New features summary
These are cumulative release notes. If a release does not appear in this section, then there were no associated new features and enhancements.

Ivanti Email+ app features and enhancements
- Support for three day view for calendar events: The Calendar app now displays event view for three days in addition to the existing with week and day view. The current date is taken as the first day.
- Support for Android 8.x is now deprecated: The Email+ app does not support Android 8.x. Email+ now supports Android version starting from Android 9.x onwards.
- Improved formatting bar for composing email window: The formatting bar is now updated to include font styles for Title and Subhead.
Ivanti Email+ administrator features and enhancements
- New value added: New value calendar_folders is added to the Optional features restrictions to sync all the calendar folders and their events to the primary account. This feature is currently available for the primary mail account. For more information, see App restrictions descriptions for Ivanti Email+ (Android Enterprise).

Ivanti Email+ app features and enhancements
- Support for Android 15 Beta 2: The Email+ app now supports Android OS 15- Beta2 (QPR1 builds).
Renamed the Trash folder: The Trash folder is renamed to Deleted Items.
Support to customize calendar sync period: The administrator can now customize the calendar sync period using the Email+ app restrictions.
Ivanti Email+ administrator features and enhancements
New restriction added: New restriction Calendars sync period is added to sync all calendar events matching the sync period provided in Email+. The default value is set to one that represents one month period for event sync. For more information, see App restrictions descriptions for Ivanti Email+ (Android Enterprise).

Ivanti Email+ app features and enhancements
- Support added for Shared Mailbox: Email+ 4.11.0 now supports delegated access to shared mailbox for primary account only. The Shared Mailbox supports Full Access (default permission), Send on Behalf, and Send As permission levels. You can add shared mailbox from Add Mailbox option which is enabled by adding 'delegated_shared_mailbox' to Optional Features restrictions. When removed from the 'Optional Features' then 'Add Mailbox' option is disabled and the Shared Mailbox is removed. The Shared Mailbox supports the following features:
- Shared Mailbox sync up now supported: The Shared Mailbox user can now sync the Inbox and other subfolder mails on the Email+ app. The Shared Mailbox in the Email+ app will get synced when permission levels are upgraded and downgraded.
- Support to delete Shared Mailbox: The user can manually delete Shared Mailbox that was added from the Email+ app.
- Email+ sends a notification when access to Shared Mailbox is removed: The user gets notified if user access to the Shared Mailbox is removed or revoked by the admin when the Email+app is launched. The Shared Mailbox is also removed from the Email+ app.
- Support to perform search on Shared Mailbox: Email+ now supports local and server search capability for Shared Mailbox.
- Enabled Move functionality for Shared Mailbox: You can now move messages within Shared Mailbox.
- Option to mark messages as a Flag, Mark read, or unread message added for Shared Mailbox: The Shared Mailbox user can now mark messages as Flag or Unflag, Read or Unread mails from Shared mailbox.
- Option to delete mails from Shared Mailbox added: The shared mailbox user can now delete mails from Shared mailbox.
- Separate section for Shared Mailbox and Delegated Mailbox accounts under the Email+ Settings: The Email+ app now has separate Settings for Shared Mailbox and Delegated Mailbox account under the Email+ Apps Settings section. The settings for these two sections appear only if there is at least one account is available for each mailbox.
- Notifications for Shared Mailbox enabled: The Email+ app displays a notification for both primary and shared mailbox accounts along with account details. The Notification rules for primary user account are applicable for Shared Mailbox. The following rules are supported:
- Receive notification when the Email+ app is opened or closed.
- Notification sound
- Notification silent
- Bundle notification
- Detailed notification (When applied from Email+ config should be enabled for delegated mailbox as well).
You can also set the 'Silent interval between notifications' option from (Settings > General settings > Notifications > Silent interval between notifications)
For more information, see Shared Mailbox.
SMIME not available for Shared Mailbox: The Email+ app currently does not support SMIME for the Shared Mailbox.
Classification not available for Shared Mailbox: The Email+ app currently does not support Classification for the Shared Mailbox.
Removing shared mailbox: With 'delegated_shared_mailbox' added to Optional Features restriction to enable Add Mailbox option. When removed from the 'Optional Features' then 'Add Mailbox' is disabled and the Shared Mailbox is also removed.
Signature support added for Delegated and Shared Mailbox: Email+ now supports signature for both Delegated and Shared mailbox.
Icon redesigned: The icon for high and low priority mails has been redesigned.
Ivanti Email+ administrator features and enhancements
This release does not include new administrator features and enhancements.

