Enabling the iOS Trust/UnTrust option

You can enable an iOS feature that allows device users to protect the contents of their company device in risky locations. Once it is enabled, users can enable the feature on their devices. See Trust and Untrust options.

  • UnTrust: Device users select this option to temporarily remove confidential information and applications from their device. They can use this option before entering a location where device security may be at higher than normal risk, such as in airports.

  • Trust: Device users select this option to restore confidential information and applications on their device. They can use this option when no unusual device security risks exist.

To enable iOS Trust/UnTrust feature:


  1. From the Admin portal, navigate to Devices & Users > Labels.

  2. Create a filter label which includes the field "ios.TrustedDevices" and value true. For more information, see "Managing labels" in Getting Started with Core.

  3. Apply the label to the configurations, policies and apps you want to use only when the device is Trusted by the user.

  4. When the user selects UnTrust, his device is no longer eligible for the items in the label, and they will be removed from the user device until he changes the status to Trust, when the items will reinstall.