Configure the general behavior of the Web Portal

In the Management Portal at Setup > General (in the Behavior section), configure the general behavior of the Web Portal.



Explanation and Tips

Web Portal URL

Specify one or more URLs to the Web Portal. Multiple URLs can be useful if you want to provide several Web Portals with a different look and feel. You can also use multiple URLs for a multi-tenant environment.

  • If you specified more than one Web Portal URLs, this field will show the URL you selected as default.
  • If you use the Windows Client in your environment, the default URL overrules the URL that you specified on the Windows Client. If you do not specify any URLs, the URL on the Windows Client is leading.
  • Click the edit button Edit to add more URLs.
    You can also specify additional settings for the URLs, that are only necessary for this specific scenario:
    • At Provider, specify the name of the Identity Broker Identity Provider that should be used for the URL, in the format idp:<providerName>. This name cannot contain spaces.
    • At Redirection URL, specify the exact value of the Redirect URI that you specified for this Web Portal URL in the Web Portal Identity Consumer in the Identity Broker Management Portal. Usually, this value will be identical to the Web Portal URL.

Guided Tour / Help

Specify the URL to the guided tour in the Web Portal. A default document is available that provides users with information and tips about the functionality of the Web Portal. You can also make a custom document available for this purpose.

  • Click the edit button in the Guided Tour/Help field to provide the URL to a custom document.
    • The Web Portal reverts to the default guided tour if you provide an invalid URL.
    • You cannot mix HTTP and HTTPS.
  • Users can also access the guided tour in the Web Portal by clicking the Help link, which is shown below the Requests section.
  • The default guided tour is available in all supported languages.
  • Select Pop up at login to show the guided tour each time a user signs in to the Web Portal. However, the user can overrule this: If the user selects Do not show help next time I login in the guided tour, the Web Portal starts up with the regular view at the next sign-in.
    • Clear the option to hide the guided tour when a user signs in. Users can still access it if they click the Help link.

People Identifier

Specify the identifier for user authentication.

  • If you specify Primary e-mail address as people identifier, users can sign in to the Web Portal with their User Principal Name (UPN). This is the user name in an e-mail address-like format. When users sign in, the UPN is matched to their primary e-mail address. If there is no match, the UPN is matched to a user account in Active Directory.

Identity Broker Claim

Map the specified people identifier to an Identity Broker claim. In Identity Director environments that use Identity Broker authentication, this allows the Identity Broker to authenticate people in your Identity Director environment, by matching the claim with a valid people identifier value. This provides a seamless sign in experience to your end users by allowing them to sign in with a custom identifier (e.g. UPN).

  • When you configure Identity Broker authentication in your environment, you need to map the people identifier that is used for user authentication to a valid Identity Broker claim.
    Valid claims are for example:
    • preWin2000 for the identifier Windows user account
    • upn for the identifier Primary e-mail address
    • preferred_username for any valid JSON string used as a shorthand name for the end-user by OpenID
    If you do not map this people identifier to a valid Identity Broker claim, authentication will fail.
  • The Identity Broker Claim field defaults to preWin2000. This means that if you use Identity Broker authentication, but leave the field empty, the Identity Broker will first try to match a preWin2000 account to the specified people identifier.
  • You can also configure others claims in Identity Broker. Using multiple claims will allow you to use multiple identity providers at the same time. When you configure multiple claims, use a semicolon (;) as a separator.
    Example: preferred_username;upn;preWin2000

Identity Broker configuration at Setup > General

See Getting Started with the Identity Broker for further information on installation and configuration of the Identity Broker.

Delete "Ready for deletion" user after (days)

As soon as a user has been Marked for Deletion, the Transaction Engine starts returning all services to which the user had subscribed. When this process completes, the user is Ready for Deletion. From this state, users can no longer log in to Identity Director, nor do they require any licenses.
However, the entities themselves still exist in the Datastore and in time they can pollute it. Most companies have a policy of keeping the identities a certain number of days after an employee has left the company, but then they should be deleted automatically.