Ivanti Email+ app features and enhancements
- Support for Editor level permission: Delegated Mailbox now supports editor level permissions. Delegated mailbox email address is now available in the "From" drop-down list, you can send mails on behalf of the delegated owner. You can perform all the actions supported as per the permission level.
Support for Author level permissions for delegated mailbox: The Email+ app now supports Author level permission for a delegated mailbox. With the "Author" permission the delegated user can create and read all items in the folder, and modify and delete items that are created by them. Delegated mailbox email address is now available in the "From" drop-down list, you can send mails on behalf of the delegated owner.
Delegated Mailbox support Classification: Delegate can perform the following actions for delegated mails with Classification on behalf of the delegated mailbox owner:
Parse emails in the delegated mailboxes having classification.
Compose new emails with classification, Reply/Reply All/Forward from Mail.
Reply/Reply All/Forward to mails, calendar events, Delegated Calendar events having classification.
Save drafts with classification, restore, and send them.
Support to view private mails for Delegated Mailbox owner: The delegated user would be able to view private mails only if delegated mailbox owner had provided the permission to the user. And when delegated mailbox owner updates the permission for "Delegate can see my private items" then it would be take 20-30minutes to get permission updated and reflect in Email+ app.
Delegated mailbox supports SMIME: Delegate can Reply/Reply All/Forward to the delegated mails on behalf of the delegated mailbox owner with SMIME.
Support to save draft mails in delegated mailbox: Delegated user can now save draft mail in the delegated mailbox. The Delegated Drafts folder is not synced with the server and only available locally. Delegate can store draft emails in "Drafts" folder. These folders are local and they never sync with the server.
Support for Reviewer, Editor, and Author level permissions for Delegated mailbox drafts: Email+ supports delegated mailbox permissions such as Reviewer, Editor, and Author level permissions. When the Admin removes the delegated_shared_mailbox KVP from Email+ config, then all Delegated Mailbox drafts are deleted from the app as well as other related information from Delegated Mailbox.
The Delegate's ability to respond to a meeting invite received in Delegated Mailbox depends only on Delegated Calendar permission (that is editor level permission only) and not on Delegated Mailbox permissions.
Ivanti Email+ administrator features and enhancements
This release does not include new administrator features and enhancements.

Ivanti Email+ app features and enhancements
End of Support for Android AppConnect: Starting from 30 November, 2023 we would not be supporting and releasing AppConnect version of Email+. For more information, see End of Support announcement. From Email+ 4.9.0 only Android Enterprise version of Email+ would be available for customers.
Ivanti End User License and Services Agreement updated: Ivanti has updated the End User License and Services Agreement in the About section of the Email+ for Android app. The users will be redirected to this agreement from the Ivanti Android application.
Support for multiple additional accounts: Email+ supports more than one additional accounts and up to maximum of ten additional accounts. You can configure and push the additional accounts from the EMM server and add it to the Email+ app.
Compatibility with Android 14: Email+ for Android 4.9.0 is compatible with Android 14 operating system version.
Support for different color for different calendars: You can now manage and edit individual Calendars from the Email+ app with their respective settings option. To differentiate and manage different Calendars and Accounts you can assign a color available in the Calendar settings. Changing color of the Calendar will also change the color for the corresponding mail account.
Ivanti Email+ administrator features and enhancements
- New restriction added: New restriction Encryption algorithm is added to Android Enterprise and the following are the allowed values (case insensitive):
3des (currently used by Email+, the most compatible and default)
The additional multiple accounts are pushed from the Email+ configuration only after you have updated to Email+ 4.9.0.

