Default Global Constants
The following global constants are used throughout Neurons for ITSM. Refer to Working with Global Constants for information about using global constants.
Name |
Default Value |
Type |
Description |
True |
Boolean |
The AccessControlAllowOrigin response header indicates if the response can be shared by requesting code from the given origin. If the AccessControlAllowOrigin is set to True - then a request coming to the server can be identified as linked with the tenant having this global constant value, the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header will have the value of the constant. This should be set to the tenant URL value (but it can differ if required), and then all requests coming to that tenant will have this header set by the application in their responses. If the AccessControlAllowOrigin is set to False - access-control-allow-origin header on the responses is not present (unless they are configured on IIS level or something similar). |
AdvancedProjectEdit |
False |
Boolean |
Ability to reopen/edit the package. |
API_White_Listing_Enable |
False |
Boolean |
Show or hide the IP Whitelisting feature. |
AppDevEmailAddress |
Text |
For development use. | |
ArchiveAge | 180 | Number | Any records older than this number of days will be considered for archive. |
ChatEnabled |
False |
Boolean |
Enables or disables the Chat feature. |
False |
Boolean |
Enables the Config Homepage for ESM. |
Config Homepage for MSP |
False |
Boolean |
Enables the Self Service configuration based on OrgUnits (for MSP customers). |
DefaultComputerProvApprover |
Text |
Default approver for computer provisioning through Ivanti Desktop and Server Management (Ivanti DSM). |
DefaultFromAddress |
Text |
Default approver for software installations through Ivanti DSM. | |
DefaultKBFeedbackIncidentOwner |
ETrout |
Text |
Default owner value for a closed incident created by the knowledge feedback. |
DefaultKBFeedbackIncidentTeam |
Service Desk |
Text |
Default team value for a closed incident created by the knowledge feedback. |
DefaultSurveyID |
E7146EFB-7700-4FB3-84A7-699100925528 |
Text |
Default survey ID. |
DefaultSurveyName |
Sample Survey |
Text |
Default survey name. |
DefaultSWInstallationApprover |
[email protected] |
Text |
Default approver for software installations through Ivanti DSM. |
DisableDataChangeLogs | False | Boolean | Transaction audit logs; disables all create, update, and delete logging. |
DisableDataViewLogs | False | Boolean | Transaction audit logs; disables all view logging. |
False |
Boolean |
When the DisableScriptLevelLogging global constant is set as True, on executing scripts, the additional log entries such as INFO level that do not adhere to the logging configuration gets omitted. For more information, see Enable/Disable Script Logging. |
EnableActionService |
True |
Boolean |
Enables the action service that permits use of newly released actions in the Graphical Action Designer (release 2023.4 onwards) and the use of auto-save for composite actions. |
Enable Chat Incident Creation as RFI |
False |
Boolean |
Enables chat incident creation as RFI. |
Enable Remote Control Integration |
True |
Boolean |
Enables the ISM - EPM Remote Control Integration feature . |
True |
Boolean |
Enable or disable the Main Action Buttons in Mobile Analyst. It enhances additional capabilities on Mobile Analyst experience, for example: add email. |
EnableAdvancedScheduleEntry |
False |
Boolean |
Enable or disable the additional features for Schedule Entry. |
EnableAutoSelectOnChange |
False |
Boolean |
Applicable for the new Mobile Analyst users only. Automatically fill the value in picklist if one value is returned when the value is changed. |
EnableAutoSelectOnLoad |
False |
Boolean |
Applicable for the new Mobile Analyst users only. Automatically fill the value in picklist if one value is returned when the view is loaded. |
EnableCardConfiguration |
True |
Boolean |
Enable or disable the card configuration for modern analyst UIs like Mobile Analyst or Mobile Asset Manager. |
EnableClientSideValidationforReadOnlyFields |
True |
Boolean |
Enables client-side validation for read-only fields. |
EnableEnforceHttpsFRSHEATAuthentication |
False |
Boolean |
Enables enforcing HTTPS for FRS HEAT authenticaiton. |
EnableEnhancedObjectPermission |
False |
Boolean |
Enables you to set minimal object permissions for a role |
EnableExchangeCalendar |
True |
Boolean |
Enables or disables Exchange Calendar Integration. |
