
List Item  
Layout Describes the layout of list items.
Type Choose Rows (auto height), Rows (fixed height), or Blocks.
Height Appears when you choose Rows (fixed height) or Blocks. Adjusts the height of your rows or blocks. The value can be from 0 to 1000 points.
Space Adds space between your rows or blocks. The value can be from 0 to 100 points.
Width Appears when you choose Blocks. Adjusts the width of your blocks. The value can be from 0 to 100 points.
Background Background color. Enter a hexadecimal value or click the eyedropper icon to access the color picker. See Working with the Color Picker.
Item Border Check the box to enable a border around each list item.

Sets the border width. The value can be from 0 to 100 pixels.

Line Specifies the line type, such as solid, dotted, and so on.
Color Specifies the color of the border. Enter a hexadecimal value or click the eyedropper icon to access the color picker. See Working with the Color Picker.
Shadow Check the box to enable a shadow around each list item.
Corner Rounds the corners of the item border.
Icon Check the box to display an icon to the left of each list item.
Field For icons, OwnerType is the only option.
Default Click the to display a selection of icons. Click the icon you want and then click Select. Or click X to delete the icon.
Style Adjusts the display height of the icon. The value can be from 8 to 96 pixels.
Placement Places the icon relative to the list item. Choose Left or Top.

Specifies the color of the icon. Enter a hexadecimal value or click the eyedropper icon to access the color picker. See Working with the Color Picker.

Title Check the box to display a title for each list item.
Field Choose a field name from the drop-down list.
Text Style Character height of the header title. The value can be from 1 to 99 points.
BIU Applies bold, italic, or underline effects to the text.
Color The color of the text of the header. Enter a hexadecimal value or click the eyedropper icon to access the color picker. See Working with the Color Picker.
Background Background color. Enter a hexadecimal value or click the eyedropper icon to access the color picker. See Working with the Color Picker.
Multiline Check the box to allow a title with multiple lines.
Description Check the box to display a description for each list item.
Field Choose a field name from the drop-down list.
Text Style Character height of the description. The value can be from 1 to 99 points.
BIU Applies bold, italic, or underline effects to the text.
Color The color of the text of the header. Enter a hexadecimal value or click the eyedropper icon to access the color picker. See Working with the Color Picker.
Background Background color. Enter a hexadecimal value or click the eyedropper icon to access the color picker. See Working with the Color Picker.
Multiline Check the box to allow a description with multiple lines.
Trim to Trims the description to a given size. The value can be from 0 to 100,000 points.
Background Specifies the background color. Enter a hexadecimal value or click the eyedropper icon to access the color picker. See Working with the Color Picker.

Customizing Text

General Settings

Data Source Settings

Options Settings

Visual Settings

Text displays material that you enter. Text does not report information.

General Settings
Setting Description
Title The name of this block. The title can have a maximum of 50 characters.
Description Optional. Enter a description of this list.
Widget Determines the type of block. Choose Text from the drop-down menu.
Data Source Settings

For text blocks, the data source is a space where you can enter text content. Note that the text that you enter does not wrap automatically.

Several style options are available for your content.

Fonts: One of six typefaces.

Effects: Bold, italic, underline, or highlight.

Sizes: 7 to 33 pixels.

Colors: One of 40 preset colors for the text or to highlight the text. Use this setting when you want to change the color of small portions of text.

Alignment: Left, center, or right.

Lists: Numbered or bulleted.

Edit mode: Plain text or source edit (HTML).

Adding a Hyperlink

You can add a hyperlink to your text content by doing the following:

1.Select the portion of the text to become the link.

2.Click the hyperlink icon .

3.Enter the URL in the dialog box and click OK.

The selected portion of the text changes to blue and underlined, indicating a hypertext link.

If you want this link to open in a separate browser tab, click the Source Edit icon and add target="_blank" to the href. For example, enter <a href="" target="_blank">hypertext link</a>.

Options Settings
Setting Description
Actions Displays additional options.
Header Click Check to enable the header click feature.

Specifies where to go when the user click the header. Choose either Self Service Workspace or URL.

Workspace (Appears when you choose Self Service Workspace from the Target field.) Specifies the workspace to display.
Command (Appears when you choose Self Service Workspace from the Target field.) Specifies the action that happens when you click the header.

(Appears when you choose URL from the Target field.) Specifies the target URL.

Open in New Window

(Appears when you choose URL from the Target field.) Opens the target URL in a new browser window.


(Appears when you choose certain options from the Command field.)

If you choose Field, choose the field name from the drop-down list.

If you choose Value, enter the value in the box at the right.

Filter ID

(Appears when you choose certain options from the Command field.) Specifies the filter ID value for your filter.

Visual Settings
Setting Description
Border Check the box to enable a border.

Sets the border width. The value can be from 0 to 100 pixels.

NOTE: Aggressive changes to the visual settings can make the alerts invisible. You may have to make the banner taller. See Adjusting the Height of a Block.