Ivanti Email+ app features and enhancements
- Improved Calendar attendees section: The Calendar app has new "View all attendees" section which displays the list of attendee details along with their invite response.
- Support for Delegated Mailbox and Delegated Calendar added in the same flow: If the delegated owner delegated both mailbox and calendar, then delegated calendar is automatically added if user adds delegated mailbox in Email+. Both delegated mailbox and delegated calendar features should be enabled for this feature.
- Support for search enabled for Delegated Mailbox: The Email+ app now supports the search option for delegated mailbox. You can perform search in the Inbox, subfolders, local, and on the server.
- The "Mark all as read" replaced with 'Select All': The "Mark all as read" option is replaced with 'Select All' to all the folders in Email+. When you click on "Select All", all mails are selected and the header has the option to delete, move, mark as unread/read and flag/unflag along with count of mails selected. The user can manually unselect some of the mails as well.
Ivanti Email+ administrator features and enhancements
- Key-value pairs added for delegated mailbox: The following key-value pairs are now added supported for delegated mailbox:
- email_max_attachment
- email_max_sync_period
- email_default_sync_period
- show_pictures_default
- email_watermark
- allow_detailed_notifications
- Support for save_attachment and show_snippet added for delegated mailbox: The Email+ app for delegated mailbox now supports save_attachment and show_snippet values under disabled_fearures key-value pair .

Ivanti Email+ app features and enhancements
- Mobileiron rebranded as Ivanti: As part of rebranding MobileIron logo is changed to Ivanti and MobileIron text references are changed to Ivanti. For more information, see rebranding KB article. As part of rebranding Contact group of Mobileiron in native contact app would renamed to Ivanti after upgrade to 4.7.0 Email+ when customer are using KVP: allow_export_contacts.
On some devices it is not updated immediately so workaround is to open any contact in Email+ and click on edit button and just save it and then refer to contact group in native contacts
- Support added for Delegated Mailbox: Email+ 4.7.0 now supports delegated access to the mailbox for Android devices. Search of the delegated mails is out of scope for Email+ 4.7.0 release. Currently, Email+ 4.7.0 supports only 'Reviewer' level permission. All other permissions levels are represented as 'Reviewer' in Email+. The Delegated Mailbox supports the following features:
- Ability to switch between primary, secondary, and delegated mailbox accounts: The switching between primary and secondary accounts is now improved. Delegated mailbox account is now added for the Mail component.
- Synchronized mail and subfolders for Delegated mailbox: All mails in Inbox and Inbox subfolders of the delegated mailbox are now synced to the Email+ app as per the value set in 'Days to sync' option under the Setting for delegated mailbox account.
Due to server limitation sometimes sub folders are not synchronized to Email+ delegated mailbox.
- Delegated Mailbox account settings option implemented: The Email+ app now has separate Settings for Delegated Mailbox account.
- Email+ supports Reviewer level permissions to the delegated mailbox user: The delegated user can view email details, mark read or unread, download and open attachments. Currently, Email+ 4.7.0 supports only 'Reviewer' level permission. All other permissions levels are represented as 'Reviewer' in Email+.
- Notifications of delegated mailbox: Email+ sends a notification when new mail is received in the delegated mailbox.
- Email+ sends a notification when access to delegated mailbox is cancelled: When the mailbox owner cancels the access to the delegated mailbox, then Delegate receives notification when the Email+ app is launched. The delegated mailbox is also removed from the Email+ app.
- Support to delete delegated mailbox: The delegated user can manually delete the delegated mailbox added from the Email+ app.
- Ability to download attachments in the message added: The Email+ app now supports downloading and opening attachments in a message in Delegated mailbox.
- User Interface update: The "Extended Key Usage" field is added to the Certificate Details screen in Keystore below the "Key Usage" field
Ivanti Email+ administrator features and enhancements
Ability to download attachments in the message added: Ability to set maximum size for attachments is added for Delegated Mailbox. The value of email_max_attachment KVP or Max attachment size(Mb) restriction set for user's primary account is also applicable for the Delegated Mailbox.
New value added: New value 'delegated_shared_mailbox' added to enabled_features key-value pair and Optional Features restriction to enable Add Mailbox option. When removed from the 'enabled_features' then 'Add Mailbox' is disabled and the delegated mailbox is also removed.
richtext_event_support value deprecated: The richtext_event_support value is now removed from disabled_features key-value pair and Disabled Features restriction. The admins can no longer disable richtext_event_support by adding it to disabled_features KVP and Disabled Features restriction.

