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Upgrading Asset Manager via content package updates
Existing Asset Manager On-Premises and Cloud customers can upgrade to the latest product functionality by applying free content packages from the Ivanti Marketplace (under the Product > Asset Management category). You'll find instructions online for how to download the packages. It's highly recommended that you stay current on these updates.
There's also a category of optional content packages that you may want to apply. For details, see Optional content packages.
New for 2020.4
Asset Manager 2020.4 is downloadable as content package Drop #23 (202004). Drop #13 (201813) or later must already be installed before applying this package. It includes:
•Dashboard for unused software. A new Software License dashboard tracks these categories: licensed software by title, licensed software unused in the past 90 days, and licensed software unused in the past 180 days. For details, see Dashboards.
•Enhancements to the Vendors workspace: A new Category field automatically displays 'Asset Management' to differentiate between asset-specific vendors and other vendors and is useful when linking vendors to hardware assets. For details, see Vendors.
•Capability to link software assets to the Product Catalog. You can now link software assets to software items in the Product Catalog. In the Software Assets workspace, use the Catalog Item field to link a software asset to a Product Catalog software item. In the Product Catalog workspace > Item Details tab, use the Software Asset field to create an association with a software asset. For details, see Software assets or Product Catalog.
•For Asset Manager Cloud only:
•Enhanced integration with Ivanti Neurons. New MobileIron and MS Intune connectors for importing device data into Asset Manager.
•Capability to override default device connector mappings. In the Asset Processor Configuration workspace, a new option enables you to override the default connector mappings configured in Ivanti Neurons.

Asset Manager 2020.3 is downloadable as content package Drop #22 (202003), which is part of the Post Drop #15 (201902) consolidated package. It includes:
New hardware asset type. The Hardware Assets workspace has a new Medical Devices asset type that includes a number of corresponding subtypes. For details, see Hardware assets.
New attributes for the licensed software data imported from Ivanti Neurons. Under the Hardware Assets workspace > Licensable Software tab, newly added attributes are Last Used, Launch Count, Minutes Used, and End of Life.
Improved or enhanced integration with Ivanti Neurons. Includes the following:
•Improved SNMP connector mapping for importing non-computer devices such as printers, switches, and so on.
•Improved CDW connector functionality for importing invoices and purchase orders, linking PO line items, and so on.
•Enhanced connector mappings for Ivanti Data Center Discovery (DCD) and Jamf Pro when synchronizing device data.

Asset Manager Cloud: The ability to customize how asset data is imported from Ivanti Neurons. Administrators can create filters and field mappings for device types and subtypes that define how the Ivanti Neurons connector will import source asset data into Asset Manager. These customizations provide a high level of control over how the data is displayed in Asset Manager.
You can export the connector customizations as a package, then test them in a staging or UAT environment before using in a production landscape to sync data from Ivanti Neurons. The package enables you to easily duplicate the customizations across multiple tenants installed with the most recent version of Asset Manager Cloud. For details, see Customizing asset data imports.
Facilities Management content package. Primarily for use with Ivanti Service Manager, this package also includes new facilities asset workspaces for Asset Manager that enable you to manage the non-device assets common to many facilities (such as office furniture and building equipment) and to create work orders for maintenance jobs in and around a facility. For details, see Facilities assets.

Improved Ivanti Neurons integration for Asset Manager Cloud. Asset Administrators can use two workspaces—Asset Processor Configuration and Ivanti Neurons Asset Import Configuration—to set up the process for importing data records from Ivanti Neurons into the Asset Manager database. Importable record types include licensable software, invoices, and devices. For details, see Importing data from Ivanti Neurons.

Improved asset fulfillment workflow. In the Stock Management workspace, Product-Catalog-item quantity levels automatically update when you fulfill asset requests for customers or procurement. For details, see Stock management.
Asset Mobile users can request assets for others. Users assigned the Asset Mobile role can place an asset request for themselves or for others from the Self-Service Portal website. For details, see Asset requests.
New Product Catalog request offerings. New forms are available for requesting Product Catalog bundles, consumables, mobile devices, infrastructure, and peripheral devices. For details, see Designing the Product Catalog form.
Ability to automate the reordering process for Product Catalog items. You can enable automatic reorders for Product Catalog items (hardware and consumables—not software) using the Reorder level Qty and Reorder Quantity fields. For details, see Product Catalog.
New Certificate subtype. In the Hardware Assets workspace, a Certificate subtype now exists under the General Asset type. Use this subtype to link certificates to software assets. For details, see Hardware assets.
Software Assets field is now mandatory for entitlement line items. When adding software-entitlement line items to purchase-order contracts in the Contracts workspace, the Software Asset field is now mandatory. For details, see Contracts.
Assigned value for asset model type displays correctly in the Hardware Assets workspace. Under the Hardware Assets workspace > Discovery tab, the Assigned Values Model field correctly displays the asset’s assigned value, not the discovered value as in previous releases.