EnableInboundEmailTelemetry |
False |
Boolean |
Enable to monitor telemetry data for Inbound Email Service |
EnableInternalIPForLDAP |
False |
Boolean |
Check implemented to prevent unauthorized access to Ivanti servers by untrusted servers. To allow access to internal IPs during LDAP import, select this global constant to True. By default, it is set to False. For more information, see LDAP Settings. |
EnableMSPUserValidation |
True |
Boolean |
Enables or disables MSP user validation. |
EnableNeuronsForHealing |
False |
Boolean |
Enables or disables the Neurons for Healing feature. |
EnableNeuronsSyncByAPI |
False |
Boolean |
This is a Beta feature. Enable only after consulting with the Ivanti support team. |
EnableNewLoggingLDAPImport |
False |
Boolean |
Enables new logging mechanism for LDAP imports. |
EnableOutboundEmailTelemetry |
False |
Boolean |
Enable to monitor telemetry data for Outbound Email. |
EnableRecordLocking |
False |
Boolean |
Enables or disables record locking/visual warning. |
EnableServerSideValidationfor ReadOnlyFields |
True |
Boolean |
Enable server-side validation for read-only fields. This Global constant is set to True for new OOTB installations, and it is set to False for existing customer upgrades. |
EnableStoredExpressionsBeta |
True |
Boolean |
Enable stored expressions on the tenant. |
EnableTrustedAgent |
False |
Boolean |
Enable or disable Trusted Agent. |
EnableVoiceFlash |
0 |
Number |
Enables or disables Flash. |
EnableSelfServiceMobile PerformanceImprovements |
False |
Boolean |
Enables or disables Self Service Mobile Performance Improvements feature. |
EnableTicketClassification |
False |
Boolean |
Enable or disable the ticket classification feature. |
EndChatSessionByAnalysts |
False |
Boolean |
Enable analysts to end chat sessions. |
Endpoint Manager Import_Update Status During Device Update |
False |
Boolean |
Enables to update the CI status field during device update. |
ExportMailBody | ExportMailBody | Text | Export mail body (saved search export). |
ExportMailSubject | ExportMailSubject | Text | Export mail subject (saved search export). |
IncidentSurveyFreq |
5 |
Number |
Defines the frequency for incident surveys. |
ITEmailAddress |
Text |
Default IT email address. | |
KnowledgeArticlesAge |
12 (months) |
Number |
Allows you to limit the search to the defined age for Knowledgebase articles. For example, if the limit is set to 6 months, then the search will display results for documents that are not older than 6 months. |
ListenerEmailAddress |
Text |
Default address for Email listener. |
MaximumFileAttachmentSize |
4 |
Number |
Allows the administrator to overwrite the object level max file size. |
MaxTransactionAuditLogAge | 30 | Number | Transaction audit logs; specifies the age in days at which log entries are purged. |
MQJournalArchivePeriod |
7 |
Number |
Deletes the Days Message Queue Journal entries after 7 days. |
MSTeamsIntegrationEnabled |
False |
Boolean |
Enables or disables the Microsoft Teams Integration feature. |
NeuronsSyncAlert |
7 |
Number |
At the specified interval, checks the last import source and runs the webscript. |
OLAEnabled | True | Text | Enables or disables operational level agreement-driven escalation for tasks. |
QAEmailAddress |
Text |
Default QA email address. | |
RecordLockingTimeOutValue |
30 |
Number |
Timeout value for record locking/visual warning in minutes. |
RAButtonsGroups |
True |
Text |
The RAButtonsGroups is to configure the settings for Consolidate Quick Action buttons into a single button. If the RAButtonsGroups value is set to True, then the buttons of that group are displayed under the More Menu button. If the RAButtonsGroups value is set to False, then the buttons of that group are not consolidated under More Menu button and are displayed separately. |
SCAutoSaveTimeout | 3 | Number | Autosaves every 0-N minutes. The default is every 3 minutes. To disable, set to 0 (zero). Refer to Configuring the Save For Later Feature. |
SCDisableSaveForLater | True | Boolean | Enables or disables the save for later feature. Set to true to hide the Save For Later button. Refer to Configuring the Save For Later Feature. |
SearchIndexAge |
6 (months) |
Number |
Limit the search to the defined age of the documents and records. For example, if the limit is set to 6 months, then the search displays results of documents and records that are not older than 6 months. |
SearchIndexAge_{businessobjectname} |
6 (months) |
