Installing the Enterprise Connector ISO package

After the VM environment is set up, you can install the Connector ISO package.


  1. Log into the VM Client.
  2. In the directory tree on the left, right-click the device for which you want to install the package.
  3. Select Edit Settings from the drop-down menu.

  4. Select CD/DVD Drive 1.

  5. Click the Datastore ISO File option.
  6. Click Browse and navigate to the directory where the ISO package is kept.
  7. Select the ISO package.
  8. Click Open to return to the VM Properties screen.
  9. Click OK to return to the previous screen.
  10. Right-click the device for which you will install the package.
  11. Select Power, then Reset.
    You are prompted to confirm that you want to proceed
  12. Click Yes to reset the virtual machine.
    The installer checks and formats the file system.
  13. Observe the status messages at the bottom of the screen.
    The VM automatically installs and reboots after a few minutes, after which it displays the configuration screen.
  14. Click the Console tab to specify the type of services you want to install.
  15. Type vm-install.
    The installer performs several minutes of file system formatting and image installation. When this step is finished, the installer starts the configuration wizard.
  16. Continue the installation with the configuration wizard.
    See Installing with the Configuration Wizard for details.