
Admin Management

Find admin users

This call gets a list of all admin users in the system. You can use the call described in Assign admins to device space to assign one of the retrieved users as the admin of a device space. A similar call, described in Get admin user summary, gets a list of admin users, but returns more details about each admin, namely, the name, email, source (local or LDAP), and assigned roles.

Required Role

See Authentication for complete details on ensuring that the credentials you use for basic authentication belong to a user with the necessary role for this API call.


Required Role

Category: Admin Management

Role Description: Manage administrators and device spaces

HTTP method


Request URI


Request parameters



Sample Value


Parameter Type: Query

Data Type: String

Min: 1 character

Max: 20 characters

Search expression. May be the user name, the first name, or the last name. The call returns all admin users in the absence of this parameter. See Query Operators and Search Fields for complete details on the query operators and search fields you can use to construct the query parameter statement.



Parameter Type: Query

Data Type: Number

Min: 0

Max: 200

Default: 200

Indicates the maximum number of entries to return. Must be at least 0 and no more than 200.



Parameter Type: Query

Data Type: Number

Min: 0

Max: 10,000,000

Default: 0

Indicates the index of the first entry to return.



Parameter Type: Query

Data Type: String

Min: 1 character

Max: 320 characters

Name of the field to use for sorting.



Parameter Type: Query

Data Type: String

Default: ASC

Indicates the order in which entries are returned. Values can be "ASC" or "DESC".


Response fields




Container for the results set, which is an array of all admin users retrieved, including their user ID and name.


The total number of entries that the query matched.


The number of entries that are being returned.

Sample request and response


curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Basic bWlhZG1pbjpNaTRtYW4xMQ==" https://[mobileironcore]/api/v2/admins/users?adminDeviceSpaceId=1



    "results": [


            "userId": "misystem",

            "name": null



            "userId": "miadmin",

            "name": "miadmin"



    "totalCount": 2,

    "resultCount": 2




Find ldap entitites

This call finds LDAP entities, either Organizational Units (OUs), groups, or users, depending on which you specify with the type parameter.

Required Role

See Authentication for complete details on ensuring that the credentials you use for basic authentication belong to a user with the necessary role for this API call.


Required Role

Category: Admin Management

Role Description: Manage administrators and device spaces

HTTP method


Request URI


Request parameters



Sample Value



Parameter Type: Query

Data Type: Number

Device space ID of the administrator.




Parameter Type: Query

Data Type: String

Min: 1 character

Max: 20 characters

Search expression. May be the user name, the first name, or the last name. The call returns all admin users in the absence of this parameter. See Query Operators and Search Fields for complete details on the query operators and search fields you can use to construct the query parameter statement.


(This value instructs the call to search for ldap entities with the word “admin” in their name”)



Parameter Type: Query

Data Type: String

Default: ALL

Type of LDAP entity to search. May be OU, GROUP, or USER


(This value instructs the call to search for LDAP users)


Parameter Type: Query

Data Type: Number

Min: 0

Max: 10,000

Default: 10,000

Indicates the maximum number of entries to return. Must be at least 0 and no more than 10,000.



Parameter Type: Query

Data Type: Number

Min: 0

Max: 10,000,000

Default: 0

Indicates the index of the first entry to return.


Response fields




Container for the results set, which is an array of all LDAP entities retrieved, including each entity’s ID, name, LDAP Distinguished Name (dn), and the type of LDAP entity.


The total number of entries that the query matched.


The number of entries that are being returned.

Sample request and response


curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Basic bWlhZG1pbjpNaTRtYW4xMQ==" https://[mobileironcore]/api/v2/admins/ldap_entities?type=user&query=admin&adminDeviceSpaceId=1



    "results": [


            "id": null,

            "name": "Administrator",

            "dn": "cn=administrator,cn=users,dc=auto2,dc=mobileiron,dc=com",

            "type": "USER"



    "totalCount": 1,

    "resultCount": 1


Get admin user summary

This call gets a detailed list of admin users that includes each admin’s name, email, source (local or LDAP), and assigned roles. A similar call described in Find admin users, gets a list of admin users, but only returns the user ID and name for each admin user. This call has a GDPR consideration. See GDPR Consideration.

