Default Error Log Entries Per Minute Event Source


Triggers an alert when vWAF writes more entries to the Default Error Log within the given timeframe than the limit allows.

Depending on the selected timeframe, a new event is triggered for each new time interval. For example, when the chosen timeframe is “1 Minute” and for a period of 20 minutes each minute there are more new entries to the Default Error Log than the limit allows, the event source triggers 20 events. For more information, see Default Error Log and Entries in the Default Error Log.

For more information regarding adding and editing Event Sources, see Editing Event Sources.


Attribute Meaning


Considered time interval in minutes to which the limit relates.


Maximum number of entries to the Default Error log that are possible within the given timeframe without vWAF triggering an event.

msg prefix

Here you can enter some text, which is added to the beginning of the issued alerts when the limit is exceeded within the given timeframe.

The default text is "default errorlog entries per timeframe are over the configured limit:".