New installer for 2019.1. The Ivanti Service Manager installer now includes the options to install Service Manager, Asset Manager, or both.
Ability to see results of asset fulfillment from the Stock Management workspace. Use the Storage Space Summary child tab to keep track of product catalog items (hardware and consumables) that are moved into and out of a storage space. Quantities increase when items are added via the Storage Space Item tab, and quantities decrease during asset fulfillment, when an item is transferred to a user's record under the Employee workspace > Asset tab. See Stock management.
Unique requisition numbers automatically added for new purchase orders. You no longer add your own requisition number to a purchase order. In the Purchase Orders workspace, requisition numbers are automatically added and incremented for new purchase orders. See Procurement.
The Consumables workspace has been removed. This information is now integrated into the Hardware Assets workspace, where a new asset type of Consumables is available for adding consumables (mice and keyboards) to your system. When creating a consumable here, you can also assign it to a storage space. This same action adds the consumable to the Stock Management workspace, under the storage space's tabs for both Assets and Consumables. Note that you can't specify a subtype for the Consumable asset type. See Hardware assets.
User drop-down list includes both login ID and display name. When clicking the Hardware Assets workspace > Assign User button to assign an asset to a user, the user drop-down list shows both the login ID and display name of each user in your system. Unlike display names (where more than one user can have the same name), user login IDs are unique and will help you identify the correct user. See Hardware assets.
Manufacturer workspace no longer has tabs. Child tabs for Configuration Item and Software Inventory have been removed. Use this workspace simply to add the names of asset manufacturers to your system.
Add purchase orders that don't automatically create new asset records. When adding a new hardware line item to a purchase order, clear the Create Asset check box to prevent a template asset record from automatically being created when submitting the purchase order. See Procurement.
Software product imports. Imported software products are matched up to existing asset records in the Software Assets workspace based on a combination of the Title, Version, and Edition fields. See Software assets.
New workspaces. These workspaces are new:
•Email Config: Configure all settings for outbound Asset Manager email. Available to Asset Administrators only.
•Inbox: Configure all settings for inbound email that will be created by the HEAT Email Listener. Use in conjunction with the Email Config workspace. Available to Asset Administrators only.
•Email: View all outbound email records that are manually created by users, or automatically created via triggered actions or workflows. Inbound emails created by the HEAT Email Listener are shown here as well. Available to Asset Managers, Procurement Managers, Contract Managers, and Storage Managers.
•Purchase Line Item: Enables you to manage a single line item in a purchase order for a consumable, hardware, or software. Available to Asset Managers, Procurement Managers, Contract Managers, and Storage Managers.
•Integration: Enables you to integrate with Ivanti Service Manager data after discovery. Available to Asset Administrators only.
•Asset Data Mapping: Configure or troubleshoot asset records after discovery. Available to Asset Administrators only.
If your system is integrated with Ivanti Service Manager, see the Ivanti Service Manager Admin online help for details about working with email servers, data integration, and asset data mapping.
Product Catalog items. You can create Product Catalog items for software or consumables—previously, items could only be hardware-related. Also, you can create bundles of those items by linking previously created catalog items into one offering. See Product Catalog.
•In the Purchase Orders workspace, a deleted purchase order now automatically deletes any associated purchase line items and invoices.
•If the Product Catalog includes an image of an item, you can now see that image when requesting the item from the Asset Requests workspace.
•In the Hardware Assets workspace, when selecting an asset from the list view, the assigned values are displayed, not the discovered values.
•In the Locations workspace, vendor details are no longer part of the parent location information.
•When the Status field for an asset is changed to Assigned, Disposed, Lost, or Destroyed, the asset record is removed from its listed storage space in both the Hardware Assets and Stock Management workspaces.
•In the Contract Line Items workspace, modifications have been made to the entitlement-line-item descriptions and Entitlement Details tab.
•In the Invoices workspace, when an invoice is deleted, the shipments associated with that invoice are also deleted.
•When a Product Catalog item is assigned to an existing asset, the asset record's Description field is properly populated by the Description field of the Catalog Item.
•When data is imported, the system updates the financial transactions cost item (if the purchase price is available on import).
•Currency size limit increased to 12 digits.
•When you assign a user to an asset, the Inventory Transactions tab now includes the location for that event.
•The full name of a location is updated when a record is created or updated.
•The display name for MobileDevice and PeripheralDevice is updated for use in the CI Map display.
•Asset Processor can process data from Uno Discovery with System.NullReferenceException.
•Asset Processor can process data from Ivanti Neurons Discovery with an invalid character.