New features summary
These are cumulative release notes. If a release does not appear in this section, then there were no associated new features and enhancements
Product nomenclature: This is cumulative documentation and the product names you encounter in this documentation were accurate at the time of publication. Ivanti updates each new section to reflect evolving product nomenclature, but leaves legacy citations intact to ensure proper frame of reference for the reader.

- Enhancement in the Google data safety form: Google updated the data safety form and included new questions under the security and data collection sections. To accommodate these new questions, we updated the Google Play Target data safety form with new questions and changed the CSV download feature. For more information, see Data Safety.
- Change in advance tab name: The Advanced tab name in the incapptic header menu is changed to Administration.
New Retry button in the 3rd Party Audits: The 3rd Party Audits now has a Retry button to re-trigger the scan in case of a previous failure.
- Enhancement in App Content: Starting with the 1.47 release, the Google Play content rating declarations contain Financial Features and Advertising ID. These declarations need to be filled out while creating the first version of the application in Google Play Target.
- Enhancement in the content rating category: We are aligned with the new changes to the Google Play content rating declaration and related forms. The content rating category that was previously selected will be present in Google Play apps that are already available, and apps that are generated going forward must use one of the new categories. For more information, see Content Rating.
- Change in Provision profile expiry notification email template: The Provision Profile Expiry Notification email now contains a Note as follows:
If your application has reached its end of life, kindly submit a request for deactivating the app.
If you are planning a new app version, please submit new app version.
If you plan to use existing app, please clone the existing app version.
- New Filters and actions added to the app dashboard:The app dashboard now has the provision to filter the apps using the Filters button. Using the filter button, the platform, target type, environment, application status, certificate expiration, and last activity are filtered.
Admin users have the provision to perform actions on selected apps, such as retire and delete.
For more information, see Filters in App dashboard.
- Enhancement in role assignment to customize role type: When you invite a new user, the system automatically assigns the invited user to the developer role by default. Now, incapptic Connect allows setting customized role types for new users invited through the existing application permissions tab.
Support for upload attachments in the reject version window: incapptic Connect now supports uploading attachments while rejecting any specific app version. For more information, see Rejecting an application.

- Enhancement in target connection check for all targets: Starting from the current release, users who have the CAN_EDIT_TARGETS permission will receive an email regarding unauthorized connections to targets due to expired credentials.
- New column added on the Target page: The Target page now contains a new column – Platform Enabled. The Platform Enabled column displays whether the application supports iOS, Android, or both.
- Capability for incapptic users to set a threshold limit: incapptic users can now set a threshold limit for system free disk space from the incapptic portal: Advanced tab > Settings.> Disk Space Settings. If the system free disk space is less than the threshold limit, the admin user receive an email once a day, and a banner message appears on the incapptic portal. The banner message and email can be disabled as follows:
- The incapptic user can increase the value in System Overview and Licenses
- The incapptic user can increase free disk space by deleting unwanted files, directories, and so on.
- Enhancement in the user role list: You can view user roles on the User List page in the incapptic portal. If the number of characters in a string for each entry in the table exceeds 30, the incapptic portal truncates the string. You can view the complete information in the form of a tooltip when you mouse over every entry.
- Capability for users to delete audit logs: The incapptic portal now lets you delete audit logs from Advanced > Settings > Audit log setting. The incapptic portal automatically deletes audit logs that range from 30 to 365 days. The admin page has the follow new tags:
MAX_DAYS_LOGS_RETAINED: Specify the number of days to delete the audit logs.
Range: 30 to 365 days.
Audit logs older than the number of days specified in the tag are deleted. The daily deletion of audit logs occurs at 1:30 p.m of system time.
- Support to publish iOS apps on TestFlight:The incapptic portal now lets you publish iOS apps on TestFlight. For more information see, process_for_appstore_testFlight.htm.
Only iOS apps that have AppStore as their target store can use this functionality.
- Support for incapptic administrators to disable file size checks: Starting from the current release, the incapptic portal lets administrators use the following configurable switch to disable the upload file size check for users: DISABLE_GOOGLEPLAY_BINARY_SIZE_CHECK
The switch has the following values and is set to False by default:
False - When set to false, incapptic users can upload files with the following limit:
AAB files up to 150 MB
APK files up to 100 MB
True – If set to True, incapptic users can upload the following files:
AAB files larger than 150 MB
APK files larger than 100 MB
Support to upload Google play CSV data safety form: Starting from the current release, users can upload the downloaded CSV data safety form from incapptic to Google Play without errors.
The System Overview and Licences page also displays disk usage information such as Total, Used, and so on.
- By default, the threshold limit is 10 GB.

