Using the Change Calendar

Major and significant changes can affect a large number of users in an organization. Organizations lose thousands of dollars and hours of work when employees are not notified or aware of impending changes that affect them. The Service Manager change calendar provides greater visibility of impending changes in the organization.

The change calendar automatically picks up all scheduled changes and presents the information in a graphical view. The change calendar can be viewed by all the roles in Service Manager.

1.Log in to Service Manager.

2.Open the Change Calendar workspace. The default change calendar is displayed.

3.Click a date to view details for a specific day.

4.Hover your mouse over a specific change request to view its information.

5.Double-click the change link on the calendar to go to the change record. There you can view details about the change request. Dates and type updates made to the change record are reflected in the Change Calendar. You might need to click Refresh to see the updated information.