Service Manager


This is the latest version of the help for Ivanti Service Manager 2018. If you cannot find some of the features described in the help, you may be using an older version of the application. To upgrade the application, click here.
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Returns the localized value of the input, if one exists in the system. This function only works for text values and not for other types such as DateTime values. The localized value is based on the user associated with the current session.



Enabled For

For a description of the business object categories, see Notes on "Enabled For".

Business Object Category Yes/No
Business Rules: Before-Save Rules Yes1
Business Rules: Calculation Rules (After Save, with or without Also Recalculate on Load) Yes
Business Rules: Calculation Rules (Before Save or Always, without Also Recalculate On Load) Yes1
Business Rules: Calculation Rules (Before Save or Always, with Recalculate On Load) Yes
Business Rules: Editing Rules Yes1
Business Rules: Initialization Rules Yes1
Business Rules: Read Only Rules Yes1
Business Rules: Required Rules Yes1
Business Rules: Validation Rules Yes1
Client Expressions Yes
Object Permissions No
Services Yes
Mobile Yes
Quick Actions (except UI Quick Actions) Yes1
UI Quick Actions No
Reports Yes1
Search/Dashboard without field references Yes1
Search/Dashboard with field references No
1. Except when this field appears on a form or is triggered by such a field.


value Text value to localize.

Return Value

Text value.

When used with field references, if the field is validated, this function returns the local value. If no localized value exists, this function returns the original value.

When used with literals, looks for and returns a translation in the frs_def_translations table.


$(((((local("Change: ") + ChangeNumber) + " (") + local(Status)) + ")"))

If the text in English is "Change: 10311 (Logged)" and the current user has French (France) as their locale, this function returns "Modifier: 10311 (consignés)".

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