Application Mapping, Paths, Preconditions

vWAF uses several “layers” to determine which ruleset and which rules to apply when analyzing a particular request. This gives you much flexibility and maximum control.

To keep your security configuration simple and easy to maintain, it’s important that you fully understand these layers and how vWAF processes a request.

Customer keys

The enforcers of vWAF run as plug-ins in your web servers. You can configure each enforcer so that it sends a special key along with each request to the decider. The decider, which processes your rulesets, can then use this key to handle requests that came in via different web servers differently.

When using vWAFintegrated in Virtual Traffic Manager, you typically don’t have any other customer keys than the empty “[Default Customer Key]” because typically there is only one cluster and all enforcers (the Traffic Managers) are identical.

If you need to set up your own customer key, you can do so within TrafficScript by setting the “enforcer.location” variable using the following command"enforcer.location“, “my-special-customer-key").

For details on setting up a customer key for mapping requests to a particular application and ruleset, see Editing Application Mapping.


In vWAF, so-called “applications” are a collection of rulesets for a particular purpose. An application typically consists of a detection ruleset, a protection ruleset, and a loaded ruleset. Also the application includes the full history of these rulesets. In addition, there are some application-specific settings that are not stored in the rulesets but for the application as a whole.

Applications in vWAF are not necessarily identical with the web applications that you want to protect. Several of your web applications may be handled by the same application in vWAF. But there may also be several applications in vWAF that handle distinct parts of a single web application.

In the navigation area of vWAF, the set up applications appear in alphabetic order.

For more information on applications, see Editing Applications.


Hosts in vWAF are your network or Internet hosts, such as,,, localhost,, and so on.

Hosts such as,, or are different hosts in vWAF and all need to be entered separately.

For details on specifying your hosts in vWAF, see Editing Application Mapping.


Prefixes are typically defined when you have different web applications on the same host, such as and You can then set up different prefixes in vWAF, such as /shop and /blog.

In Application Mapping, you can map these prefixes to different applications. The result is that vWAF applies other rulesets to what’s below /shop than to what’s below /blog.

If you don’t need distinctions like this, you can simply ignore the prefix settings. By default, vWAF then uses an “[Empty Prefix]”, which matches everything. In the example, vWAF would then simply apply the same rulesets to everything below

For information on setting up prefixes, see Editing Application Mapping.

Application Mapping

Application mapping maps your applications, and thus your rulesets and settings, to customer keys, hosts, and prefixes. When the decider receives a request via the enforcer, the application mapping determines which application matches this request’s customer key, host, and prefix. The decider then uses this application’s active protection ruleset and/or detection ruleset for processing the request.

In the administration interface, application mapping settings look like this:

If, for example, a request to in, application webshop matches. vWAF then uses the rulesets of application webshop for processing the request.

For details on setting up application mapping, see Editing Application Mapping.

Paths and preconditions

Application mapping determines which application and thus which rulesets vWAF uses for processing a particular request. Paths provide one more level of distinction.

Unlike application mapping, paths have nothing to do with the process of deciding which ruleset to apply, but provide a distinction within a ruleset.

When analyzing a request, it depends on your definitions of prefixes, which part of the URL is tested against the configured application paths. The considered path is the remainder after a matching prefix. For example, imagine a request to

  • If your application mapping defines a prefix /what, then /ever is compared to your path definitions
  • If your application mapping doesn’t define any prefix /what, then /what/ever is compared to your path definitions

Other than a prefix, a path is specified by a regular expression. This means that one path can match multiple directories, directory trees, and pages.

The default path specification is .*, which means “everything”. For details on the syntax of supported regular expressions, see Regular Expressions.

In the user interface, paths are defined as part of the ruleset of an application.

When you hover the mouse over an entry in the Path column, a small popup window appears. Here you can see the full URL consisting of prefix plus path.