Line Specifies the line type, such as solid, dotted, and so on.
Color Specifies the color of the border. Enter a hexadecimal value or click the eyedropper icon to access the color picker. See Working with the Color Picker.
Shadow Specifies that there is a shadow around the border.

Check the box to display an icon.

Click the to display a selection of icons. Click the icon you want and then click Select. Or click X to delete the icon.
Size Adjusts the display height of the icon. The value can be from 8 to 128 pixels.

Specifies the color of the icon. Enter a hexadecimal value or click the eyedropper icon to access the color picker. See Working with the Color Picker.

Accent Check the box to display an accent on this block.
Width Specifies the display width of the accent. Values can be from 0 to 100 pixels.
Placement Specifies the position of the accent on the header.
Color Specifies the accent color. Enter a hexadecimal value or click the eyedropper icon to access the color picker. See Working with the Color Picker.
Text Style Applies to title of the block, which is displayed in the header.
Size Character height of the header title. The value can be from 1 to 100 points.
BIU Applies bold, italic, or underline effects to the text.
Color The color of the text of the header. Enter a hexadecimal value or click the eyedropper icon to access the color picker. See Working with the Color Picker.
Background The color of the background of the header. Enter a hexadecimal value or click the eyedropper icon to access the color picker. See Working with the Color Picker.
Height The height of the header. The value can be from 0 to 100 pixels. Regardless of setting, the header is always high enough to display the title.
Content Displays additional options for how the content is displayed.

The color of the text. Enter a hexadecimal value or click the eyedropper icon to access the color picker. See Working with the Color Picker.

Background Background color. Enter a hexadecimal value or click the eyedropper icon to access the color picker. See Working with the Color Picker.
Padding Adds space around your text. The value can be from 0 to 128 pixels.

Customizing Charts

General Settings

Data Source Settings

Options Settings

Charts to not have visual settings.

General Settings
Setting Description
Title The name of this block. This name should correspond to the value in the Get Data From field. The title can have a maximum of 50 characters.
Description Optional. A description of this list.
Widget Determines the type of block. Choose Chart from the drop-down menu.
Data Source Settings
Setting Description
Business Object

The business object that is being reported in the list. Choose from drop-down list.

Saved Search

Specifies the name of the saved search used to identify incidents of the business object to be reported.

Runtime Field Ref

Choose Not Implement 1 or Not Implement 2.

Options Settings
Setting Description
Chart Type Choose a chart type from the drop-down menu.
Aggregate By Choose Count, Sum, or Average.
Header Enter text to display in the header.
Group By Choose the item by which you want the data grouped.
Footer Enter text to display in the footer.
Order By Choose Aggregation field or Group By field.
Axis Scale Choose Linear or Logarithmic.
Direction Choose Ascending or Descending.
Data Labels Check the box to show data labels.
Results Choose All, Top, or Bottom.
Show Legend Check the box to show a legend.
Adds a chart.
Deletes the chart.
Open in Object Workspace Tab Check the box to open this chart in the object workspace tab.

Customizing Shortcuts

General Settings

Data Source Settings

Options Settings

Visual Settings

A shortcut provide a convenient link to a workspace or URL. Shortcuts do not report information.

General Settings
Setting Description
Title The name of this block. The title can have a maximum of 50 characters.
Description Optional. Enter a description of this list.
Widget Determines the type of block. Choose Shortcut from the drop-down menu.
Data Source Settings

A shortcut has no data source.

Options Settings
Setting Description
Actions Displays additional options.
Click Check the box to enable the click feature.

Specifies where to go when the user clicks the shortcut. Choose either Self Service Workspace or URL.

Workspace (Appears when you choose Self Service Workspace from the Target field.) Specifies the workspace to display.
Command (Appears when you choose Self Service Workspace from the Target field.) Specifies the action that happens when you click the header.

(Appears when you choose URL from the Target field.) Specifies the target URL.

Open in New Window

(Appears when you choose URL from the Target field.) Opens the target URL in a new browser window.

Visual Settings
Setting Description
Border Check the box to enable a border.

Sets the border width. The value can be from 0 to 100 pixels.

NOTE: Aggressive changes to the visual settings can make the alerts invisible. You may have to make the banner taller. See Adjusting the Height of a Block.

Line (Specifies the line type, such as solid, dotted, and so on.
Color Specifies the color of the border. Enter a hexadecimal value or click the eyedropper icon to access the color picker. See Working with the Color Picker.
Shadow Specifies that there is a shadow around the border.
Accent Check the box to display an accent.
Width Specifies the display width of the icon. Values can be from 0 to 100 pixels.
Placement Specifies the position of the accent on the header.
Color Specifies the accent color. Enter a hexadecimal value or click the eyedropper icon to access the color picker. See Working with the Color Picker.
Text Style

Specifies the height of the alert text. The value can be from 0 to 100 pixels.

NOTE: Aggressive changes to the visual settings can make the alerts invisible. You may have to make the banner taller. See Adjusting the Height of a Block.

