Event Destinations
Wizards (assistants) help you to carry out the most important configurations step by step. There are some wizards that act on global level, but most wizards act on application level.
Event destinations in combination with event destination groups determine the channels via which vWAF notifies you when one of the conditions defined for the Event Sources becomes true. You can configure any number of event destinations within one event destination group.
For general information on setting up alerts, see Configuring Alerts. For information on how to add, configure and remove an event destination, see Editing Event Destinations.
The following event destinations can be selected both on application level and globally:
Writes alerts to a special, configurable log file.
In case of an alert, sends an email to a configurable list of recipients.
In case of an alert, sends an HTTP POST request to a configurable list of URIs.
In case of an alert, sends an SNMP trap to a management station.
In case of an alert, sends a notification to a syslog server.
The following event destinations are available for application-specific alerts only:
Blacklist IP Event Destination
Triggers an IP blacklisting event on global level (Global Blacklist IP Event Source). For details on the process, see Global IP Blacklisting.
The following event destinations are available for global alerts only:
Global Blacklist IP Event Destination
Adds an IP address or a range of IP addresses to the global IP blacklist. For details on the process, see Global IP Blacklisting.