About Configuring Throttling Settings

About Throttling

Checking the Throttling Status

Configuring Outbound Throttling Settings

About Throttling

In Neurons for ITSM, throttling is when the system intentionally slows the speed of web services. We use this process to regulate the network traffic and to minimize bandwidth congestion. When using web services, Neurons for ITSM may limit the message rate, based on overall load. If you exceed the rate of 100,000 API calls per day, you may find your responses slowed to an appropriate rate. This helps ensure that you get a fair share of resources, and Ivanti Software can prevent unintended performance degradation from runaway integrations and denial of service attempts.

For more information about using the Neurons for ITSM integration web services, go to the online help and view the topic called Working with the Integration Web Service.

Checking the Throttling Status

Configuring Outbound Throttling Settings

In on-premise implementations, your web service use only affects your environment. If you exceed the recommended rate, you may see performance implications. You can adjust your outbound throttling thresholds to maximize performance. The hardware capacity of your system also affects the values that you set these parameters to.

The following are the outbound throttling parameters:

Parameter Description
ResetRuntimeCacheExpectedTimeout The amount of time, in ms, that the system allocates to reset the runtime cache operation. If it takes longer than this, the system moves the operation to the pending actions and marks the server as unhealthy.
ResetRuntimeCacheUnhealthyDelayTime If the server is considered unhealthy, this is the amount of time, in ms, to delay things. After this amount of time has passed, the system executes the action.

How often, in ms, to clean up the pending actions that are stored in memory.

PendingActionsThreshold The amount of memory, in bytes, used to store all of the pending actions. Whenever a pending action exceeds the timeout value, the system adds the action to the pending action collection in memory.
ThrottlingEnable Turns on or off outbound throttling.

Change the throttling parameters as follows:

1.Navigate to the AppServer folder and open the web.config file using a text editor such as Notepad.

2.Search for and find the following strings:

<!--Expected timeout on executing reset runtime cache action

during throttling (value in milliseconds)-->

<add key="ResetRuntimeCacheExpectedTimeout" value="1000" />


<!--Expected delaying on executing reset runtime cache before

executing action in during throttling (value in milliseconds)-->

<add key="ResetRuntimeCacheUnhealthyDelayTime" value="5000" />


<!--Expected period to clean up the pending actions (value

in milliseconds)-->

<add key="PendingActionCleanupPeriod" value="300000" />


<!--Expected size threshold of pending actions collection -->

<add key="PendingActionsThreshold" value="15728640" />


<add key="ThrottlingEnable" value="true" />

3.Change the values as needed.

4.Save the file.

5.Perform a Microsoft IIS reset.