B IU Applies bold, italic, or underline effects to the text.

Specifies the color of the text. Enter a hexadecimal value or click the eyedropper icon to access the color picker. See Working with the Color Picker.


Check the box to display an icon.

Click the to display a selection of icons. Click the icon you want and then click Select. Or click X to delete the icon.
Size (Appears when you check Icon.) Adjusts the display height of the icon. The value can be from 8 to 128 pixels.
Placement (Appears when you check Icon.) Specifies where the icon is displayed relative to the title.

(Appears when you check Icon.) Specifies the color of the icon. Enter a hexadecimal value or click the eyedropper icon to access the color picker. See Working with the Color Picker.

Background Specifies the background color of the block. Enter a hexadecimal value or click the eyedropper icon to access the color picker. See Working with the Color Picker.

Customizing Banners

Use banners to display alerts. The system displays alert messages in a sequence, according to the Options settings.

General Settings

Data Source Settings

Options Settings

Visual Settings

General Settings
Setting Description
Title The name of this block. This name does not appear on the banner. The title can have a maximum of 50 characters.
Description Optional. Enter a description of this list.
Widget Determines the type of block. Choose Banner from the drop-down menu.
Data Source Settings
Setting Description
Business Object Specifies the business object associated with the banner. Choose Alert from the drop-down list.
Saved Search Specifies the saved search associated with the banner. Choose All Current Alerts from the drop-down list.

Specifies the maximum number of alerts displayed in the banner.

Options Settings
Setting Description
Severity Field Set this field to Severity.
Display Field

Set this field to Description.

Update Interval Specifies the interval, in seconds, at which the banner changes display items. Values can be from 1 to 86,400 seconds (24 hours).
Actions Displays additional options.
Header Click Check the box to enable the header click feature.

Specifies where to go when the user click the header. Choose either Self Service Workspace or URL.

Workspace (Appears when you choose Self Service Workspace from the Target field.) Specifies the workspace to display.
Command (Appears when you choose Self Service Workspace from the Target field.) Specifies the action that happens when you click the header.

(Appears when you choose URL from the Target field.) Specifies the target URL.

Open in New Window

(Appears when you choose URL from the Target field.) Opens the target URL in a new browser window.

Item Click Check the box to enable the item click feature.
Target Specifies where to go when the user click the item. Choose either Self Service Workspace or URL.
Workspace (Appears when you choose Self Service Workspace from the Target field.) Specifies the workspace to display.
Command (Appears when you choose Self Service Workspace from the Target field.) Specifies the action that happens when you click the item.

(Appears when you choose URL from the Target field.) Specifies the target URL.

Open in New Window

(Appears when you choose URL from the Target field.) Opens the target URL in a new browser window.


(Appears when you choose certain options from the Command field.)

If you choose Field, choose the field name from the drop-down list.

If you choose Value, enter the value in the box at the right.

Filter ID

(Appears when you choose certain options from the Command field.) Specifies the filter ID value for your filter.


Specifies the severity level of the display item. For example, if threshold 1 is set to green, all level 1 alerts display in green.


Specifies the icon that displays to the left of the alert text. Click the search icon , choose a display icon, and click Select.


NOTE: You must check Icon under Visual Settings for the icon to appear.


The color of the text. The background is the same color but with 30% saturation to make it lighter. Enter a hexadecimal value or click the eyedropper icon to access the color picker. See Working with the Color Picker.

Adds a threshold.
Deletes the threshold.
Visual Settings
Setting Description
Border Check the box to enable a border.

(Sets the border width. The value can be from 0 to 100 pixels.


NOTE: Aggressive changes to the visual settings can make the alerts invisible. You may have to make the banner taller. See Adjusting the Height of a Block.

Line Specifies the line type, such as solid, dotted, and so on.
Color Specifies the color of the border. Enter a hexadecimal value or click the eyedropper icon to access the color picker. See Working with the Color Picker.
Shadow Check the box to display a shadow around the border.

Check the box to display an icon to the left of the alert.


NOTE: Choose the icon size under Thresholds in Options Settings.

Size Adjusts the display height of the icon. The value can be from 8 to 128 pixels.
Text Style

Specifies the height of the alert text. The value can be from 0 to 100 pixels.


NOTE: Aggressive changes to the visual settings can make the alerts invisible. You may have to make the banner taller. See Adjusting the Height of a Block.

B IU Applies bold, italic, or underline effects to the text.

Specifies the space between the top of the alert field and the icon or text. The value can be from 0 to 100 pixels.


NOTE: Aggressive changes to the visual settings can make the alerts invisible. You may have to make the banner taller. See Adjusting the Height of a Block.

Adding a Placeholder

A placeholder does not report or contain any information. Use it to reserve space to use later for a functional block.

Setting Description
Title Contains the title of the placeholder. The title can have a maximum of 50 characters.
Description Optional. Contains a description of this placeholder.
Widget Determines the type of block. Choose Placeholder from the drop-down menu.

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