Required Role

See Authentication for complete details on ensuring that the credentials you use for basic authentication belong to a user with the necessary role for this API call.


Required Role

Category: Admin Management

Role Description: Manage administrators and device spaces

HTTP method


Request URI


Request parameters




Sample Value



Parameter Type: Query

Data Type: Number

Device space ID of the administrator.



Parameter Type: Query

Data Type: Number

Min: 0

Max: 10,000

Default: 10,000

Indicates the maximum number of entries to return. Must be at least 0 and no more than 10,000.



Parameter Type: Query

Data Type: Number

Min: 0

Max: 10,000,000

Default: 0

Indicates the index of the first entry to return.



Parameter Type: Query

Data Type: String

Min: 1 character

Max: 320 characters

Name of the field to use for sorting.



Parameter Type: Query

Data Type: String

Default: ASC

Indicates the order in which entries are returned. Values can be "ASC" or "DESC".



Parameter Type: Query

Data Type: String

Min: 1 character

Max: 20 characters

Search expression. May be the user name, the first name, or the last name. The call returns all admin users in the absence of this parameter. See Query Operators and Search Fields for complete details on the query operators and search fields you can use to construct the query parameter statement.


(This value instructs the call to search for admin entities with the word “admin” in their name”)


Parameter Type: Query

Data Type: integer

Instructs the API on which page of results to start returning results.



Parameter Type: Query

Data Type: integer

Instructs the API at which record on the specified page of results to start returning results.


Response fields




An array of entry objects: name, userId, email, source (LDAP or Local), roles (id, description), adminSpaces (id, name)


The total number of entries that the query matched.


The number of entries that are being returned.

Sample request and response


curl "https://mobileironcore]/api/v2/admins/user_summary?limit=50&offset=0&sortField=name&sortOrder=ASC&query=&page=1&start=0"



