Consoles and Portals in Neurons for ITSM

A console or a portal is a working environment in the application. The workspaces, features and other elements that is visible for you in the console depends on your user role, access rights, and permissions granted to your role.

For example, the Configuration console is available only for Administrators and not any other user role. And the Self Service portal is applicable only for Self Service users.

There are several working environments in the application:

Configuration console - Can be accessed only by users logged in as Administrator. This is where you can set up the application, create dashboards, give roles various permissions, and many other configuration tasks.

Refer to About the Configuration console for more information.

Service Desk console - This is the environment displayed upon logging into the application for most of the users. This is where you can perform actions such as creating incidents, resolving problems, and running reports.

The Home page appears with the dashboard that is configured for your role. Each role has a different view of the application.

Refer to Using the Service Desk console for more information.

Self Service portal - This environment is displayed when you log in to the application as a Self Service user. Refer to Self Service help for more information.

Self Service Mobile portal - This environment is displayed when you log in to the application as a Self Service Mobile user. Refer to Using the Self Service Mobile Portal for more information.