Service Manager


Working with the New DSM Integration

This topic describes the new DSM integration that was introduced in Service Manager Release 2015.2.  For information about the legacy DSM integration, see Working with the DSM Legacy Integration.

About the New DSM Integration

Initially Configuring the New DSM Integration

Setting the Database Properties for HEAT DSM

Using the New DSM Integration

Performing Ongoing Maintenance for the New DSM Integration

About the New DSM Integration

The new DSM integration was designed using the concept of external business objects and web services. See Using Web Services with External Data Sources for complete information about using external business objects and web services in Service Manager.

After you initially configure the new DSM integration, you do not need to synchronize or activate the software or computers. The system uses a web services script to synchronize the computers and software automatically. When you select a computer to update, the system checks DSM to see if it is a managed computer. If it is, DSM returns an ID associated with the computer.

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