After the specified number of days, the Transaction Engine verifies the Datastore content and deletes the user.

Delete Finished Transactions After (Days)

Transactions that have finished (Completed, Aborted, or Failed), are removed from the transaction history after the specified number of days. Transactions that are Pending or On Hold are not affected.

Transactions are deleted in batches of 1000. Each deleted batch is logged in the Audit Trail.

Web Portal Service Request

Specify the default behavior of service labels in the Web Portal. You can override this behavior for each individual service in its delivery trigger.

  • Select Add to cart to allow users to add services to a shopping cart and order them at once, instead of one at a time.
  • Select Install to show services with a label Install. This is useful for services that are aimed at providing software.
  • Select Request to show services with a label Request. This is the default value.

Service Rating

Specify the default rating behavior for services. Service rating allows users to provide feedback to the IT staff and to other users about their experience.

  • Select Disabled to disable rating for all services. If you select this option, you cannot enable rating for individual services.
  • Select Disable by default to disable service rating by default. You can enable rating for individual services.
  • Select Enable by default to enable service rating by default. You can disable rating for individual services.

Users can rate services by giving a star rating between 1 and 5.

  • In My Store, each service shows the average rating. This average rating is also shown in the service details.
  • Users can rate the service on the Ratings tab of the service page by clicking the stars. This also shows rating by other users.

Workflow Detail

Specify the detail level in the Requests page of the Web Portal when people track the status of a service. This allows you to show additional information for the actions: Approve Transaction, Confirm Transaction, Invoke Run Book, Perform Tasks, Postpone Transaction and Provide Information.

  • Select Status only to show only the status of the service.
  • Select Workflow step to show the default friendly name of the workflow action.
  • Select Full details to show the friendly name of the workflow action and the actor name or postponed date.

Delivery Time

Specify the default value for showing the average delivery time for services. This allows users to find out how long it usually takes to receive a service. You can select different time spans:

  • Select Hide to hide the average delivery time.
  • Select Show 3-month average to show the average time of the deliveries in the past 3 months.
  • Select Show 6-month average to show the average time of the deliveries in the past 6 months.
  • Select Show 12-month average to show the average time of the deliveries in the past 12 months.
  • Select Show all-time average to show the average time of all recorded deliveries since the last reset.

Web Portal Sorting

Specify the default value for the sorting view in the Web Portal.

  • You can set the following views:
    • Select Name (a-z) to show all available services in alphabetical order. This is the default value.
    • Name (z-a)
    • Category
    • Rating
    • Status
    • Date Created (a-z)
    • Date Created (z-a)
  • The default value is overwritten if the user changes the view.


Specify if users in the Web Portal are allowed to delegate tasks that require user input to someone else. This is useful if users are unable to take action, for example because they are absent from work or otherwise unavailable. If they delegate tasks to another user, service transactions can still be completed. If you enable the delegation functionality, the profile page of each user in the Web Portal contains delegation settings. This allows each individual user to decide whether to actually use delegation. And if so, whom to delegate tasks to and during which time-frame (if any).

  • Users can delegate the following tasks:
    • Provide Information
    • Perform Tasks
    • Approve Transaction
    • Send Message
  • You can set the following:
    • Select Disabled to disable the delegation functionality. Users cannot delegate tasks for any service. This is the default value.
    • Select Disabled by default to disable the delegation functionality by default for all services. You can enable delegation for individual services.
    • Select Enabled by default to enable the delegation functionality by default for all services. You can disable delegation for individual services.

Workflow State Name

At the bottom of the General page, you can add custom Workflow State Names that you can then use as an End state in your workflows to provide more context for the success or failure of an instance of a workflow.

  1. Under Workflow State Name, specify the name of the new state.
  2. Under End State, specify if this is a Completed or a Failed end state.
  3. Click to add it to the list, then click Save.

On the Transactions page, custom state names are displayed and can be selected using a Filter ().

See also