Identity Director Setup and Sync Tool


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Create a new Datastore

You can create a new Datastore from the Management Portal or the Setup and Sync Tool, at Setup > Datastore.
Before proceeding, please review the database prerequisites.

  1. Click Create to open the Datastore Wizard, which helps you create a new Datastore.
    Click Next to start the Wizard.
  2. Select the Database type: Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Azure SQL Database, Oracle, IBM DB2 or MySQL.
  3. Specify the Database server. You can use the IP address, hostname or FQDN of the server
  4. Select the desired settings for Protocol encryption and authentication (Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Azure SQL Database only).
    See also Configure SQL Server Authentication and Configure Windows Authentication.
  5. Specify a User name and Password.
    • On Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Azure SQL Database, Identity Director uses the specified credentials to create a Datastore. The account must have the dbcreator role on the database server.
    • On Oracle, Identity Director creates a database user and table space with the names specified in the Datastore Wizard. Alternatively, you can select an existing table space for the new database user.
    • On MySQL, Identity Director creates a Datastore (or schema) and a database user with the names specified in the Datastore Wizard.
    • On IBM DB2, you cannot create a new database to use as the Datastore with the Datastore Wizard: you need to create the database on the database server first and then connect to it from the Setup and Sync Tool and the Management Portal.
    Click Next to continue.
  6. In the remaining steps, specify the name and other details for the new Datastore.
See also