    "results": [


            "name": "miadmin",

            "principal": "miadmin",

            "email": "[email protected]",

            "source": "Local",

            "spaceRoles": [


                    "spaceId": 1,

                    "spaceName": "Global",

                    "vspRoles": [


                            "id": 1,

                            "name": "ROLE_ADMIN_MGMT",

                            "description": "Manage administrators and device spaces",

                            "defaultSpaceOnly": true



                            "id": 3,

                            "name": "ROLE_DEVICE_VIEW_APP",

                            "description": "View apps in device details",

                            "defaultSpaceOnly": false



                            "id": 4,

                            "name": "ROLE_DEVICE",

                            "description": "Manage devices",

                            "defaultSpaceOnly": false



                            "id": 6,

                            "name": "ROLE_DEVICE_LOCATE",

                            "description": "Locate device",

                            "defaultSpaceOnly": false



                            "id": 7,

                            "name": "ROLE_DEVICE_WIPE",

                            "description": "Wipe device",

                            "defaultSpaceOnly": false



                            "id": 8,

                            "name": "ROLE_DEVICE_ADD",

                            "description": "Add device",

                            "defaultSpaceOnly": false



                            "id": 9,

                            "name": "ROLE_DEVICE_ACTIVESYNC",

                            "description": "Manage ActiveSync device",

                            "defaultSpaceOnly": true



                            "id": 10,

                            "name": "ROLE_APP_TUNNEL",

                            "description": "Manage AppTunnel",

                            "defaultSpaceOnly": true



                            "id": 11,

                            "name": "ROLE_DEVICE_ENROLLMENT",

                            "description": "Manage device enrollment (iOS only)",

                            "defaultSpaceOnly": true



                            "id": 14,

                            "name": "ROLE_LABEL",

                            "description": "Manage label",

                            "defaultSpaceOnly": false



                            "id": 16,

                            "name": "ROLE_USER_MANAGEMENT",

                            "description": "Manage user",

                            "defaultSpaceOnly": false



                            "id": 17,

                            "name": "ROLE_APP",

                            "description": "Manage app",

                            "defaultSpaceOnly": true



                            "id": 19,

                            "name": "ROLE_CONFIG",

                            "description": "Manage configuration",

                            "defaultSpaceOnly": true



                            "id": 22,

                            "name": "ROLE_POLICY",

                            "description": "Manage policy",

                            "defaultSpaceOnly": true



                            "id": 25,

                            "name": "ROLE_SETTINGS",

                            "description": "Manage settings",

                            "defaultSpaceOnly": true



                            "id": 27,

                            "name": "ROLE_LOGS_EVENTS",

                            "description": "Manage logs and events",

                            "defaultSpaceOnly": true



                            "id": 28,

                            "name": "ROLE_VSP_CONNECTOR",

                            "description": "Connector",

                            "defaultSpaceOnly": true



                            "id": 29,

                            "name": "ROLE_VSP_API",

                            "description": "API",

                            "defaultSpaceOnly": true



                            "id": 34,

                            "name": "ROLE_CONTENT",

                            "description": "Manage Content",

                            "defaultSpaceOnly": true







    "totalCount": 1,

    "resultCount": 1


Get ldap entity summary

This call gets detailed information on all admin LDAP admin entities. Returns the id, name, dn, type, member count (germane for OUs and GROUPS), first name, last name, email, and roles for each found admin LADAP entity.

Required Role

See Authentication for complete details on ensuring that the credentials you use for basic authentication belong to a user with the necessary role for this API call.


Required Role

Category: Admin Management

Role Description: Manage administrators and device spaces

HTTP method


Request URI


Request parameters



Sample Value



Parameter Type: Query

Data Type: Number

Device space ID of the administrator.



Parameter Type: Query

Data Type: String

Min: 1 character

Max: 20 characters

Search expression. May be the user name, the first name, or the last name. The call returns all admin users in the absence of this parameter. See Query Operators and Search Fields for complete details on the query operators and search fields you can use to construct the query parameter statement.


(This value instructs the call to search for ldap entities with the word “admin” in their name”)



Parameter Type: Query

Data Type: Number

Default: ALL

Type of LDAP entity to search. May be OU, GROUP, USER, or ALL.


(This value instructs the call to search for LDAP users)


Parameter Type: Query

Data Type: Number

Min: 0

Max: 10,000

Default: 10,000

Indicates the maximum number of entries to return. Must be at least 0 and no more than 10,000.



Parameter Type: Query

Data Type: Number

Min: 0

Max: 10,000,000

Default: 0

Indicates the index of the first entry to return.



Parameter Type: Query

Data Type: String

Min: 1 character

Max: 320 characters

Name of the field to use for sorting.



Parameter Type: Query

Data Type: String

Default: ASC

Indicates the order in which entries are returned. Values can be "ASC" or "DESC".


Response fields


Container for the results set, which is an array of all LDAP entities retrieved, including each entity’s id, name, dn, type, member count (germane for OUs and GROUPS), first name, last name, email, and roles.


The total number of entries that the query matched.


The number of entries that are being returned.

Sample request and response


curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Basic bWlhZG1pbjpNaTRtYW4xMQ==" https://[mobileironcore]/api/v2/admins/ldap_entity_summary?type=USER&query=testuser00023&adminDeviceSpaceId=1



    "results": [


            "id": null,

            "name": "testuser000230",

            "dn": "cn=testuser000230,ou=contacts,dc=auto2,dc=mobileiron,dc=com",

            "type": "USER",

            "memberCount": 0,

            "firstName": "Test",

            "lastName": "User000230",

            "email": "[email protected]",

            "spaceRoles": [ ]




            "id": null,

            "name": "testuser000239",

            "dn": "cn=testuser000239,ou=contacts,dc=auto2,dc=mobileiron,dc=com",

            "type": "USER",

            "memberCount": 0,

            "firstName": "Test",

            "lastName": "User000239",

            "email": "[email protected]",

            "spaceRoles": [ ]



    "totalCount": 10,

    "resultCount": 10


Get a list of admin roles

This call returns all admin roles and associated permissions. You can use this call before issuing the call described in Assign admins to device space, so you know which string values to use for the roles you assign to admins you assign to device spaces.

Required Role

See Authentication for complete details on ensuring that the credentials you use for basic authentication belong to a user with the necessary role for this API call.


Required Role

Category: Admin Management

Role Description: Manage administrators and device spaces

HTTP method


Request URI


Request parameters



Sample Value



Parameter Type: Query

Data Type: Number

Device space ID of the administrator.