Ivanti Email+ app features and enhancements
- Support for Delete permission added for Shared Calendar on Exchange server: The user can now select one of the options: Own, All. The shared user should have Edit all permission to create or delete invites.
- Support for Write permissions added for Shared Calendar on Exchange server: User can select one or multiple options such as Create items, Edit own, and Edit all. The 'Invite people' field is blocked and proper notification is displayed.
Server limitation: It is not possible to add invitees to the event if there is no Edit own or Edit all permission.
- Support for Exchange Server-Read permission added for Shared Calendar on Exchange server: Read 'Full details' permission support is now implemented for Shared Calendar on Exchange server. The following Read permissions are not supported in Email+ 4.6.0:
- Time, Subject, Location
- Free or Busy time
- Enabled Shared Calendar event sync limit: The sync period for all existing events for the Shared Calendar is set to a duration of one month. Events older than a month are not synced to Email+.
- Support for "Can edit" permission added for Microsoft Office 365 server: The 'Can edit' permission support is implemented for Shared Calendar on Microsoft Office 365 server.
- Support for 'View all details' permission added for Microsoft Office 365 server: View all details is implemented for Shared Calendar on Microsoft Office 365 server. Permissions 'Can view when I'm busy' and 'View title' and 'Location' are not supported in Email+ 4.6.0.
- Update Shared Calendar permission levels: The Email+ app re-syncs the Shared Calendar if the shared permissions are modified.
- Support to autodetect the Shared Calendar removal: The Email+ app sends a notification when access to Shared Calendar is canceled by the calendar owner. The user receives notification when the Email+ app is launched or is running in the background. The Shared Calendar is removed from the Email+ app.
- Support to delete Shared Calendar: The shared user can manually delete the Shared Calendar from the Email+ app.
- Search and add Shared Calendar: The Email+ app now supports the search and add Shared calendar function.
- New improved Mail Security dialog box: Mail Security dialog box is improved and updates with additional information as Common name of the certificate or Email or Organization. Also, Key usage field information was added to Mail Security dialogue and to Certificate details page in the Keystore.
- Lock icon was added for private delegated events in the Agenda view.: Private events for the delegated calendar are shown in the Email+ app according to the Outlook settings, but no options are available for events for all delegated levels.
Ivanti Email+ administrator features and enhancements
- Disabling the Shared Calendar feature: To disable the Shared Calendar feature, remove the calendar_delegation values from the enabled_features KVP and Optional features restriction.

Ivanti Email+ app features and enhancements
Add certificate screen updated: The 'Add certificate' screen is improved, so that user account configured in Email+ is not available.
- Delegate can Reply and Reply All on delegated events with Classification: Delegate can Reply and Reply All to the delegated events on behalf of the delegated calendar owner with Classification.
- New permission added: The SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM permis
- sion is added. The Android Enterprise administrators need to approve this permission in the Email+ app on Ivanti EPMM or Ivanti Neurons for MDM.
- Updates associated certificates with smime_suppress_certificate_email_check KVP: The Email+ app now updates all existing certificates with association with the sender's email when a change of smime_suppress_certificate_email_check is detected.
Ivanti Email+ administrator features and enhancements
This release does not include new administrator features and enhancements.

