Log Upload

Use the Settings > Log Upload options to upload Ivanti EPMM log files to an external server when you are working with Ivanti Technical support or an Ivanti partner to troubleshoot an issue in Ivanti EPMM. You can upload the following files:

  • Log files (see Exporting logs in the Troubleshooting chapter for more information)
  • System monitor files (see System monitor in the Troubleshooting chapter for more information)

Setting a log upload user


  1. Log into System Manager.
  2. Go to Settings > Log Upload to open the Log Upload details page.
  3. Fill out the fields in one of the following server groups:

    • SFTP Server Configuration
    • HTTPS Server Configuration
  4. Typically, you will use the default HTTPS Server Configuration, which automatically includes the user name you entered in Maintenance > Software Updates. Confirm with Ivanti Technical Support that the entries on this display are correct.
  5. Click Apply > OK to save the changes.