Service Manager


This is the latest version of the help for Ivanti Service Manager 2018. If you cannot find some of the features described in the help, you may be using an older version of the application. To upgrade the application, click here.
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About Team Costing

About Costing

Setting Up Costing for an Owner Team

Calculating the Cost of a Business Object

About Costing

You can view and track transactional costs for a single service request, incident, change, problem, or release, or view the costing information in a report. The system calculates the cost of each task by multiplying the actual effort of the task by the average cost per minute of the owner team to whom the task is assigned. The system calculates the total cost by rolling up the cost of all the associated tasks for the business object.

The system does not calculate costing for business objects with no associated tasks.

If you select an owner team for a task and the actual effort field is filled in (upon completion of the task), the system populates the Cost field in the task by multiplying the team's average cost per minute by the task's actual effort.

To view and track the cost for incidents, ensure that the Average Cost Per Minute field in the Teams workspace has a value.

Setting Up Costing for an Owner Team

1.Log into the Service Desk Console.

2.Open the Employee Team workspace.

3.Open the team to set up costing for.

4.In the Average Cost per Minute field, enter or modify the dollar amount per minute that is charged by this team.

5.Click Save.

Calculating the Cost of a Business Object

Calculating the cost of a business object while it is still in any open state, such as logged or assigned, gives you the option of assessing whether the associated costs are on track.

1.Log into the Service Desk Console.

2.Open a record with any open status.

3.Click the Task tab.

4.Set one or more tasks to completed.

5.Click the Details tab.

6.From the Action Menu, choose Form Actions > Calculate Cost.

View the cost in the Cost field of the Details tab. The actual effort is multiplied by the average cost per minute of the owner team assigned to a task. The Time field is also populated with the sum of the times specified in the Actual Effort field of each completed task.

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