Ivanti Email+ app features and enhancements
- Reply, Reply All, and Forward options enabled for all delegated levels: Email+ app now supports Reply, Reply all, and Forward options for Delegated calendar events. For more information, see Delegated Calendar section in the Email+ for Android Guide
- Improved the Reply, Reply All, and Forward options for calendar invites: The Email+ app has improved the Reply, Reply All, and Forward options for the regular calendar invites as it is for Microsoft Outlook.
- Delegate can Reply and Reply All on delegated events with SMIME: Delegate can Reply and Reply All to the delegated events on behalf of the delegated calendar owner with SMIME.
- Classifications and Encryption options are disabled for delegated Forwards: Classifications and Encryption options are disabled for delegated Forwards and any Reply will be sent in plain text and without protective markings.
- Implement search for certificates from Keystore on Add certificate screen: The user can now search the certificates from the Keystore on the "Add Certificate" screen.
- The term "Authorization" is replaced with "Authentication": The "Authorization Mode" restriction title was changed to "Authentication Mode" and "Basic Authorization" was changed to "Basic Authentication".
- Support for Editor and Author level permissions for delegated calendar: The Email+ app now supports Editor and Author level permission for delegated calendar. With the "Editor" permission the delegated user can edit and delete event created by the owner of the calendar. With the "Author" permission the delegated user can create and read all items in the folder, and modify and delete items that are created by them. A delegate with Author level can now edit events in the owner calendar that were created by the delegate. A delegate with Author level is able to delete events in the owner calendar that were created by the delegate.
Delegated "Author" is not able to respond to invites on behalf of the owner, they can only view responses on owner events only by opening the calendar items (also for items they created).
- Support for Delegated Calendar with Certificate Based Authentication added: The Email+ app now supports Delegated Calendar with Certificate Based Authentication.
- Check availability feature now available for delegated events: The Email+ app now supports Check availability feature for delegated calendar events.
- Support for exception in recurrent events: Email+ now supports update for exceptions in recurrent events for Delegated Calendar.
- Email+ now tracks permission related updates: The Email+ app now updates the permission levels of the delegated calendar when the user upgrades or downgrades the permission for calendar in the Microsoft Outlook. Permission levels are updated in the Email+ app when you open the Calendar or perform a manual refresh.
- Support to fetch encryption certificate from GAL enabled: The Email+ app now checks for the encryption certificate in GAL every time when user sends encrypted email even if there is a certificate for the recipient in the Keystore. If the certificate in GAL is different from the one that already present in the Email+ Keystore it will be downloaded and saved in Keystore.
- Support for Android 7.x is now deprecated: The Email+ app now does not support Android 7.x. Email+ now supports Android version starting from Android 8.x onwards.
Ivanti Email+ administrator features and enhancements
New value and restriction added: New value cert_base added to ews_min_allowed_auth_mode KVP and Certificate Based Authentication value is added to EWS Authentication Mode restriction to support delegated calendar with certificate based authentication.

Ivanti Email+ app features and enhancements
- Support Suppress Name Check on certificate mismatch (SMIME): The Email+ app has now suppressed the verification of certificates using email address in case of email address or domain mismatch. For more information, see Suppress certificate email check section in the Email+ for Android Guide
- Support for Calendar HTML note enabled: Email+ now supports richtext_event_support by default to enable the user to fetch an event note's content in HTML format and then edit it using rich text editor.
- Support enabled to use of Entrust Certificates for Authorization, Signing, and Encryption certificates in Email+ Android Enterprise app in Ivanti Neurons for MDM only: Entrust certificates such as Entrust Autorization, Signing and Encryptions certificates are generated in PIV-D app and stored in keystore. The Email+ app now fetches these certificates from the keystore. This is applicable for Android Enterprise device registration mode such as Profile Owner, Device Owner, and EPO with Microsoft Office 365 using Modern auth. For more information, see the Entrust certificate section in the Email+ for Android Guide
Ivanti Email+ administrator features and enhancements
New value added: New value smime_suppress_certificate_email_check added to Optional features to allow support for SMIME message with certificate when receiver's email address and domain is different from senders email address. The Email+ app associates the certificate with the sender's email address, so that Email+ app can use the certificate when sending encrypted emails to the sender.
- New value added: New value entrust_certificates added to the Optional features restriction to enable support for entrust certificate.
- New value added: New value richtext_event_support added to disabled_features key -value pair and Disabled Features restriction to disable richtext event support value.

