Inventory help

About the Inventory window

Use the Inventory window to view a device's complete inventory, including the following components:

  • BIOS: Type, date, ID bytes, manufacturer, ROM version, SMBIOS version, and system model for the BIOS. The BIOS permanently resides in the computer's ROM (read-only memory) and enables the computer's memory, disk drives, and monitor to communicate.
    Additional BIOS information appears in the Inventory window as BIOS text strings. To view and search BIOS text strings, expand the BIOS object, select BIOS Strings, right-click the Data attribute and select Properties, and then click Extended Values. During an inventory scan, the available text strings are exported to the BIOS to a text file, LDBIOS.TXT. You can set up a query in the LdAppl3.ini file that outputs one or more of the BIOS text strings to the console.
  • Bus: Bus type. The bus connects the microprocessor, disk drives, memory, and input/output ports. Bus types can be ISA, EISA, VESA Local Bus, PCI, and USB.
  • Coprocessor: Type of coprocessor, if present. The coprocessor is distinct from the main microprocessor, though it can reside on the same motherboard or even the same chip. The math coprocessor evaluates floating point operations for the main microprocessor.
  • Custom data: Any custom data enabled for the inventory scanner.
  • Database: Database driver and version information.
  • Environment: File locations, command path, system prompt, and other variables for the Windows environment.
  • Health: Device health as determined by the Ivanti agent.
  • Keyboard: Keyboard type attached to the device. Currently, the most common type of keyboard is the IBM-enhanced keyboard. Code page is the language the keyboard uses.
  • Ivanti Management: Information about the Ivanti agents. Also contains information about the inventory scanner and initialization files.
    • By selecting Agent settings, you can view all Windows mobile device settings for Exchange/Office 365, Mobile Connectivity, and Mobile Security. The inventory data shown here will only display the setting in place on the device, but not what profile is applied. Based on the mobile compliance settings applied to the device, all other agent settings will display based on what criteria they match. You can view how many times a new agent setting was applied to a device based on the Core or Client revision record.
  • Local users and groups: The local Windows user groups and group membership.
  • Mass Storage: Storage devices on the computer, including floppy drives, hard disks, logical and tape drives, and CD-ROM. The hard disk and floppy drive objects include head, number, sector, and total storage attributes.
  • Memory: Page file, physical, and virtual memory attributes. Each of these memory objects includes byte attributes. The first byte is the amount of memory available. The second byte is the total memory.
  • Modems: Modem information including manufacturer, model, number, and port.
  • Motherboard: Motherboard information including bus speed and slot information.
  • Mouse: Type of mouse attached to the device. Mouse type values include PS/2, serial, and infrared.
  • Multimedia files: Number of files with extensions that match common multimedia file types (.jpg, .mp3, and so on) and how much space those files are using.
  • Network: Network adapter, NIC address, and the adapter's node address information. The Network object includes information for each protocol
  • Network Adapters: Attributes for every installed network adapter on the device.
  • OS: Operating system, drivers, services, and ports. These objects and their attributes vary according to the configurations of the loaded drivers and services.
  • Ports: Objects for each of the computer's output ports (serial and parallel). Each output port contains address and name attributes. The address attribute contains the hardware address for the port.
  • Power management: Power management settings on the device.
  • Printers: Objects for each printer connected to the computer, either directly or through a network. The printer objects contain driver, name, number, and port attributes. The port attribute contains either the network queue or the port the printer is connected to.
  • Processor: Attributes of the device's CPU. Detects Intel, Motorola 680x0, and PowerPC processors.
  • Resources: Objects for every hardware resource of the computer. Each hardware resource object contains attributes that describe the type of resource and any ports and interrupts it is using.
  • Security: Antivirus software and version.
  • Software: Objects for every software application installed on the device's hard drive. Each software program object lists attributes that typically contain the software name, location, and version number.
  • System: Motherboard and chassis information.
  • System Capability: Miscellaneous system technologies, such as ASIC capability or virtual machine software.
  • ThinkVantage Technologies: Lenovo ThinkVantage technologies software information.
  • Video: Objects for each video adapter on the device. The video adapter object typically contains attributes that describe the resolution and the number of supported colors.

About the Inventory attribute properties dialog box

Use this dialog box to view an attribute's properties. The Characteristics tab can display the following information. Depending on the attribute and whether you are adding, editing, or viewing an attribute, not all fields may appear.