Response fields


Container for the results set, which is an array of all roles, including the following fields for each role: category, roleAndPermissions, roleId, roleDescription, defaultSpaceOnly, and permissions. The values for roleId are the ones you use for the roles parameter when making the call described in Assign admins to device space.


The total number of entries that the query matched.


The number of entries that are being returned.


Container for the results set, which is an array of all LDAP entities retrieved, including each entity’s id, name, dn, type, member count (germane for OUs and GROUPS), first name, last name, email, and roles.


The total number of entries that the query matched.

Sample request and response


curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Basic bWlhZG1pbjpNaTRtYW4xMQ==" https://[mobileironcore]/api/v2/admins/roles?adminDeviceSpaceId=1



    "results": [


            "category": "Device Management",

            "roleAndPermissions": [


                    "roleId": 2,

                    "roleDescription": "View dashboard, device page, device details",

                    "defaultSpaceOnly": false,

                    "permissions": [

                        "View dashboard",

                        "View device",

                        "View device details"




                    "roleId": 4,

                    "roleDescription": "Manage devices",

                    "defaultSpaceOnly": false,

                    "permissions": [

                        "View dashboard",

                        "View device",

                        "Retire device",

                        "Other device actions",

                        "View device details",

                        "Push profiles in device details",

                        "Edit comments in device details"




                    "roleId": 5,

                    "roleDescription": "Manage devices, restricted",

                    "defaultSpaceOnly": false,

                    "permissions": [

                        "View dashboard",

                        "View device",

                        "Other device actions",

                        "View device details",

                        "Edit comments in device details"




                    "roleId": 7,

                    "roleDescription": "Wipe device",

                    "defaultSpaceOnly": false,

                    "permissions": [

                        "View dashboard",

                        "View device",

                        "Wipe device",

                        "View device details"




                    "roleId": 8,

                    "roleDescription": "Add device",

                    "defaultSpaceOnly": false,

                    "permissions": [

                        "View dashboard",

                        "View device",

                        "Add device",

                        "View device details"




                    "roleId": 9,

                    "roleDescription": "Manage ActiveSync device",

                    "defaultSpaceOnly": true,

                    "permissions": [

                        "View dashboard",

                        "View device",

                        "View device details",

                        "View ActiveSync device",

                        "Edit ActiveSync device"




                    "roleId": 10,

                    "roleDescription": "Manage AppTunnel",

                    "defaultSpaceOnly": true,

                    "permissions": [





                    "roleId": 11,

                    "roleDescription": "Manage device enrollment (iOS only)",

                    "defaultSpaceOnly": true,

                    "permissions": [

                        "View dashboard",

                        "View device",

                        "View device details",

                        "Device enrollment (iOS only)"




                    "roleId": 12,

                    "roleDescription": "Delete retired device (API only)",

                    "defaultSpaceOnly": true,

                    "permissions": [

                        "View dashboard",

                        "View device",

                        "Delete retired device",

                        "View device details"






            "category": "Privacy Control",

            "roleAndPermissions": [


                    "roleId": 3,

                    "roleDescription": "View apps in device details",

                    "defaultSpaceOnly": false,

                    "permissions": [

                        "View dashboard",

                        "View device",

                        "View device details",

                        "View apps in device details"




                    "roleId": 6,

                    "roleDescription": "Locate device",

                    "defaultSpaceOnly": false,

                    "permissions": [

                        "View dashboard",

                        "View device",

                        "Locate device",

                        "View device details"






            "category": "Label Management",

            "roleAndPermissions": [


                    "roleId": 13,

                    "roleDescription": "View label",

                    "defaultSpaceOnly": false,

                    "permissions": [

                        "View label"




                    "roleId": 14,

                    "roleDescription": "Manage label",

                    "defaultSpaceOnly": false,

                    "permissions": [

                        "View device",

                        "View device details",

                        "View label",

                        "Edit label"






            "category": "User Management",

            "roleAndPermissions": [


                    "roleId": 15,

                    "roleDescription": "View user",

                    "defaultSpaceOnly": false,

                    "permissions": [

                        "View user"




                    "roleId": 16,

                    "roleDescription": "Manage user",

                    "defaultSpaceOnly": false,

                    "permissions": [

                        "View user",

                        "Edit user"






