Installing Hyper-V ISO

Complete the following steps to install Ivanti EPMM using Hyper-V ISO distribution.


  1. If you have not done so already, create a VM that meets specifications recommended by Ivanti. See Virtual Ivanti EPMM requirements for recommended specifications.

    Verify static and dynamic allocation of RAM. For example, if the suggested RAM is 8 GB as per Ivanti EPMM guidelines, then set the RAM memory to a guaranteed allocation of 8 GB.

  2. Place the ISO distribution in an existing datastore.
  3. In Hyper-V Manager, right-click the name of the VM you created, then click Settings.
  4. To install from an ISO image, select Image File, click Browse.
  5. From the Open dialog box, select the ISO file in the datastore.

  6. Set Hyper-V MAC setting from Dynamic to Static. To change the Hyper-V MAC settings, click on VM settings > Network adapter. For MAC Address, select Static.

    At the very first boot, static MAC address will be shown as all 0 or empty. If you do not know the MAC address, select MAC Address as ‘Dynamic’ to assign on its own. After ISO installation, you can stop the VM and set it to static with the assigned/fetched MAC address.

  7. Click Apply, then OK.
  8. Start the VM.

    The VM automatically installs and reloads after a few minutes, and the installation program starts. See Installing VMware ISO for the next steps.