Template Quick Action

About the Template Quick Action



About the Template Quick Action

The Template quick action displays a template where you can create a business object with prepopulated field values and child business objects.


Parameter Description
Enter action name A unique name for the quick action.
Enter action description Optional. A description of what the quick action does.
Enter category Optional. The category. Select from the drop-down list.
Field Name

The field name.

Field Value

The field value.

Additional actions
Add new action Creates a composite action to run with the business object.
Open Configures the quick action that you selected. The additional fields that appear depend on the quick action that you select. Fill in these fields as necessary to configure the quick action.
Edit Label Renames the quick action that you added.
Remove from List Removes the quick action from the list.


Button Action
Adds a quick action to this composite quick action.
Adds fields to the list.
Removes fields from the list.
Save Commits your settings.
Cancel Exits without saving.