Service Manager


This is the latest version of the help for Ivanti Service Manager 2018. If you cannot find some of the features described in the help, you may be using an older version of the application. To upgrade the application, click here.
To view the help for the latest version of Service Manager, click here

Canceling a Release

About Canceling a Release

Canceling a Release in Draft State

Canceling a Release in Active State

About Canceling a Release

The state of a new release record is draft. You can leave it in this state while you are gathering information. When you are ready to submit the release, update its status to requested. If you decide to cancel the release, you can do so before you update the release status to requested, unless you are a Release Manager.

If you decide to cancel the release when it is in the active state, you must also cancel its associated milestones; otherwise, the workflow associated with each milestone goes into effect. See Canceling a Release in Active State.

You can only cancel a release when its in draft state, unless you are the Release Manager.

Canceling a Release in Draft State

1.Log in to the application as a Change Manager or Release Manager.

2.Open the Release workspace.

3.Open the release record to cancel.

4.From the Action Menu, choose Cancel Release.

5.In the Enter Notes for Cancellation field, enter a reason for canceling the release and click OK. The status of the release is set to canceled.

6.Click Save. Service Manager notifies the Release Manager and the release owner of the cancellation.

Canceling a Release in Active State

1.Log in to the application as a Release Manager.

2.Open the Release workspace.

3.Open the release record to cancel.

4.Choose the Milestones tab of the release record.

5.Select the first milestone record in the sequence and click Go to.

6.Choose the Workflow Instance tab and select the workflow instance record.

7.From the Action Menu, select Abort. The workflow instance status updates to aborted.

8.On the Milestone form, set the status to canceled.

9.Click Save. Service Manager notifies the Release Manager and the release owner of the cancellation.

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