Service Manager


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Closing Incidents

About Closing Incidents

Closing an Incident

Using "Quick Close" to Close an Incident

About Closing Incidents

Coding and closing the incident lets you determine when incidents are resolved and helps you classify root causes.

When an incident is resolved, the system notifies the customer, who has the option of changing the status of the incident if the resolution is not satisfactory. After a certain number of days in the resolved status, the system automatically sets the incident to closed.

By default, the requester has 7 business days to respond to the incident resolution; otherwise, the system sets the incident status to closed.

When an incident is resolved, the system updates the cost of the incident by rolling up the cost of all the associated tasks. The system also updates the cost when the incident is closed (in case additional tasks were completed after the incident was resolved). Along with the cost, the system also rolls up the time specified in the Actual Effort field of each completed task to show the total time spent on the incident, as shown in the Time field.

Closing an Incident

1.Log into the Service Desk Console.

2.Open the Incident workspace.

3.Open the incident to close.

4.Ensure that all of the fields accurately reflect the issue and resolution.

5.Ensure that any pending tasks are set to closed or canceled.

6.For the Status field, select closed.

7.Click Save.

The system closes the incident and emails the requester of the closure. The system also sends a link to a survey to the requester.

Using "Quick Close" to Close an Incident

"Quick close" lets you close an incident with a single click, assuming that the data has been updated. If any required fields are blank, the system displays the Quick Close Failed window and allows you to update the incomplete fields.

1.Log into the Service Desk Console.

2.Open the Incident workspace.

3.Open the incident to close.

4.From the toolbar, click Close Incident. The system displays the Close Incident dialog box.

5.Enter information.

Field Description
Select Cause Code

The cause of the incident. Choose from the drop-down list.


Documentation Request


Install Request


Linked Problem


Reference Request

Session Reset



Is first call resolution Specifies if the incident was resolved during the initial call.
Resolution Describe the actions taken to resolve this incident.

6.Click OK to close the dialog box.

7.Click Save.

The system closes the incident and emails the requester of the closure. The system also sends a link to a survey to the requester.

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