  • Name: The name of the core database attribute whose properties you're viewing.
  • Value: The value assigned to this inventory attribute.
  • User defined: Indicates whether the selected attribute was defined by the user or not. This option can't be changed.
  • Format specifier (Integer values only): Notation used to display the value in appropriate form. For example, %d MB displays the attribute value without decimal values; %.1f MB displays the attribute value to the first floating decimal point in MB units. If no factor value is entered, this format specifier must describe integer values (%d). If a factor value is entered, this format specifier must describe floating point values (%f).
  • Factor (Integer values only): Integer value used to divide the attribute into units. If you change the factor value, you must enter the appropriate code in the format specifier field. For example, to view the number of megabytes if the attribute is recorded in kilobytes, enter the value 1000.
  • Formatted value: Sample text demonstrating the specified format and factor.

About the Inventory change settings dialog box

Use this dialog box to select which inventory attributes are logged when changes occur at individual devices, and to determine where those changes are logged.

  • Current inventory: Lists all objects stored in the core database. Click an object to display its attributes in the Log event in list. Expand an object group to see the data objects contained within it.
  • Log event in: Lists the attributes of the inventory object selected in the Current inventory list.
    To set where inventory changes are logged, select an attribute and check one or more options. Select the Inventory option to log inventory changes in the device's Inventory changes history dialog box. Select the NT Log option to log inventory changes in the Windows NT event log. Select the AMS option to send inventory changes as an alert via AMS (configure AMS alerts with the Alert Settings tool).
  • Log/Alert severity: Lists the alert priority options. This feature is dimmed until an attribute is actually selected. You can select a severity level of None, Information, Warning, or Critical.

About the Inventory changes history dialog box

Use this dialog box to view a device's inventory changes. You can also print and export the inventory changes history from this dialog box.

  • Device Name: Displays the name of the devices selected in the console's network view for which inventory change data is requested.
  • Component: Identifies the system component that has changed. (Only components selected in the Inventory Change Settings dialog box can appear here.)
  • Attribute: Identifies the specific component attribute being logged.
  • Time: Indicates when the change occurred.
  • New Value: Shows the new (changed) value for the listed attribute.
  • Old Value: Shows the old (previous) value for the listed attribute.
  • Print: Opens a standard print dialog box where you can print the contents of the inventory changes history.
  • Export: Opens a Save As dialog box where you choose a name and location for the exported CSV file containing the inventory changes history.

NOTE: The Inventory changes history dialog box shows the history in chronological order. You can't sort the data by clicking on the column headers.

About the Create/Edit a Custom Data Form dialog box

Custom data forms are not supported in Ivanti® Endpoint Security for Endpoint Manager
Custom data forms aren't available with a Ivanti® Endpoint Security for Endpoint Manager only license. You must have a full Ivanti® Endpoint Manager license in order to use the custom data forms feature.

Use this dialog box to create or edit a custom data form.

  • Form name: Identifies the form and appears on the form viewer when a user fills out the form.
  • Description: Provides additional information to users about the form.
  • Add: Opens the Add question dialog box where you can create a new question for the form.
  • Edit: Opens the Edit question dialog box where you can edit any of the question's options.
  • Delete: Removes the question from the form.
  • Page break: Controls the layout of the form by adding page breaks to group questions on pages. When there's a page break, users click the Next button to proceed to questions on the next page.

NOTE: The maximum number of questions per page is nine.

  • Preview: Opens the form so that you can preview how it will look for users. In preview mode, you don't have to fill in any data and nothing you type is saved.

About the Add/Edit question dialog box

Use this dialog box to create or edit questions that appear on the custom data form. Forms consist of questions and a place for users to put their answers. First, identify the question:

  • Question text: One-line description of what's being asked for. This text appears beside the data field.
  • Inventory Name: Name of the database field in the core database. If you want to query the core database for this item, the label ID is what you would query on.
  • Description: Additional information that appears when users click Help (or press F1 while in this question's data field).

You also need to specify what type of data field (control) to show beside each question, and if it is required. The available data fields are:

  • Edit box: Users type their answer in an editable text box.
  • Combo box (edit list): Users select one of the predefined list items, or type in a new one of their own.
  • Combo box (fixed list): Users select one of the predefined list items.
  • Make the control a required field to fill out: Forces the user to answer the question. The user can't finish a form or move to the next form page before responding to required fields.

About the Add items dialog box

Use this dialog box to add items to a drop-down list that the user can choose from when answering that question on a form.

  • Item name: Identifies the item. This name appears in the question's list.
  • Items list: Lists all the items that appear in the question's list.
  • Insert: Places the item in the Items list.
  • Delete: Removes the item from the Items list.

About the Select Multiple Forms to Distribute dialog box

Use this dialog box to create a group of forms that shows the group name and lists available forms that can be part of a group.

  • Name of group: Identifies the group in the Custom data forms window.
  • Available forms: Lists all of the available forms you can add to the group.
  • OK: Saves the group and closes the dialog box.
  • Cancel: Closes the dialog box without saving the group.