Integrating Microsoft Teams with Service Manager
You can integrate Microsoft Teams with Ivanti Service Manager and create a custom Teams app. With this, the end user can use the Teams app as a communication channel to chat with Service Desk Analysts, create incidents, and view the status of their incidents.
This feature is not available for customers using Service Manager version 2020.3 or prior.
Integration Process

•Enable the Global Constant from the Configuration console > Global Constants > MSTeamsInstegrationEnabled > set as True.
By default, this option is set as False.
•You should have Microsoft Teams installed on your computer and have admin credentials for it.

1.Log in to your Microsoft Teams account.
2.From Apps open App Studio and create a new app with the following details:
Field | Description | |
Details | ||
App Details
Short Name and Full Name |
Contextual names of the app. |
App ID |
This is auto-generated by Microsoft App Studio. |
Package Name |
Contextual name of the package. |
Version |
Version number of the package. |
Short Description and Full Description |
Contextual descriptions of your app. |
Developer/Company Name |
Your company name. |
Website |
Your company website URL. |
Privacy statement |
URL to the privacy statement of your organization. |
Terms of use |
URL to the terms of use or policy page of your organization. |
Branding |
Logo and other branding elements of your organization. |
Capabilities |
Bots - create a new bot by providing a contextual name for the bot and scope of use.
This is auto-generated by Microsoft App Studio when you create the bot. Copy and save this ID to use it when configuring the integration between ISM and Microsoft Teams app. Sample image of the bot ID |
This is auto-generated by Microsoft App Studio for your bot. Copy and save this password to use it when configuring the integration between ISM and Microsoft Team app. This password is displayed only once. |
Bot endpoint address |
The bot endpoint address. It should be in the following format - |
Commands |
Bot commands. ISM supports the following commands: Command text - •StartChatAnalyst •StopChatAnalyst •CreateIncident •IncidentStatus Help text - The text that should be displayed in the chat for the above commands. Scope - The scope of the app use. Select any option from the list. |

You can upload the Teams app and make it available for employees in your organization to use it. Only when the app is uploaded and available, users can add the it to their Microsoft Teams client app and use it as a communication channel to chat with Service Desk Analysts, create incidents, and view incidents' statuses.
1.Log in to your Microsoft Teams account.
2.Navigate to Apps > Upload a custom app.
3.Select Upload for <your organization name> and upload the app you built in the above section.
The app you built is now available for employees in your organization/team to use.
Sample image of uploading the app for Ivanti

The Microsoft Teams integration is complete after configuring the integration in ISM.
1.From the Configuration console, click Extend > Microsoft Teams Integration.
2.Enter the following information:
Field | Description |
Bot Id | Enter the Bot ID that you copied and saved while creating the Teams app bot. See Bot ID. |
Bot Secret Key | Enter the Microsoft Bot Secret Key. This is the Teams app password that was generated and saved while creating your Teams app in Microsoft App Studio. See Generate Password. |
Allow User only with Employee Email ID | After the first-level of authentication by Bot ID and Bot Secret Key, this option allows setting a second-level authentication. Selecting this option, you will be restricting access to the Teams app you created to users with registered employee email ID in ISM. |
Allow User Only With Org Email Domain Names |
After the first-level of authentication by Bot ID and Bot Secret Key, this option allows setting a second-level authentication. Selecting this option, you will be restricting access to the Teams app you created to users with email address in the specified domains. You can add the domain names you want to allow in the Microsoft Teams Org Email Domain Name tab. For example, if you allow and domain names, then users having email addresses such as |
Validate Teams User Email ID with existing Employee Account |
Selecting this option, the Customer name for Incidents created through Teams app and the chat display name when chatting from Teams app will have the ISM registered user name. If the user is not registered in ISM, then the name specified in the Default Account for managing non-registered users field is used. |
Default Account for managing non-registered users |
Specify the default user name. This will be used as the Customer name for Incidents created through Teams and for the chat display name in the following scenarios: •when the Validate Teams User Email ID with existing Employee Account option is selected but the user is not registered in ISM. • when the Validate Teams User Email ID with existing Employee Account option is not selected and/or the user is not registered in ISM. |
Custom Messages |
Use the fields in this tab to add custom messages and responses your Teams app should display. |
Microsoft Teams Org Email Domain Name |
This tab is available only when you select the Allow User Only With Org Email Domain Names option for second-level authentication. You can add the domain names allowed to access the Teams app. |
3.Click Save.
Microsoft Teams User Details
This workspace displays all the users' details who have initiated a chat using your organization's Teams app. Double-click on a record to view the details of the user including the incidents created for the user from the Teams app. You can also view and edit the incidents by double-clicking the incident record.