Time components

Time components visually represent data via time slices segregated by hours, days, weeks, and more. You can display and present time components in many formats including area, bar, and line charts. They're also available in stacked and 100% stacked formats, which enable you to portray the data in comparative context.

Within a single time component, you can display multiple series of data that are independent of each other, each retrieved from a different data source. You also have the option of defining a separate calculated series that aggregates the data across those same data sources, which is recommended when you need a more complete analysis of key performance indicators.

An example of time components in a dashboard.

Time component series

A single time component can support multiple series of data that are independent of each other, each retrieved from a different data source if needed.

Calculated series

You can define a calculated series that performs a mathematical calculation using values from the other series defined for the time component. In doing so, a new series is created that aggregates the data, providing a more complete analysis of key performance indicators. When using a calculated series, you have the option of hiding the other series used in the calculation.

Several mathematical expressions are available for creating a calculated series, as described below.

For more guidance on how to define a calculated series for time, group, and scoreboard components, see the Calculated Series video on the Ivanti community website.