Ivanti Data Services

Ivanti Data Services combines data discovered from your IT estate into a single repository that can then be accessed by License Optimizer. Currently, Data Services has connectors to:

Microsoft Active Directory

Ivanti Data Center Discovery

Ivanti Endpoint Manager

Microsoft SCCM

If you want to import data from any of these data sources, then Ivanti Data Services is the recommended method. The first step for importing data from Data Services is to set up a Connector Server. Information about this is included in the Ivanti Neurons help at https://help.ivanti.com/ht/help/en_US/CLOUD/vNow/default.htm#cshid=connectors

Best practice: a summary of the high-level strategy that has given the best results when importing data from Ivanti Data Services Watch the video (2:48)

What next?

Now that we've set up Ivanti Data Services, we can create a data import connection in License Optimizer: Import inventory.

More information

help.ivanti.com – link to Ivanti product documentation, where you can access information about Data Center Discovery and Endpoint Manager

Ivanti Neurons – information about configuring your Ivanti Neurons system