Cancel Wipe

Cancel Wipe attempts to cancel or reverse a wipe command for one or more devices. The ability to cancel a device wipe action helps you avoid mistakes that can be difficult and costly to fix.

A device wipe action does not take effect until the device checks in with Ivanti EPMM. Using Cancel Wipe, you may be able to stop or reverse the wipe action.

Cancel Wipe is supported for iOS devices with the status of Wipe pending, Wiped.

A successful Cancel Wipe action sets the device state to Active.

This feature is only supported on macOS devices with FileVault 2 enabled.


  1. In the Admin Portal, go to Device & Users > Devices.
  2. Check the status of the devices for which you need to cancel the device wipe.
  3. Select the devices you do not want to wipe that have status Wipe pending or Wiped.
  4. Click Actions > Cancel Wipe.

  5. In the Cancel Wipe dialog box, select the Send Notification of wipe to registered user check box. The Send Notification of wipe to registered user field is useful for users that have multiple devices. An email / notification will be automatically generated when the Cancel Wipe command is sent and prevents confusion to device users who may think Ivanti EPMM is wiping their current, active device. De-select the check box to suppress notification when the Cancel Wipe command is used.

    To customize the email notification, go to System Settings > Settings > Templates > Other. Select the template type Action on Device.

  6. Click Cancel Wipe.

    The Cancel Wipe action sets the device state to Active.

    If an iOS device is wiped before the Cancel Wipe action can stop it, you can restore the device contents from the most recent device backup.

    If the device backup includes the MDM profile, the device is able to check in with Ivanti EPMM and receive updates

    If you attempt to restore an iOS device without using Cancel Wipe, the device will be wiped again when it checks in with Ivanti EPMM.
