
Confirm Transaction

Add the Confirm Transaction action to ask someone to confirm the service transaction. This confirmation is sent by e-mail with a link to the Web Portal. Without confirmation, the service transaction does not continue. For example, you can use this action in services that are delivered as part of a password reset, or in services in which you want to validate a specific e-mail address.

Please note that this action always fails if you did not configure a link to the Web Portal on the General page (Setup > General, Web Portal URL field).



Explanation and Tips

Action Name

Optionally specify a friendly name for the action. This name must be unique in the workflow.


Specify the message that is sent by e-mail.

  • The markup editor supports styling functionality like headings, colors and numbered lists, but also hyperlinks and drag-and-drop.


Specify when the action expires. If the action has not been performed in time, it fails.

  • You can use placeholders to make the expiration time for the action dynamic.
    • When the action is executed, the placeholder needs to resolve into an integer (e.g. "9"). Invalid input (e.g. "Nine") causes the action to ignore the expiration time. The transaction continues immediately.

Workflow Detail

Specify the level of detail that is shown when people track the service status. Depending on your configuration, the Label field specifies the status information.

  • Select Default to show the behavior that you configured at Setup > Behavior.
  • Select Status only to show the status of the service.
  • Select Workflow action to show the status of the action.
  • Select Full details to show the status of the action and its actor.
  • Select Use custom label to configure a custom text.

E-mail Settings


Explanation and Tips

Use global e-mail integration

Apply the settings at Setup > E-mail Integration. This makes it easier to configure the e-mail settings for this action, because you no longer need to configure them manually. And if you change anything to the global E-mail Integration settings, they are immediately applied to all actions that use them.

  • If you select the option, the fields used for manual configuration (Server, SMTP Port, User Name and Password), is grayed out, as well as the option Enable TLS Encryption.
  • For new actions, the option Use global e-mail integration settings is selected by default. In upgraded environments, existing configurations stay as they are.


Specify the e-mail address from which the message originates.

Send e-mail

Specify the e-mail address to which the message is sent.

Server / Port

Specify the SMTP server that sends the message.

  • By default, port 25 is used.
  • Use e.g. port 587 for SSL/TLS.

User name / Password

Specify the credentials for the e-mail address specified in the From field.

  • If you duplicate a service that contains this action, the password is not duplicated.

Enable TLS Encryption

Enhance the security of SMTP communication in your environment with the TLS protocol.

Test Connection

Validate the configured server settings.

  • Placeholders are not resolved during testing. This means that the test fails.
  • This action adds an exception to the workflow that specifies what happens when the action expires.
  • This action can be translated. The RESX file of the service that uses the action, contains the translatable fields.
See also