Ivanti Email+ app features and enhancements
Feature preview for Delegated Calendar: Email+ 4.2.0 now supports delegated access to the calendar for Android devices and the feature is available for an early preview. The Add Delegated Calendar option is added to the Email+ 4.2.0 app, to enable the option add calendar_delegation value to the enabled_features key-value pair or Optional features restriction for Android Enterprise. The Delegated Calendar supports the following features:
Email+ supports reviewer level permission for the delegated user: Currently Email+ 4.2.0 supports the "Reviewer" level permission. The delegated user can view event details with this permission.
Support for Delegated Calendar with Basic and Modern Authentication added: The Email+ app supports Delegated Calendar feature with Basic and Modern Authentication methods.
Private events are hidden in delegated calendars: The Email+ 4.2.0 app does not display private events, all private events in delegated calendar are hidden.
Enabled delegated calendar event sync limit: The sync period for delegated calendar events is the same as for regular events. Events older than a month will not be synced to the Email+ app, all future events are synced.
- Email+ sends a notification when access to delegated calendar is canceled: When permission to the delegated calendar is removed, the delegated user receives a notification when the Email+ app is launched.
- Support to delete delegated calendar: A delegated user can delete the delegated calendar from the Email+ app.
Currently, these features are disabled by default. The admins can enable the feature previews by configuring the calendar_delegation value for enabled_features key-value pair and Optional Features restriction.
- Mail sync interval is set to 15 minutes: The minimum mail sync interval is now set to 15 minutes instead of five minutes. The five and 10 minutes sync interval options are now removed from the Check email frequency drop-down menu.
Ivanti Email+ administrator features and enhancements
- New value added: New value calendar_delegation value added to the enabled_features key-value pair or Optional Features restriction to enable Add Delegated Calendar option in the Email+ app.
New key-value pair and restriction added: New key-value pair ews_min_allowed_auth_mode or EWS Authentication Mode restriction is added to AppConnect and Android Enterprise respectively to enable authentication method to the exchange server through EWS protocol.
New key-value pair added: New key-value pair email_ews_host or restriction Exchange host for EWS is added to Android AppConnect and Android Enterprise respectively to provide access to EWS server when the values for email_exchange_host or Exchange host are not fully qualified domain name of the Exchange server.
Key-value pairs are configured in the Email+ configuration on the unified endpoint management (UEM) platform. The UEM platform is either Ivanti EPMM or Ivanti Neurons for MDM. See the Key-value pairs for customizing Email+ for Android and App restrictions descriptions for Email+ (Android Enterprise section in the Email+ for Android Guide.

Ivanti Email+ app features and enhancements
- Android 12 compatibility: The Email+ app is compatible with Android 12
- Enhancement added to notify when the Email+ app goes in standby bucket mode: When the Email+ app is not in active use, there is a delay in mail sync due to Android restrictions. The 'Tap to get message alerts in real-time' notification is enabled to return the Email+ app back to active state.
- Support for signature algorithm for S/MIME: The Email+ app now supports configuring signature algorithm.
- Support for Hungarian language: The Email+ app now supports Hungarian language.
- Ability to create shortcuts in the Email+ app added: The Email+ app for Android AppConnect now supports the ability to create shortcuts for Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, and Notes.
- Localization enhancement: The Email+ app now has enhanced localization support for French and German languages.
Ivanti Email+ administrator features and enhancements
- New key-value pair added: New key-value pair email_signing_digest and restriction Signing digest algorithm added to configure signature algorithm.
- New value added: New value allow_shortcuts added to the enabled_features key-value pair to create shortcuts to launch Calendar, Contact, Notes, and Tasks.
Key-value pairs are configured in the Email+ configuration on the unified endpoint management (UEM) platform. The UEM platform is either Ivanti EPMM or Ivanti Neurons for MDM. See the "Key-value pairs for Email+ (Android AppConnect)" and "App restrictions descriptions for Ivanti Email+ (Android Enterprise)" sections in the Ivanti Email+ Guide.