You can add handlers to the path. Other than handlers added directly to the application, handlers added to a path are only executed if this particular path is part of a request. This enables you to refine your rulesets for specific parts, pages, or file types of your web application.

Paths are processed from top to bottom. You can change the order within the administration user interface.

Another feature of paths is the ability to make the execution of handlers depend on certain preconditions. For each path you can define one or more of such preconditions. Only when all preconditions defined for a path are met at the same time, vWAF implements the handlers defined for the path.

Paths and preconditions enable you to set up very advanced configurations.

For example, if you’re using preconditions, you can create a duplicate of a paths and only define preconditions for one of the two instances of the path. This means that you can handle the path in a different way, depending on whether or not the preconditions are met.

If you actually don’t want to differentiate between different paths but want to use preconditions for some of your universal handlers, you can use the default “catch-all” path.* and add these handlers and preconditions there.

For details, see Editing Paths and Editing Preconditions.

How it all works together

The following example illustrates the scenarios that are possible when combining the configuration layers of customer keys, applications, hosts, prefixes, and paths.

In reality, configurations may be much more complex—or much simpler. Using customer keys, prefixes, and paths is optional. If you don’t specify customer keys, vWAF handles all requests as if they were using the same empty customer key, shown as “[Default Customer Key]” in the user interface. If you don’t specify prefixes, vWAF uses an empty prefix, which matches any URL. If you don’t specify paths, this doesn’t affect which application is used, but you simply can’t add any path-specific preconditions.

Imagine you’re a provider who operates web shops, online communities and corporate web sites. Here’s the setup for two of your clients:

Customer Key Application Hosts Prefixes Paths



[Empty Prefix]



[Empty Prefix]




[Empty Prefix]




[Empty Prefix]



[Empty Prefix]







/secret/.* /topsecret/.* . *



[Empty Prefix]


vWAF processes all application mappings and paths from top to bottom. (You can change the order via the administration user interface.)

Based on this configuration, vWAF would act as follows:

  • A request to sending the customer key luckycorp would be processed by the rulesets for the application shop-lucky.
  • A request to sending the customer key happycorp would be processed by the rulesets for the application shop-happy.
  • Requests to and to would always be processed by the rulesets for the application community. (Note that this application is mapped to both customer keys.)
  • Requests to would be processed by the rulesets for the application special01. For example, this could be a request to index.html or a request to somepage.php.

    The same applies if is used instead of

    Requests to would be processed by the rulesets for the application special01. For example, this could be a request to index.html or a request to somepage.php.

  • Requests to would be processed by the rulesets for the application special02. For example, this could be a request to internal/index.html or a request to, but also to or to

    Note that the settings for paths don’t affect which application and thus which rulesets are used. Actually the path definitions as given in the table are part of the rulesets of the application special02. You can use the paths to add additional preconditions and additional handlers that are applied only if one of the matching URLs is used. For example, this way you could add some extra rules that are used on a request to or some other extra rules used on a request to Anything else is covered by the path .*, which is the regular expression for “everything”. As this path stands below the other two paths in the list, it’s only applied if none of the other two paths matches.

  • All other requests, no matter to which host and URL, would be processed by the rulesets for the application catch-all. For example, requests to or to would be processed this way.

  • Also a request to would be mapped to the catch-all application. (Note that and are not the same host and that isn’t mapped to any other application.)

The application catch-all stands below the other applications so that it’s only used when no other mapping matches. If it stood on top, it would always match and the other mappings would actually never be used.

Mappings of deleted applications

When deleting an application in application control, there might still be mappings defined for this application. In this case, when deleting the application you’re asked whether you want to keep the mapping. If you keep the mapping of a deleted application, the mapping is listed with the application name “[Deleted Application]” in Application Mapping. Mappings like this are still used in request processing! As there’s no corresponding application and thus no corresponding ruleset, requests that match this mapping always result in a no configuration found entry in the log files and are denied.

You can still export the settings of a mapping with a deleted application and later import them for another mapping.