- Extended ping status API: The ping API used by admins to get status on the file system, database, and disks of the device on which the incapptic portal is running has been improved. After logging in to incapptic Connect, change the browser URL to http://<Target_IP_Address>:8000/ping-me.
- Zimperium scan improvement: incapptic now supports AAB for Zimperium scans. A consolidated report with scan results is available in the app version details under the 3rd Party Audits section.
- Zimperium reports: A Zimperium report issue was fixed and the scan report is now available for download in the incapptic portal.
- Google Play app versions: Google Play targets that use the Managed Google Play option will no longer cause an API level validation error.
- Disk space check: Added a precondition that can check for available disk space before uploading new applications. These two switches can be found under "CONNECT -> Configurable settings" on the admin page. Use the "ADD CONFIGURABLE SETTING+" button to add these switches.
Value : "True" or "False"
Description: To enable or disable a system disk space check before trying uploading application binary/metadata.SYSTEM_MINIMUM_SPACE_IN_GB_TO_UPLOAD_BINARY switch info:
Value : Can be from 1 to the max limit of the system's disk space
Description: This value will be used to check if the system has free space greater than or equal to the amount specified before uploading binary/ metadata. This value must be an integer, i.e., 1, 4, 8, 15, 20, 100, etc.
Note: There is no need to include "G" or "GB" in value field of this switch.
- Neurons MDM assignments: For apps with a Neurons for MDM target, the assignments are now copied automatically after publishing when the app setting Auto distribution on publish is set.
- Rebranding: incapptic has been re-branded to Ivanti.
- Target options: Targets can now be added, edited, and deleted in the incapptic Connect user interface. These options require the can_edit_targets permission.
- When adding targets, you can update the credentials on the target details page.
- When editing target details, you can also modify options for iOS enabled and android enabled features.
- The target to be deleted should not be associated with any apps, otherwise a list of apps associated with it are displayed and an option to retire them is given.
- New report columns: The app overview report now contains Target Type and Target Name columns when downloaded from the Reports tab in the user interface.
- Automatic device assignments: Device assignments done to an app version in Neurons for MDM are automatically populated to the upcoming versions uploaded through Incapptic. This is enabled through the "automatic distribution" switch present in the Neurons for MDM settings in the app details page.
- Email notifications: App owners will now receive an email when an app is retired.

- Support for 6.7" screenshots: This release supports uploading and publishing 6.7” screenshots for iOS apps. A new tab (iPhone 6.7") was added in incapptic DEV Connect page > 3rd Party Audits > Localizable Metadata > Graphic Assets.
Rebranding: In the user interface, references to "MI Core" and "MobileIron Core" were rebranded to "Ivanti EPMM", and references to "MI Cloud" and "Mobileiron Cloud" were rebranded to "Ivanti Neurons for MDM".
Support for Failed publishing entry: This release supports the display of Failed publishing entries in the Google Play apps logs.
App Overview page enhancements: The App Overview page > Apps menu now displays the Target Name and Bundle Identifier. To change the column display or hide columns, contact incapptic Connect Support.
Support for VMware Workspace ONE enhancements:
- Seamless app publishing and app status display.
- Verification that an app is fully published before allowing the app to be retired.
- More robust information in log files (problem analysis, API call failures).

Google Play new features
Support for Google Play store target API level 31+: This release updates support for Google Play apps during binary upload for binaries that target API level 31 or higher.

incapptic Connect general new features
Publishing Approved email displays more information: The Publishing Approved email now displays the app's target type and associated targets.
New Auto Publish option for public apps: You can now view the status of the Auto Publish option for public apps, and enable or disable the option.
Rebranding: The following product rebranding occurred in this release:
"MI/MobileIron Core" was rebranded to "Ivanti EPMM"
"MI/MobileIron Cloud" was rebranded to "Ivanti Neurons for MDM"
Template support for including the email subject in the email message body: Added an email subject field to email templates. You can use this to include subject text in the in the email template's body text.
Synchronized values in Category field for Microsoft Intune apps: The new Category field contains app values that are synchronized daily, in one direction, from Microsoft Intune to Ivanti incapptic Connect. In addition to synchronization, value changes can also be triggered on demand.
App's Environment data field is now editable: You can now edit your app's Environment base data field to choose either Production or Test if you have CAN_EDIT_BASE_APP_DATA permission.
Improved Microsoft Intune version check: The new version check now matches the CoreShort version check (version number must be higher than the previously uploaded version and must include a maximum of four (4) semantic sections; build number is ignored).
Apple Team new features
New "Release comments" field: The new internal "Release comments" field allows you to enter information to help customers fill in the App Store Connect forms. This information persists from version to version.
New unlisted apps option for the App Store: The new unlisted apps option allows you to add unlisted apps in the distribution channel selector for the App Store. If you choose this option, you must fill out a corresponding form, which is editable in draft form.
Google Play new features
incapptic Connect supported country list updated: The new supported country list now matches the Google Play list, and the listed countries are now capitalized.