            "category": "App Management",

            "roleAndPermissions": [


                    "roleId": 17,

                    "roleDescription": "Manage app",

                    "defaultSpaceOnly": true,

                    "permissions": [

                        "Manage app",

                        "View app, apply and remove application label"




                    "roleId": 33,

                    "roleDescription": "Apply and remove application label",

                    "defaultSpaceOnly": false,

                    "permissions": [

                        "View app, apply and remove application label"






            "category": "Configuration Management",

            "roleAndPermissions": [


                    "roleId": 18,

                    "roleDescription": "View configuration",

                    "defaultSpaceOnly": false,

                    "permissions": [

                        "View configuration"




                    "roleId": 19,

                    "roleDescription": "Manage configuration",

                    "defaultSpaceOnly": true,

                    "permissions": [

                        "View configuration",

                        "Edit configuration",

                        "Apply and remove configuration label"




                    "roleId": 20,

                    "roleDescription": "Apply and remove configuration label",

                    "defaultSpaceOnly": false,

                    "permissions": [

                        "View configuration",

                        "Apply and remove configuration label"






            "category": "Policy Management",

            "roleAndPermissions": [


                    "roleId": 21,

                    "roleDescription": "View policy",

                    "defaultSpaceOnly": false,

                    "permissions": [

                        "View policy"




                    "roleId": 22,

                    "roleDescription": "Manage policy",

                    "defaultSpaceOnly": true,

                    "permissions": [

                        "View policy",

                        "Edit policy",

                        "Apply and remove policy label",

                        "View and edit ActiveSync policy",

                        "View and edit compliance action"




                    "roleId": 23,

                    "roleDescription": "Apply and remove policy label",

                    "defaultSpaceOnly": false,

                    "permissions": [

                        "View policy",

                        "Apply and remove policy label"






            "category": "Settings Management",

            "roleAndPermissions": [


                    "roleId": 24,

                    "roleDescription": "View settings",

                    "defaultSpaceOnly": true,

                    "permissions": [

                        "View settings"




                    "roleId": 25,

                    "roleDescription": "Manage settings",

                    "defaultSpaceOnly": true,

                    "permissions": [

                        "View settings",

                        "Edit settings"






            "category": "Logs and Events Management",

            "roleAndPermissions": [


                    "roleId": 26,

                    "roleDescription": "View logs and events",

                    "defaultSpaceOnly": true,

                    "permissions": [

                        "View logs and events"




                    "roleId": 27,

                    "roleDescription": "Manage logs and events",

                    "defaultSpaceOnly": true,

                    "permissions": [

                        "View logs and events",

                        "Edit logs and events"






            "category": "Admin Management",

            "roleAndPermissions": [


                    "roleId": 1,

                    "roleDescription": "Manage administrators and device spaces",

                    "defaultSpaceOnly": true,

                    "permissions": [

                        "Manage administrators and device spaces"






            "category": "Content Management",

            "roleAndPermissions": [


                    "roleId": 34,

                    "roleDescription": "Manage Content",

                    "defaultSpaceOnly": true,

                    "permissions": [

                        "Manage Content",

                        "View content; apply and remove content labels"




                    "roleId": 35,

                    "roleDescription": "View content; apply and remove content labels",

                    "defaultSpaceOnly": false,

                    "permissions": [

                        "View content; apply and remove content labels"






            "category": "Others",

            "roleAndPermissions": [


                    "roleId": 28,

                    "roleDescription": "Connector",

                    "defaultSpaceOnly": true,

                    "permissions": [





                    "roleId": 29,

                    "roleDescription": "API",

                    "defaultSpaceOnly": true,

                    "permissions": [

                        "Access V1 API"




                    "roleId": 30,

                    "roleDescription": "Mobile App",

                    "defaultSpaceOnly": true,

                    "permissions": [

                        "Mobile App Access"




                    "roleId": 31,

                    "roleDescription": "Enforce single session (all spaces)",

                    "defaultSpaceOnly": false,

                    "permissions": [

                        "Enforce single session"




                    "roleId": 32,

                    "roleDescription": "Perform system operations functions",

                    "defaultSpaceOnly": true,

                    "permissions": [

                        "View search index settings and state",

                        "Rebuild search index"






    "totalCount": 12,

    "resultCount": 12
