Service Manager


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Approving a Knowledge Article

About Approving a Knowledge Article

Responding to a Knowledge Article Approval Request by Email

Responding to a Knowledge Article Approval Request Using the Self-Service Portal

About Viewing Knowledge Article Approvals

Viewing Approvals for All Knowledge Articles

Viewing Approvals Linked to a Specific Article

About the Knowledge Approval Workflow



About Approving a Knowledge Article

When the status of a knowledge article is set to pending approval, the approval workflow starts. Depending on how your administrator has configured the workflow, a knowledge article can be approved by either a user or a group. By default, approval is set up for group approval. See Home  and Home  for more information.

If a knowledge article has to be approved by a group, depending on your settings, the article is approved if either all the approvers approve it or if only 51% of them do. By default, 51% of approvers must approve the article. In all cases, a Knowledge Manager can cast the decisive vote and approve a knowledge article.

If you are an approver for a knowledge collection, you are notified when the status for an article belonging to that specific collection is pending approval. See About the Knowledge Approval Workflow for more information about the knowledge approval process.

You can approve an article approval request in either of the following ways:

From the email

From the Self-Service Portal

The Approval Vote Tracking record for the approval instance of the knowledge article is updated to show your response.

Responding to a Knowledge Article Approval Request by Email

You can either accept or reject a knowledge article by responding to it directly from the email. When you are notified of an article approval request via email, do the following:

1.Click Reply. Do not modify the subject line of the email when sending your response through email.

2.In the body of the message, type either approved or denied to indicate your acceptance or rejection of the article approval request. The approval keywords are configured in the FRS Approval Status Keyword tab records in the Email Configuration form. By default, the keywords to approve or reject via email are approved and denied.

3.If you reject the article approval request, enter the reason for rejecting it in the second line of the body of the message.

4.Click Send.

Responding to a Knowledge Article Approval Request Using the Self-Service Portal

You can either click the link that appears in the email to go to the Self-Service Portal or log directly into the Self-Service Portal. If you use the Self-Service Portal for approvals, you must be logged in as a Self Service user. Contact your administrator to add the Self Service role to your employee profile if you are not able to log into the Self-Service Portal.

1.Log into the Self-Service Portal.

2.Click My Items.

3.(Optional) Select Approval Vote Tracking from the drop-down list.

4.Click any item listed as Approval Request for Knowledge.

5.Either approve or deny the article approval request:

If you approve the request, click Approve, then click Approve again to dismiss the approval confirmation message and confirm the approval.

If you deny the request, click Deny, then enter the reason for denying the request in the Deny Approval-Reason field and click Submit.

About Viewing Knowledge Article Approvals

As a Knowledge Manager you can view, at a glance, the following:

All approvals for all knowledge articles, by clicking the Approval Vote Tracking tab on the navigator bar.

The approvals just for a specific knowledge article, in the Approvals tab of the knowledge record.

Viewing Approvals for All Knowledge Articles

1.Log in to the Service Desk Console as a Knowledge Manager.

2.Open the Approval Vote Tracking workspace. The list of approval votes appears.

3.Sort the Name column for knowledge approvals.

4.Select a specific knowledge article approval and double-click it to view the form.

The following information is displayed on the top pane of the form:

The tracking ID of the knowledge article approval request.

The team and owner (approver) of the record.

The status of the vote.

The name of the user casting the vote.

The date and time when the vote was cast.

The reason for not approving the knowledge article, if it was denied.

The knowledge ID and a Go to button to navigate to the knowledge article.

The Approval tab on the form shows the names of the approvers and the status of their approval (pending, approved, or denied).

The Email tab on the form shows the email records (if the approval vote was cast through email).

Viewing Approvals Linked to a Specific Article

1.Log in to the Service Desk Console as a Knowledge Manager.

2. Open a knowledge article approval request.

3.Click the Approvals tab.

4.To view a tally of the votes, open the knowledge article approval request by selecting and double-clicking it.

About the Knowledge Approval Workflow

The following topic describes the default approval workflow for knowledge articles. Your administrator may have modified the default workflow.

About Knowledge Approval States

About Knowledge Article Collections

About Knowledge Approval States

See Knowledge State Transitions Reference for information about the states of a knowledge article.

When the status of a knowledge article is updated to in review, a task is created in the logged status and the knowledge approval process starts. The system sends a notification that the knowledge article is ready for review to the appropriate group for the collection.

If the task is rejected, the status of the entire knowledge article is updated to rejected and the system emails the article owner that the article is rejected.

If the task is marked completed, the knowledge article is updated to pending approval, and the system emails the appropriate approval board.

After the knowledge article has been approved (see Approving a Knowledge Article), the system emails the knowledge article owner and changes the status to reviewed. By default, 51% of approvers must approve the article. In all cases, a Knowledge Manager can cast the decisive vote and approve a knowledge article.

The Knowledge Manager updates the status to published when the article is ready to be published. See About Viewing Knowledge Article Approvals.

About Knowledge Article Collections

Each knowledge article is grouped under a collection, during the article creation. Depending on the collection in which the knowledge article is grouped under, the task is assigned to a defined corresponding group for approval. For example:

Collection The Article is Sent to this Group:
Company Policy and Procedure Company Policy and Procedure
Customer Knowledge Customer Knowledge
Internal Knowledge Internal Knowledge
IT Knowledge IT Knowledge
Service Desk Service Desk

When a new knowledge collection is created, articles grouped in the collection are sent to a contact group called Default Knowledge.

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