incapptic Connect general new features
Binary apps limited to four version numbers: In previous versions, during binary app processing, incapptic Connect accepted apps with more than four version elements. With this version, incapptic Connect rejects any binary app that has more than four version elements, for example: However, version number checking is not required and can be deactivated in the Advanced Settings for each app.
Support for muting email notifications: In previous versions, system email notifications could not be muted. In the current version, you can check the Mute Notifications check box in your profile page to turn on the Mute feature.
User information report available from the Overview page: You can now download a report containing the following user information: First Name, Last Name, Email, Customer User ID (SSO user ID), User status (Active, Blocked, Invited), Assigned Roles (can have multiple values; handle in a similar manner to the field App Owners in the extended app report), Password Expiration Date, and API Token Date. Scoped roles can be set to "all", where only one line is displayed.
Apple Team new features
No new Apple Team features for this release.
Google Play new features
No new Google Play features for this release.

incapptic Connect general new features
Improved version number check for target Core apps: For apps with a target Core, app binaries now must have a higher version number to be accepted for upload. Note that, theoretically, apps with lower version numbers could be uploaded to the Core, but, for the same label group, the app would not get updated on the devices. As many incapptic Connect users were not aware of that fact, the missing version number check caused confusion. To allow the upload of app binaries with lower version numbers, fully deactivate the version number check in the app's Advanced Settings.
Meaningful page names now show in browser: Previously, all pages had the same name when viewed in a browser. With this release, pages have more descriptive names, for example: name and version number, or Credential Vault.
App Owner approval now part of the Extended App Report: Setting information for App Owner approval was added to the extended app report.
User information report available from the Overview page: You can now download a report containing the following user information: First Name, Last Name, Email, Customer User ID (SSO user ID), User status (Active, Blocked Invited), Assigned Roles (can have multiple values; handle in a similar manner to the field App Owners in the extended app report), Password Expiration Date, and API Token Date. Scoped roles can be set to "all", where only one line is displayed.
Support for resetting out-of-sync test user management labels:: You can now reset test user management labels that are out-of-sync with incapptic Connect.
Apple Team new features
Support for new App Store SDK requirements: Starting April 25, 2022, all iOS apps submitted to the Apple App Store must be built with the iOS 15 or later SDK release, which requires the use of Apple developer environment Xcode 13 or later. Binary files uploaded to App Store Connect are checked for compliance, and will generate an error if the app does not meet these requirements.
New "Ready for Review" status in App Store Connect: Apple recently introduced the "Ready for Review" status in Apple App Store Connect. This status now also displays in incapptic Connect on the App Version level.
Support for new Apple app version number requirements: Recently, Apple changed the requirements for app version numbers (CFBundleShortVersionString) for the target App Store Connect. It now must be a period-separated list of at most three non-negative integers, for example, 1.2.3. After the binary upload, incapptic Connect now checks for compliance with the version number requirements, and rejects app binaries that do not comply. An error message explains the reasons for the rejection.
Improved handling of Apple Team sessions: incapptic Connect has changed the way Apple Team sessions are handled. Previously, sessions could be renewed without entering two-factor authentication. With the 1.41.0 release, incapptic renews your Apple Team session automatically (if possible), so sessions last longer. You may also receive a two-factor authentication PIN from your phone to authenticate the session. You can still request a new PIN at any time by pressing Renew Session within incapptic Connect.
Google Play new features
App data safety information: Google announced recently that developers who deploy applications to Google Play must provide app privacy and security information to their users to help users understand how the app collects and shares user data before they decide to download the app. Although Google provides their own app data safety form, incapptic Connect requires you to use an incapptic Connect form instead. You must fill out this form and upload the app data for each of your apps, starting with apps created with incapptic Connect 1.41. After you fill out and submit the incapptic Connect form, it will be downloaded as a CSV file and then uploaded to the Google Play console for you. Starting July 20, 2022, only apps that have had their data safety form updated at Google Play in this manner can be published automatically from incapptic Connect.
For more information on the Google Play safety form see:

MobileIron Cloud new features
MobileIron Cloud app metadata now auto-populates to latest version: In this release, app metadata from the previous version is now copied over to new versions. No more need to enter them for each new version. Instead, you can just update them.
Apple App Store Connect new features
App Store Connect Content Rating section updates: In this release, incapptic Connect supports the latest version of the App Store Connect Content Rating section, which includes the ability to block "Contests" separately from "Gambling."
App for Kids information now shared with App Store Connect: Before an app is published to App Store Connect, incapptic Connect asks a series of questions, including whether or not the app is appropriate for children, and the appropriate age ranges. Previously, the "Made for Kids" metadata was not transferred to the App Store. With this release, Apps for children will include all the necessary information, including the appropriate age range for the app.
Google Play new features
"Target API Level" now visible in the Binary Meta Data tab: Every app that is deployed to Google Play is checked to see if it meets the target API level it requires. In this release, the "Target API Level" now displays in the Binary Meta Data tab, just after Minimum API level. For versions that predate 1.40, no value will display.
"AAB files only" option now supported: Google Play requires that all new apps be in Android App bundle (AAB) format, although Android application package (APK) format is still allowed for older apps. You now have the option of restricting your uploads to AAB files only, when you want to prevent the uploading of older APK files.
Microsoft Intune new features
Scope tags for Microsoft Intune: incapptic Connect now supports the use of scope tags for Microsoft Intune. A scope tag assigns an Intune configuration (device configuration, compliance policy, mobile app or managed device) to one or more specific management scope(s). Scoped tags can be assigned to Intune apps after the first version is published.

incapptic Connect general new features
The following general features and enhancements are available in this release:
New log entries for users unassigned to a scoped role: When a user assignment of a scoped role (such as Developer or App Owner) is removed, this event now generates log entries in the Ivanti incapptic Connect App logs and Global logs.
Credential Vault configuration options now together on the page: Previously, you needed to go to the incapptic Connect Certificates page to unlock the Credential Vault and change the vault password. With this release, you can find all the secure vault-related features together. From the top menu, select Advanced > Credential Vault.
Extended App Report now has separate column for retired apps: Previously, the Extended App report listed detailed information of all apps including retired apps, but there was no way to differentiate between them. With this release, there is a new column in the Extended App Report for Retired Apps. Retired apps have a value of TRUE.
Android new features
The following Android features and enhancements are available in this release:
Validation check for supported Android keystore file type: Previously, a user could import unsupported Android keystore file types, such as PKCS12. With this release, incapptic Connect validates that a supported Android Keystore file (JKS) is being imported, and other formats are rejected.
iOS new features
The following iOS features and enhancements are available in this release:
New iOS 15 Compatibility Report lists which apps must be resigned: With this release, you can generate an iOS 15 compatibility report, listing which of your apps need to be resigned to work with iOS 15. This report is available from the Reports tab.
Apple App Store new features
The following Apple App Store features and enhancements are available in this release:
Attachments can now be uploaded along with apps to the Apple App Store: With this release, it is possible to include attachments—documentation, demo videos, screen captures, and so on—when uploading apps to the Apple App Store. You can attach the following file types to the incapptic Connect Apple App Store target:
Table 2. Supported attachment types Supported Attachments .avi
.zipLimitations include one attachment per app, which should not be more than 200 MB.
Google Play Store new features
The following Google Play Store new features are available in this release:
Support for Google Play Store Target API level 30+: Beginning November 2021, Google is changing the requirements for uploading applications to the Play Store. With this release, incapptic Connect checks for Target API level 30+, which is required for new Google Play Store apps.
Support for Google Play Store "What's New" information requirement: Google Play Store requires App publishers to include What's New text for all releases after the initial app release. With this release, incapptic Connect Google Play Store targets will display the What's New field if it is required, and hide the field if it is not.

Core new features
MobileIron target details renamed: In the Ivanti incapptic Connect > App Details page, the field VSP Version was changed to Core Version, a more accurate description of the information.
Apple App Store new features
Support for updated screen shot requirements: The new Apple App Store screen shot requirements are now supported in addition to the older requirements.
Updated check for minimal iOS SDK version: Apple recently updated the minimum SDK and Xcode requirements for builds submitted to the App Store. We have updated our validation, error messages, and related tests to meet the new requirements.
Two new options for two-factor authentication renewal: Two-factor authentication (2FA) users have new options when renewing 2FA from the App Store:
- Select token delivery type: Select the delivery method.
- Resend token: Select the token resend option.
Google Play Store new features
Tooltips added: New helpful tooltips have been added to the Google Play Store through Ivanti incapptic Connect. The information provides context and hints as to the correct values and accepted ranges.
Microsoft Intune new features
Improved binary upload process: The incapptic Connect binary uploading process to Microsoft Intune has been improved. Behind the scenes, the Intune request process has been modified to increase the flexibility of the process, independent of the state of Microsoft Intune.
Other new features
Fields reordered for Target credentials: The following Target fields were reordered to better reflect their order.
Table 3. Target credential fields Target
New field order
MobileIron Core
MobileIron Cloud1. Host
2. Username
3. Password
Workspace ONE UEM
(formerly VMware Airwatch)1. Host
2. Tenant code
3. Username
4. Password
Provisioning Profile supported entitlements updated: The list of supported iOS entitlement has been updated to the latest list.