As a Tenant Admin, you can configure Ivanti Neurons for Zero
Trust Access (nZTA) to support the Gateways, users,
devices, policies and resources that are required for your
organization’s nZTA implementation.
To log into the Controller, you require a Tenant Admin
All Tenant Admin accounts are set up by the Ivanti DevOps
team. Once your Tenant Admin account has been created, you will receive
an email which describes how to log into the Controller as a
Tenant Admin.
If nZTA requests it, specify a new password for your
Once this procedure is complete, you access the nZTA
graphical interface as an admin user.
The graphical user elements that appear depend on your configured
When you log in for the first time, and until nZTA is
minimally configured, a Welcome dialog appears, which
leads to the Secure Access Setup (Onboarding) wizard.
See Working with the Onboarding Wizard.
To reset a forgotten password, click FORGOT
PASSWORD. This link presents a credentials form through which
you enter a Username and Email address. If the entered credentials match a
registered administrator account, nZTA emails a password reset
link to the entered address allowing the recipient to create a new
Working with the Onboarding
When you log in for the first time, and until nZTA is a
configured system, a Welcome dialog appears. To
proceed, select Configure Now.
The first step enables you to configure a custom domain for this
Onboarding Wizard - configuring a custom domain
The current domain (in both TLS and mTLS form) is displayed, along
with the option to configure a custom domain. To skip this step and
continue using the default domain, select Skip.
To configure a custom domain, select Create Custom
Domain to start the Create Custom Domain workflow. For
more details on this workflow, see Specifying a Custom Domain.
After you have configured a custom domain, or if you chose to skip
ahead, the Secure Access Setup (Onboarding) wizard
The Secure Access Setup (Onboarding) Wizard
This wizard enables you to configure the required elements of
nZTA using a number of pages and workflows:
Add User Authentication Policy. This displays
the User Policies page.
Local authentication policies are present by default, which can be
used immediately.
If you choose to use the default local authentication policies, you
can proceed directly to the Add Gateway step.
If you choose to create your own local authentication policies, or to
immediately implement SAML authentication, these must be performed
separately from the Onboarding wizard, see Working with User Authentication.
Add Gateway. This displays the Gateway Network
Configuration workflow, see Working with Gateways.
As you complete each steps, the Setup Status
indicates the percentage of Tasks that are
After all tasks are complete, click Go to
You can also start the Onboarding wizard from the Secure
Access > Onboarding menu option.
Viewing the nZTA
Network Overview
After you log in to the Tenant Admin Portal following successful
completion of the Onboarding Wizard, nZTA displays the
Network Overview page. This page provides an overview of user and service
activity across your enterprise.
The Network Overview Page
To return to this page any time, click the Insights
menu icon in the nZTA menu and select
Overview. Alternatively, click the banner at the
From this page, you can view and configure all functions and
capabilities allowed through your subscription and role. Using the
nZTA menu at the left-hand side, choose from:
The Show/Hide menu icon, providing the ability
to show or collapse the nZTA menu tree:
Showing or hiding the nZTA menu
The Insights menu icon, providing access to the
analytics and monitoring components of the nZTA portal:
The Secure Access menu icon, providing access to
configure the individual components that comprise your Secure Access
Accessing the Secure Access
The Administration menu icon, providing access
to administrative functions related to your nZTA
Accessing the Administration menu
The chapters in this guide cover each of these functions in
Changing the UI Theme
nZTA offers two themes for your UI display:
Light theme:
The Network Overview Page - light
Dark theme:
The Network Overview Page - dark theme
To change the current theme, which remains in place through
subsequent logins, use the Settings menu:
Changing the UI theme
Through the Color Scheme panel (indicated), click
Light or Dark to switch between
Setting the Timezone
To configure the default timezone for this admin login account, use
the Settings menu:
Configuring the default timezone
Choose a timezone in the provided drop-down selector, then click
The configured timezone affects the display of data on all
Insights pages, and each admin login account within a
tenant deployment has their own specific timezone configuration. Changes
to the timezone persist across login sessions, and the default setting
is UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
The current timezone can be observed through the date-time selector
at the top of each Insights page.
Changing the timezone can affect the data displayed in each chart or
graph. For example, a recently-observed non-compliance event involving a
client device in the GMT timezone that appears in the Last Hour
view (when using GMT (UTC + 00:00) as your configured timezone) might
then only appear in the Last X Hours view when you switch your
timezone to IST (UTC+05:30).
Configuring Session Timeouts
To configure timeout values for admin and user sessions, use the
Settings menu:
Configuring timeout values for admin and user sessions
Through the Session Settings panel (indicated), you
can set the following timeout values:
Admin Idle Timeout: the time, in minutes, after
which the admin login session to the Tenant Admin Portal times out due
to inactivity. (default: 10)
Admin Max Session Length: the time, in minutes,
after which the admin login session to the Tenant Admin Portal ends and
must be re-authenticated. (default: 60)
User Idle Timeout: the time, in minutes, after
which the user login session to nZTA times out due to
inactivity. (default: 60)
User Max Session Length: the time, in minutes,
after which the login session to nZTA ends and must be
re-authenticated. (default: 720)
To apply your changes, click APPLY.
To use these settings, your configured nZTA Gateways must all
meet minimum version requirements for session control. nZTA
disables the panel and displays a warning message if this is not the
Each page in the Insights menu allows data filtering,
enabling you to observe and monitor only the analytics and log data you
want. Each filter or selection feature includes its own reset to
default value option. To learn more about the Insights
menu and the analytics capabilities of nZTA, see Using the Insights Menu to Monitor User Activity and Service Usage.
Should you want to reset all filters and data selection criteria
across the Tenant Admin Portal in one go, use the
Settings menu:
Resetting all filters and data selection criteria across the Tenant
Admin Portal
Through the Filter Reset panel, you can remove all
filters and data selection criteria immediately, returning each page to
its default view. Each admin user stores filters and selections
separately, so this function affects the current user only.
To activate, enable Set Filters to default, then
select APPLY.
Logging out of the
To log out of the nZTA Tenant Admin Portal and end the
current session, click the Profile icon and select