New features summary
These are cumulative release notes. If a release does not appear in this section, then there were no associated new features and enhancements.

Ivanti Docs@Work app features and enhancements
This release includes the following new app features and enhancements.
Support for iOS 18: The Docs@Work app now supports iOS18.
- Support for iOS 14 deprecated: The minimum supported iOS version on Docs@Work is 15, the iOS version 14 is now deprecated.
Ivanti Docs@Work administrator features and enhancements
This release does not include new administrator features and enhancements.

Ivanti Docs@Work app features and enhancements
This release includes the following new app features and enhancements.
- Change in Single and Multiple file import functionality: When importing a single file the Docs@Work app will automatically open the imported file in document viewer. When multiple files are imported the Docs@Work app will not automatically open the files in document viewer. The following message is displayed: "All files are successfully imported and saved in the Imported Files folder within My Files."
Ivanti Docs@Work administrator features and enhancements
This release does not include new administrator features and enhancements.

Ivanti Docs@Work app features and enhancements
This release includes the following new app features and enhancements.
- Enhancement: The Docs@Work app is now enhanced to improve the default file selecting behavior. If user opens an unsupported file, an alert message is shown with cancel and "Open In" buttons.
Support for multiple file sharing: Docs@Work now supports sharing of multiple files currently the maximum number of files that can be shared is set to 10 files.
Ivanti Docs@Work administrator features and enhancements
This release does not include new administrator features and enhancements.

Ivanti Docs@Work app features and enhancements
This release includes the following new app features and enhancements.
Enhancements to save and scan files in PDF format: The Docs@Work app now supports scanning of multiple documents in Auto or Manual mode and then scan and save in PDF format.
Ivanti Docs@Work administrator features and enhancements
New key-value pair added: New key-value pair user_selectable_viewer added to enable the user to select the file viewer from the Settings. You can now select the file viewer from the Docs@Work app Settings if the KVP user_selectable_viewer=true is set in Docs@Work app configuration.

Ivanti Docs@Work app features and enhancements
This release includes the following new app features and enhancements.
Support for iOS 17: The Docs@Work app now supports iOS17.
Sharing multiple files from other apps to Docs@Work: You can add multiple files from other apps to Docs@Work through MyFiles using "Add Documents" option. If you want to add documents from the Docs@Work app using the FileProvider extension of Docs@Work, you should configure mi_enable_doc_sharing key-value pair to true.
Ivanti End User License and Services Agreement updated: Ivanti has updated the End User License and Services Agreement in the About section of the Docs@Work app. The users will be redirected to this agreement from the Docs@Work application.
Support for editing username: The user can now edit the username (earlier it was fixed) when entering review comments to Documents.
Ivanti Docs@Work administrator features and enhancements
This release does not include new administrator features and enhancements.

Ivanti Docs@Work app features and enhancements
This release includes the following new app features and enhancements.
Ability to scan to .PDF file: The Docs@Work app now supports the ability to scan a picture and create a .PDF file.The following capabilities are supported:
User will be able to save photo captured by camera into PDF.
User will be able to convert an existing Image file to PDF.
User will be able to select multiple images and convert them to PDF.
Support for iOS 13 deprecated: The minimum support iOS version on Docs@Work is 14, the iOS version 13 is deprecated.
Support for iOS 17 Beta 3: The Docs@Work app now supports iOS17 Beta 3. The issues related to the Docs@Work app crash and file corruption are fixed.
Ivanti Docs@Work administrator features and enhancements
This release does not include new administrator features and enhancements.

Ivanti Docs@Work app features and enhancements
This release includes the following new app features and enhancements.
- File upload to the "Starred" folder: The option to upload the files to the "Starred" folder is now available in the Upload file dialog box.
- Support for Purebred signing certificates selection for signing PDF: The Docs@Work app now supports the signing of PDF using Purebred signing certificate using the "Allow select other certificates" option.
- MobileIron rebranded as Ivanti: As part of rebranding MobileIron logo is changed to Ivanti and MobileIron text references are changed to Ivanti. For more information, see rebranding KB article.
Ivanti Docs@Work administrator features and enhancements
This release does not include new administrator features and enhancements.

Ivanti Docs@Work app features and enhancements
This release includes the following new app features and enhancements.
- Support for importing multiple media files: The Docs@Work app now supports importing of multiple media files from the native Photos app.
- Polaris SDK library upgraded: The polaris SDK library is upgraded with new features to create or edit .DOCX, .XLSX, and .PPTX files.
Ivanti Docs@Work administrator features and enhancements
This release does not include new administrator features and enhancements.

Ivanti Docs@Work app features and enhancements
This release includes the following new app features and enhancements.
- Shared with me folder added: The Docs@Work app now supports the "Shared with me" folder for Microsoft OneDrive sites only.
- Support for SMB version 3: The Docs@Work app now supports SMB version 3.
Ivanti Docs@Work administrator features and enhancements
This release does not include new administrator features and enhancements.

Ivanti Docs@Work app features and enhancements
This release includes the following new app features and enhancements.
- iOS 16 compatibility: Docs@Work 2.20.2 is now compatible with iOS 16.
On the ARM64 architecture, the files might get corrupted locally on iOS 16 devices (iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, and iPhone X). To fix this issue, a re-install app pop-up is displayed on the Docs@Work app.
Ivanti Docs@Work administrator features and enhancements
This release does not include new administrator features and enhancements.

Ivanti Docs@Work app features and enhancements
This release includes the following new app features and enhancements.
- Support for multiple page .TIFF file: The Docs@Work app now supports multiple page .TIFF file. This enables the users to scroll and view all the pages in the .TIFF file.
- Support for Hungarian language: The Docs@Work app now supports Hungarian language.
Ivanti Docs@Work administrator features and enhancements
This release does not include new administrator features and enhancements.
For more information on the supported and compatible version for this release, see Support and Compatibility section.