Get Business Object by Order

Fetches business object records by the defined order. For example, you can define to display the business object records in ascending order.

Base URL:

https://{tenant url}/api/odata/businessobject/{business object name}?$orderby={order parameter}

Ensure the business object name is suffixed with an "s".

The data displayed in the Response Payload is only a sample data, it does not contain the full list of responses but only a few are shown for sample.

Unsuccessful Responses

If the Orderby argument is missing, then the application returns the results by ordering in ascending order which the default. For example, https://{tenant url}/api/odata/businessobject/incidents?$orderby=IncidentNumber, in this url the orderby argument 'asc' or 'desc' is missing, in such scenario, the application returns the results in ascending order.