Service Manager


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Working with Reports and Report Management

About Reports

About RapidReports

Viewing Reports

Creating Reports and Report Templates

Creating a Report Using Microsoft Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS)

Scheduling Reports

Printing Reports

Exporting a Report

Emailing and Downloading a Report

Troubleshooting Reports

Report Examples

Default Reports

About Reports

A report is a list of information captured from the Service Manager database. Reports provide IT managers, service owners, and other organizational stakeholders the ability to measure operational, cost, and user satisfaction metrics by showing data from the IT organization in a meaningful and organized manner. Service Manager comes with default reports that users can access to view IT-related data. See Default Reports.

Report Managers and administrators can create their own customized report templates and then create reports from these custom report templates. Service Manager uses the Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) report builder to create report templates. You can access the Microsoft SSRS report builder directly within Service Manager. See Creating Reports and Report Templates.

Report Managers and administrators can publish reports to specific roles, run realtime reports, schedule reports to run at specified times, and distribute reports to users in a variety of formats. Reports can be available as quick actions to specific roles or can be scheduled to run at defined intervals. Scheduled reports can be emailed to users, made available for download from a workspace, or both. See Scheduling Reports.

Only Report Managers and administrators can edit a report template, but anyone can create a report and edit the data in a report. Administrators cannot assign the ability to edit report templates to other roles.

Be sure to enable popups in your browser when running reports.  See the online help for your specific browser for more information.

About RapidReports

This feature is introduced with Service Manager release 2017.3. It allows any user with access and permissions to create an ad-hoc report using a button configured for the toolbar. Once a report has been created it can be saved and customized using the Report Designer. You can design the report format and select the types of information it displays.

Administrators can publish access to view, create or edit reports as required. This feature is meant to be used by all users. See Using RapidReports for information on how to set up, configure, and use RapidReports.

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