Number |
Works the same as SearchIndexAge but for a specific business object. For example, if SearchIndexAge_Incident is set to 4, then the search displays results for Incident records that are not older than 4 months. |
SearchMetrics |
True |
Boolean |
To enable Search Metrics, set the global constant "SearchMetrics" value to "true". For more information, see Search Metric Dashboard. |
SearchIndexAge |
6 |
Number |
Configure the global constant "SearchIndexAge" with the business object name like "SearchIndexAge_<business_object_name>" to set the age of business object to be indexed. The default value is 6 months |
ServiceDeskEmailAddress |
Text |
Service desk email address. | |
ServiceDeskMgrEmailAddress | [email protected] | Text | Service desk manager email address. |
ServiceDeskMgrTeam | service desk | Text | Service desk manager team. |
ServiceLevelManagerLoginID | Admin | Text | Default login ID. |
ServiceReqSurveyFreq |
5 |
Number |
Defines the frequency for the service request survey. |
Show Asset Custom Attributes |
False |
Boolean |
Show or hide the Asset Custom Attributes tab. |
Show DSM Integration Feature |
False |
Boolean |
Show or hide the DSM Integration feature. |
Show Master Incident Feature |
False |
Boolean |
Show or hide the Master Incident feature. |
Show Reorder level and Reorder Quantity |
False |
Boolean |
Show or hide the Reorder level and Reorder quantity. |
Show Resource Management Feature |
True |
Boolean |
Show or hide the Resource Management feature. |
ShowRequestOfferingConfirmationDialog |
True |
Boolean |
Show or hide the Request Offering Confirmation dialog. |
SIPUserNameEnabled |
False |
Boolean |
Enable or disable SIP username. |
SLAEnabled |
True |
Boolean |
Enables or disables the service level agreement-driven escalation for incidents and service requests. The service level agreement calculation is based on this global constant by default. If the value is false (default), the service level agreement is not associated with incidents and service requests that have been created. If the value is true, the service level agreement is associated with incidents and service requests. |
SLTDeliveryComplianceTarget |
90 |
Number |
Service level target delivery compliance target default for creating a default package. |
SLTDeliveryTargetDurationDays |
5 |
Number |
Service level target delivery target duration days default for creating a default package. |
SLTDeliveryTargetDurationHrs |
0 |
Number |
Service level target delivery target duration hours default for creating a default package. |
SLTDeliveryTargetDurationMin |
0 |
Number |
Service level target delivery target duration minutes default for creating a default package. |
SLTResolutionComplianceTarget |
90 |
Number |
Service level target resolution compliance target default for creating a default package. |
SLTResolutionTargetDurationDays |
5 |
Number |
Service level target resolution target duration days default for creating a default package. |
SLTResolutionTargetDurationHrs |
0 |
Number |
Service level target resolution target duration hours default for creating a default package. |
SLTResolutionTargetDurationMin |
0 |
Number |
Service level target resolution target duration minutes default for creating a default package. |
SLTResponseComplianceTarget |
90 |
Number |
Service level target response compliance target default for creating a default package. |
SLTResponseTargetDurationDays |
3 |
Number |
Service level target response target duration days default for creating a default package. |
SLTResponseTargetDurationHrs |
0 |
Number |
Service level target response target duration hours default for creating default package. |
SLTResponseTargetDurationMin |
0 |
Number |
Service level target response target duration minute default for creating default package. |
SSM Catalog load more on Scroll |
False |
Boolean |
Loads service request templates as the user scrolls in Self-Service mobile interface. |
SSMFavoritesEnabled |
False |
Boolean |
Enables or disables the favorites feature in Self Service Mobile interface. |
TrainingEmailAddress |
Text |
Used for training. | |
UserDeactivationDuration |
5184000 |
Number |
As per Fedramp standard, sets the duration to automatically deactivate users who do not log in to Neurons for ITSM - Administrator and User Help. |
UseStoredValues |
True |
Boolean |
Enable the creation of Stored Values in ISM. |
RoundedCornersStyling |
Text |
This is the default CSS for the Curved Edge Controls. |