Agent settings: Inventory settings

Tools > Configuration > Agent settings > Inventory settings

Use the Inventory settings dialog box to customize inventory agent behavior on managed devices.

About the Inventory settings General settings page

The General settings page controls a few inventory-related client settings.

  • Enable scheduled task history maintenance: Sets the number of days to keep scheduled task history in the client database. Maintenance is rounded to the next day, so 1 day may be up to 2 days of clock time.
  • Run inventory scanner automatically after software package installation: Use this if you want to update inventory data after packages are installed without having to wait for your normal inventory scan interval to pass. You can configure a scan delay after installation.

About the Inventory settings Location reporting page

Use the location reporting page to enable location reporting and configure the collection intervals.

If you enable location reporting and deploy the updated agent to a device, location reporting won't happen unless a user on that device opts in to the Windows 8 Let apps use my location privacy setting.

The standard data collection interval is four hours.

NOTE: Devices that have location reporting enabled must have Microsoft .NET 4.0 or newer installed, or macOS 10.10 or newer installed. You can install .NET as part of the agent. To do this, select the .NET install option on the Start page of the agent configuration.

About the Scanner settings page

Use the scanner settings page to customize scanner behavior.

  • Send all executed files: Enable this if you want to see all executed file data, and not just data for files in the monitored software list.
  • Send file usage data: Inventory scans return software usage data gathered by the software monitor.
  • Force exhaustive file scan: Scans all file extensions, possibly resulting in slow scans and very large inventory scan files. We generally don't recommend enabling this.
  • Auto-update LDAppl file: Managed devices store information about what the inventory scanner should look for, such as any changes you've made in the Manage software list tool. This option synchronizes that list with the core server so the local list is always current.
  • Do not send logon/lock event dates: The scanner can return OS logon/lock event data. If you have privacy concerns about this or if you don't want this data, disable this option.
  • Post to web service: Rather than copying scan files to a folder on the core server, this option sends scan files directly to a web service. This is more efficient and it is the new default.
  • Change history storage: The inventory scanner uses delta scans to track changes in an XML file. By default this file holds 90 days worth of data. For more information the the change history, see Viewing a device's inventory change log.
  • Software scan frequency: How often you want to scan for software changes. The default is one day. Software scans are slower than the basic inventory scan and can affect device performance.
  • Data file extensions: If you have data files that are specific to an organization in your company, you can include them here. Include the leading period and separate each data file extension with a space. The Inherited extensions field shows global data file extensions set in the Manage software list tool.

About the Software Usage Monitoring page

The Software usage monitoring page is used to track usage statistics for Software License Monitoring. This feature collects information on three types of data: usage statistics from software license monitoring, additional inventory information, and application blocking capabilities.

When deploying agents to non-persistent virtual desktop interface (VDI) disk images, you must set a UNC path where software monitor data files will be stored. If you don't set a path, software license monitoring will store monitoring data in the registry. In a non-persistent environment, this data will be lost when the image resets. For more information, see Deploying agents to non-persistent VDI images.

The Software usage monitoring page contains the following options:

  • Use software monitor: Enables tracking of software through software licensing monitoring, inventory scans, and application blocking through the application blocker feature.
  • Record software usage statistics to a network location: Select this and configure the related options if you're deploying this agent configuration to a non-persistent VDI image.
  • UNC path where software monitor data files will be stored: The UNC path that you want used, in this format: \\servername\sharename.
  • Domain and user name: The user credentials that will allow access to the UNC path.
  • Password and Confirm password: The password for the user account you provided.

About the Schedule page

Use the Schedule page to configure when the inventory scanner runs.

  • When user logs in: Runs the inventory scanner when the user logs into the managed device.
    • Max random delay: Specifies a time range during which the task may run. This delay allows tasks that run on login to not run all at the same time, assuming the delay interval is long enough.
  • When IP address changes (mini scan only): The IP address trigger only sends a mini scan to the core server, which makes the inventory much faster in IP address changes.
  • Change settings: Changes settings and configures a custom schedule based on time, day of week, or month, whether a user is logged in, on IP address changes, and available network bandwidth. The default schedule is to run a scan when there's an IP address and to also run every day with a random delay of up to one hour.

About the Configure inventory settings dialog box

Use the Configure inventory settings dialog box to manage your settings profiles. You can create multiple settings profiles and select the one that you want to be the default for new agent configurations.

  • New: Creates a new settings profile.
  • Edit: Edits an existing profile.
  • Copy: Opens the selected profile and inserts "Copy of" at the beginning of the selected profile's Name . When you click Save, it will be saved as a new profile.
  • Delete: Deletes the selected profile. You will be asked to confirm the deletion.
  • Use selected: Closes the Configure remote control settings dialog box and makes the profile you selected the selection in the Choose which remote control settings to apply drop-down list box